Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Pt Lonsdale Primary School July, 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE ATTRIBUTES
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Building Automation System Lighting Heating Thermal Chimney Rain Water Harvesting Security System Contents ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE DESIGN ATTRIBUTES
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Building Automation System ENGINEERING SERVICES – TERMINOLOGY: “BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM” Clipsal “CBUS” system $21,000 Over & Above, Lighting Heating controls 7 Year payback period on ENERGY SAVINGS MOTION SENSOR INFRA-RED (with Modulating Output) Lighting 300 LUX at the working plane Heating Natural Gas Units Rinnai with modified Computer Control Chips Window Opening at high level by motorized winders with limit controls Automated Dampening Controls to Thermal Chimney Security Proximity Card readers at primary access points 5NO *Activates various programmes within computer controlled outputs. Computer Motion Sensor Heater Windows Lights Legend Dampners
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Lighting T5 FRI PHOSPHOROUS TUBES (ENERGY EFFICIENT) They come with Electrical Ballast Hence dimmable by INFRARED MOTION SENSOR with modulating output. i.e. 1.Movement Activates – No movement (15 min.) Deactivation 2.In active mode – modulates output to set LUX levels 300 Working Plane 3.Touch Control Override (i.e. Audio Visual Presentation) 4.Time Variable / Ease of change – Preset Key Criteria ESTIMATED COST / SAVINGS 1800 M 2 say 2000M 2 UFA GROSS 500 Lights -400 any time 400 x 60 WATTS (Double Tubes) 24 kw / hr (15 cents an hour) $3.60 / hr Operation 1500 hrs a year $5400 / annum Annual Lighting Bill (Electrical) At 300 LUX – and not running when not needed $2052 per Annum. SAVE BETWEEN 25 – 50 % (38%)
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Heating BUILDING AUTOMATIONS SYSTEM 1.Computer allows heater to function 2.Requires MANUAL activation but only allows within pre-set time limits 3.Will run for selected time:.5 hr 1.0 hr 1.5 hr 2.0 hr 4.No MOVEMENT within room (15 min.) computer will shut off heater 4.System will self modulate to internal preset thermostat, set 21DEGREES +-0.5DEGREES $1000 PER ANNUM. (conservative) Natural gas is cheap Increments Computer Motion Sensor Heater Tempreture (DEGREES) Legend
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Thermal Chimney NIGHTIME PURGING 1.T1 / T2 Differential Thermostats (Inside / Outside) Ambient Temperature Comparisons IF: exceeds 21 DEGREES + tolerance Opens DAMPNERS to thermal chimney Open WINDOWS – if Rain Gauge indicates rain, windows automatically close, and rely on greater time. Will NOT allow heater, To engage self modulating thermostats Computer Thermostat Legend Dampners Rain Gauge Heater Windows 1.12:00 Midnight to 2:00 AM Requires natural air / Pressure to cause movement DAYTIME CONTROL
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers RAIN WATER HARVESTING $15,000 INVESTMENT WATER EFFICIENCY DIVICES Tap Timers EQUATION 15 LITRES / PER DAY / PER PERSON 2 Drinking 2 Washing 12 Flushing LITRES x 250 STUDENTS LITRES (say 3500) Multiply 200 days per year ,000 LITRES / YEAR
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers RAIN WATER HARVESTING $15,000 INVESTMENT EQUATION 25 YEAR RAINFALL – AVG. 600 mm / PER YEAR TANK SIZE – 2.4 H x 3.0 D 15 LITRES x 2 = 40,000 LITRES 30, ,000 30, Times. (Hence, needs to rain every fortnight) m2 Floor Area Available 1000m2 Collection Area (Roof) X 600 mm 0.6 / m2 --- $ cents per 1000 LITRES $ cents per 1000 LITRES 1 st of July $1.98 (Say $2.00) ,000 1 year --- $480 / Year (Say $500 Year) INVESTMENT $15, YEAR PAYBACK
Bradbury Dicker Group Architects Project Managers Interior Designers Landscape Designers Access Control 1.5 PRIMARY door sites – CBUS interface, plus Master Key Action Plan – Environmental Sustainable Design 1.Schools Responsibility - Make a commitment to this system, to achieve the ideal ECOLOGICAL sustainable outcomes. Make sure processors are put into place, so as the school community play vital role in achieving ECOLOGICAL results. Upon occupancy a management training process will be required, to inform and educate the users of the buildingxs ESD attributes, this shall empower the users to take ownership and future management responsibilities. 2.Close windows / Lock Doors, generally 3.recyclable opportunities 4.Waste management 5.Air pollution 6.More effective use of energy resources ORIENTATION 1.South Facing Light and appropriate shading provided by overhangs and verandahs 2.Material Selection / Thermal Mass / Low embodied energy 7.Alternative forms of energy 8.Use high quality natural materials, minimise chemically treated and or synthetic materials. 9.Insulation (Thermal and Acoustically)