Changing Our Lives to Save the Future Energy consumption and cutting down our carbon emissions
"Our wasteful energy habits are damaging the environment and costing us a total of £2 billion a year. By turning down the thermostat, using energy saving light bulbs and not leaving appliances on standby we can all help to save the environment and cut our energy bills. I urge everybody to make at least one commitment to energy saving today.“ (Sir Menzies Campbell)
Today, I want to tell the British people some uncomfortable truths. There is a price for progress in tackling climate change. Yes of course low-energy lightbulbs, hybrid cars - even a windmill on your roof...can make a difference and also save money. But these things are not enough. Government must show leadership by setting the right framework. Binding targets for carbon reduction, year on year. That would create a price for carbon in our economy. What does that mean? It means that things which produce more carbon will get more expensive. Going green is not some fashionable, pain-free option. It will place a responsibility on business. It will place a responsibility on all of us. That is the point. Tackling climate change is our social responsibility - to the next generation. David Cameron, Conservative Party Leader, October 2006
The Facts Britons waste the equivalent of 2 power stations worth of electricity each year. By making a few simple changes we can save around 20% of the total energy we use. WE NEED TO ACT NOW IN ORDER TO SAVE THE FUTURE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION
What causes Carbon Emissions? Heating Heating water Lighting and electrical equipment Waste Transport
So What can we do? Heating Insulate the roof and install double glazing. Turn down the thermostat Get your heating system serviced regularly Electrical equipment Turn off all appliances properly and do not leave them on standby.
Lighting Check light fittings are clean Replace light bulbs with energy saving ones. Waste Re- use and recycle Try to buy less packaged goods Transport Efficient driving Walking short journeys Alternative fuels
What Will These Changes Do? What to doWhat will it save? Turn down thermostat by 1 degrees Celsius 4% energy 294kg CO² Only boil as much water in kettle as needed 0.2% energy 22 kg CO² Turn appliances off standby1.1% energy 155 kg CO² Install cavity wall insulation14.1% energy 1036 kg CO² Top up loft insulation to 270mm 6.3% energy 462 kg CO²
UK’s recycling trends
…UK’S CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS… The graph below indicates a seemingly constant increase in carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, though particularly in recent years this seems to have fallen, perhaps due to a decrease in the overall use of coal (and gas from coal)
… THE RESULTS OF OUR ACTIONS… Each household produces approximately six tonnes of carbon dioxide a year……… …… enough to fill six balloons 10m wide in diameter
…BECOME MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT… Save up to £300 per year on household bills… …and… …reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by up to two tonnes
… INFLUENCING CLIMATE CHANGE… Boiling too much water- 22kg Appliances left on standby- 155kg Making short and unnecessary car journeys By not having draft- proofing in homes Not turning off lights when we leave a room Leaving taps dripping By only half filling dishwashers, tumble dryers and washing machines
…THE MAIN OFFENDERS… Boilers account for around 60 per cent of all domestic CO2 emissions… …though… …high efficiency condensing boilers convert more than 88% of their fuel into heat, compared to 78% for conventional types
…..ON THE ROAD… ONE QUARTER of the UK's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are caused by road transport Carbon dioxide contributes to poor air quality… killing 32,000 people per year prematurely The smaller the car the more money you will save as well as causing less pollution Refueling stations for Liquid petroleum gas (LPG), Natural Gas, Biodiesel or electricity now exist, which are less polluting than petrol and diesel for example Avoid high speeds…driving 85mph rather than 70mph uses around 25% more fuel