Jason Ruff Asst. Director of Inspections Shane Dotson Energy Conservation Technician Jerry Stensland Recreational Cultural and Heritage Planner
Federal Energy Funding approx – $4.7 Billion Dollars North Carolina received approx - $76 Million Dollars
The Need for Energy Reduction Facing an 8.23 % overall budget reduction for fiscal year ($5,121,513) County expenditure of $498,000 in for utilities Electricity Gas – Propane & Natural Water/Sewer
Utility Expense Breakdown 2008
The Birth of the County Energy Program State Energy Office – Funding available Offered 2 Building Audits from an outside consultant (Waste Reduction Partners) Offered Training to a county employee to conduct further audits. Created the position of Energy Conservation Technician Building Inspector’s background best suited the position Given the economic slowdown, the timing fit well into Shane’s position reclassification.
Projected savings from Program 8-10% overall conservative estimate would account for these approximate utility savings Electricity savings est % ($31,781 - $38,137) Water/ Sewer savings est. 1-2% ($585 - $1170) Gas savings est. 6-8% ($7,288 - $9717) Total estimated savings of 8-10% ($39,654 - $49,024)
Awareness and Training The program will require Behavior Modifications and Policy Implementations in all departments Improved Communication between Departments State Energy Office – over 150 individual audits statewide, communication breakdown was #1 problem. 2 Elements critical to the success of the program are: Communication Cooperation Staff Training
Shane Dotson
Overview of Program Startup Program Starts July 1 st Initial Audits of all County owned buildings. Data collection – Utility usage Introductory meeting for all Dept. Heads Individual meetings with Dept. Heads or “Energy Teams” in each building.
Building Audits Areas under review during an audit. Temperature settings on thermostats Lighting issues Water/sewer usage and problems Weatherization issues Number of computers and related equipment Non-essential electric appliances
Heating and Cooling Issues Temperature Settings (Recommended by Duke Energy) When cooling – set at or above 74° When heating – set at or below 68° Programmable Thermostats Work to eliminate all window A/C units Work with maintenance on efficiency problems
Cubicle Kitchen Thermostat above both coffee pot and toaster oven
Lighting Issues When a room will be unoccupied for 15 minutes or more, shut out the light. Ensure that all lights are out at closing. Considering occupancy sensors Exploring re-lamping/ de-lamping Use CFL’s
Water / Sewer Issues Update fixtures for low flow types. Consider imposing usage limits on high use areas. Proposed low use washing machines. Reduce water heater settings to 105° for hand washing For each 10° degree reduction – savings of 3-5% of water heater energy consumption. Repair leaks and drips. Ex. – 1 drop of hot water every 5 seconds costs annually: 400 Gal. water 85 kwh of electricity
Weatherization Keep windows and doors closed when heating or cooling a building Weather-strip all doors and windows Update insulation Repair broken and missing ceiling tiles Utilize blinds Consider tint on doors and windows
Computers Computers account for the third largest energy consumption in offices. Coordinate with IT to reorganize updates and virus scan timing to allow for shutdowns. Evaluate # of units (computers, printers, copiers…etc)
Non-essential Appliances Unplug rarely used appliances until needed: Desktop adding machines Paper shredders Printers /Copiers Cell phone chargers Non-essential personal items not allowed: Electric space heaters watt space heater-used 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week Approx. $35 per month Candle warmers, fans, digital photo displays, personal coffee pots, personal refrigerators, plug-in air fresheners…etc
Non-essential Appliances Mini Refrigerators cost between $80 and $150 dollars a year to operate
Non-Essential Appliances Space Heaters cost between $150 and $250 dollars a year to operate per heater
Utility Usage per Building Compile data consisting of past utility histories for each building. Create spreadsheet for past/future data comparisons to monitor conservation progress. Will provide quarterly utility use reports to each department or Energy Team. Will include past data, utility breakdown, and weather report for comparison. Ex.- Building Inspections and Planning (electric) May’09 – saved approx 25% over May’07 and May’08
Building Inspection and Planning Savings Example Changed Lighting habits Changed Thermostat settings Note: Avg. daily temps for each month were comparable May 2007May 2008May 2009 kwh used Avg. cost per day $10.39$10.04$7.92 Amount due $311.18$300.86$236.48
Building Inspection and Planning Savings Example June 2007June 2008June 2009 kwh used Avg. cost per day $12.98$13.38$9.55 Amount due $ $324.48
Energy Teams Individual Department Head meetings Develop individual strategies to achieve these goals in each building. All buildings shall designate a staff person or Energy Team to educate, facilitate meetings, and verify that these policies are being strictly adhered to. These teams should be chosen and active before August 1 st. Once the team is established and active, each team shall have scheduled an initial meeting with the Energy Conservation Technician by August 15 th.
Overview of Policies July 1 st Removal of all non-essential appliances. Unplug all rarely used appliances. Set thermostats to specified temperatures. Implement lighting shutoff practices. Contact Energy Conservation Technician for guidance.
Monitoring and Follow-up Energy Conservation Technician will be conducting follow-up visits to facilities. During business hours After hours / weekends Audit reports to be forwarded to Directors and Energy Teams for tracking purposes.
Jerry Stensland
Strategic Energy Plan Building retrofits for energy efficiency Renewable energy technologies Waste reduction/Material Conservation Transportation fleet management Landfill methane Construction standards for future county buildings Partnerships Public education/outreach
Grant Opportunities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant ($20 mil. statewide) Strategic energy plan development/technical assistance Building retrofits Renewable technology use Methane State Energy Program ($76 mil. statewide) Revolving loan fund Government energy efficiency Promoting commercial & residential energy efficiency
Partnerships Isothermal Community College Rutherford County Schools SWEEP Waste Reduction Partners Foothills Connect Municipalities State Energy Office