Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) Instrument Preliminary Peer Review Thermal W. Tolson
Outline MIGHTI Overview Thermal Requirements Design Approach – Overall Level 4 – Direct Level 5 Derived Temperature Limits Design Approach – Overall Thermal Design Heat Pipe / Radiator Assembly TEC to Heat Pipe Interface Camera Housing Optical Bench Interferometer Aft Optics Baffle Camera Electronics Calibration Lamp Mechanisms Thermal Control Hardware Thermal Model Geometric Configuration Giver-Receiver Information Exchange Assumptions Thermal Analysis Results Summary TEC Dissipation Transient Results Trade Studies Testing Plan Forward
MIGHTI Overview (1 of 3) ICON MIGHTI is a key instrument on the NASA Class C Ionospheric CONnection Explorer (ICON) Mission headed by the Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) at UC Berkeley (Dr. Immel, PI) MIGHTI is a limb imager with two orthogonal fields of view measuring velocity and direction of the thermospheric wind using the atomic Oxygen red and green lines (630.0 nm & 557.7 nm) and the temperature using the molecular Oxygen atmospheric (A) band (762 nm). ICON Spacecraft Bus Developed by Orbital MIGHTI is based off the heritage designs of the SHIMMER instruments successfully flown on STS-112 (2002) And STPsat-1 (2007) 630.0nm 557.7nm 762.0nm MIGHTI Behind (B) MIGHTI Ahead (A)
MIGHTI Overview (2 of 3) Camera Electronics box with an integral radiator Calibration Lamp – Light source for calibration optics on both MIGHTIs Two identical MIGHTI instruments, located at 90°±5° 575km Circular Low Earth Orbit TBD Launch Vehicle – Pegasus Class (Mass Limitations) Accelerated Schedule: MIGHTI PDR = 4/22/14 MIGHTI CDR = 11/25/14 (Tentative) MIGHTI PER = 7/9/15 (Tentative) MIGHTI Instrument Delivery to U.C. Berkeley for Integration with Other Payloads = 11/23/15
MIGHTI Overview (3 of 3) – Instrument Layout One Shot Door Radiator Baffle Assembly Heat Pipe Stepper Motor Control Calibration Optics Entrance Pupil & Shutter Housing Optical Bench Transfer Optics Enclosure Optics Enclosure Camera/Heat Pipe Interface Instrument Flexures (2) near side (2) far side Camera
Thermal Requirements: Level 4 – Direct (1 of 3) Number Requirement M-4-1 The MIGHTI instrument shall be designed to operate on orbit for a minimum of 25 months. M-4-2 The MIGHTI instrument shall not have any consumables other than component lifetime. M-4-3 The MIGHTI instrument shall be designed for a near-circular orbit with a targeted altitude of 575 km at beginning of life (BOL). M-4-4 The MIGHTI instrument shall be designed for an orbit with a targeted BOL inclination of 27 degrees. M-4-5 The MIGHTI instrument shall be designed for an End of Life (EOL) orbit with a minimum altitude of 450 km. M-4-6 The MIGHTI instrument shall be designed to accommodate orbit injection errors: +/- 0.15 inclination error, +/-10 km insertion apse error, +/- 80 km non-insertion apse error (all errors are 3 sigma) without impact to top level requirements. M-4-7 The MIGHTI post-launch checkout shall take less than 20 days, assuming a nominal ground contact schedule (5 passes/day). M-4-28 The monochromatic interferogram fringe contrast, including the contrast reduction resulting from the detector sampling (pixel width) shall be greater than or equal to 76% - 71.25% across the optical path difference interval, decreasing for increasing optical path.
Thermal Requirements: Level 4 – Direct (2 of 3) Number Requirement M-4-131 The MIGHTI instrument shall be capable of meeting all operational requirements over > 90% of primary mission lifetime. This includes science measurements and calibration measurements. M-4-132 The MIGHTI instrument shall withstand the Sun within the FOV not to exceed TBD minutes without serious degradation. (based on transit of the sun across the field of view at an angular rate determined by the orbital altitude) M-4-133 The MIGHTI instrument shall be designed to maintain Allowable Flight Temperatures (AFTs) in survival mode for (TBD) minutes when the payload is pointed anywhere in the celestial sphere at any time during the mission. M-4-134 The MIGHTI instrument shall have access to all radiators (hardware and FOV) required to keep instruments within their Allowable Flight Temperatures (AFTs). The MIGHTI instrument shall accommodate all radiators (hardware and FOV) required to keep the sensor portion of the instrument within its Allowable Flight Temperatures (AFTs). M-4-135 The MIGHTI instrument shall accommodate survival heater and corresponding mechanical thermostats with power provided by the S/C (28 V +/-6 V) to maintain survival temperatures while the payload is off.
Thermal Requirements: Level 4 – Direct (3 of 3) Number Requirement M-4-136 The MIGHTI instrument shall have heater(s), controlled by the ICP via a sensor feedback loop, to maintain the operational temperature range of the two interferometer enclosures to 25°C 0.1°C. M-4-137 The MIGHTI instrument shall have heater(s), controlled by the ICP via a sensor feedback loop, and corresponding radiative surfaces to maintain the operational temperature range of the two optical benches to 20°C 2°C. M-4-138 The MIGHTI instrument shall have thermo electric coolers, controlled by the ICP via a sensor feedback loop, and corresponding radiative surfaces to maintain the operational temperature of the two CCDs to -45°C [+0°C, -15°C]. M-4-139 The MIGHTI instrument shall accommodate four temperature sensors read by the S/C bus system. One on each CCD camera head and one on each optical bench. [TBD: sensors on cal lamps and camera electronics]
Thermal Requirements: Level 5 – Derived (1 of 2) Number Requirement M-5-1 Thermal analysis shall include winter solstice , summer solstice , and equinox seasons. M-5-2 Thermal control surface degradation is to take into account 25 months of orbital exposure M-5-3 All components shall be kept within their operational limits when payload power is applied. M-5-4 The MIGHTI Instrument shall preclude the use of liquid cryogens for cooling. M-5-5 The MIGHTI Instrument shall preclude the use of expendable gases for cooling. M-5-6 Thermal control during survival mode shall rely upon non-commandable means (Mechanical thermostats) M-5-7 All components shall be kept within their survival temperature limits. M-5-8 The interferometer housing shall be controlled to 25°C ± 0.1°C M-5-9 The optical bench shall be controlled to 20°C ± 2°C M-5-11 All components shall be kept within their survival temperature limits at all times.
Thermal Requirements: Level 5 – Derived (2 of 2) Number Requirement M-5-12 MIGHTI shall add SC powered heaters during instrument I&T. M-5-13 MIGHTI shall incorporate means of connecting SC powered heaters to harness during payload I&T. M-5-14 SC powered heaters shall be sized to keep MIGHTI above survival temperature minimum limits. M-5-15 Interferometer oven shall have sufficient temperature monitoring points to allow for precision control. M-5-16 Control system shall have sufficient resolution, amplification, and noise filtering to allow for precision control. M-5-17 Power Supply and Return lines for operating heaters shall be twisted pair. M-5-18 Heaters shall be designed to minimize or negate the magnetic moments when power is supplied.
Thermal Requirements: Temperature Limits
Design Approach– Overall Optical Bench Assembly Thermally isolate from PIP & Baffle Software (ICP) controlled active heater control to maintain temperature stability Radiators sized to maintain active heater control margin (>30%) for all on orbit hot-cold operational conditions (MLI on non-radiating surfaces Radiator, heater, and temperature sensor locations optimized to minimize spatial temperature gradients NOTE: Design pending completion of ongoing analysis Camera CCD Thermally isolated TEC for CCD active thermal control; camera internal design by SDL Fin radiator heat pipe assembly to transport and reject TEC dissipation and associated parasitic loads Electronics Passive radiator design; radiators sized to protect hot case limits (MLI on non-radiating surfaces) Thermostat controlled operational heaters to protect cold limits as required Thermostat controlled heaters to protect survival temperature limits NOTE: survival / safe-mode analysis pending Structure MLI to damp orbital (day-night) temperature excursions
Thermal Design – Heat Pipe / Radiator Assembly Fin Radiator (2) 1/16” thick 6061 Al face-sheets 2.4 PCF Al core A = 2 x 144 in2 Z93 white paint; both sides Thermal isolation at supports (4 places) Titanium flexure supports (2) Heat Pipe Dual bore 0.75” x 0.375” Al extrusion Working fluid ammonia he / hc = 1.5 / 2.5 W/in/oC In plane Exposed length MLI Embedded in radiator core Bonded to radiator face-sheets (2) 3/8” contact (2 sides) along radiator full length
Thermal Design – TEC to Heat Pipe Interface Heat pipe clamp assembly Thermally isolated from bench Thermal design pending TEC hot side interface SDL design need mCp = 119 J/oC See power dissipation table in thermal model assumptions section Heat pipe evaporator flange Acontact = 1.75” x 2.75” thermal gap filler h = 2.5 W/in2/oC Heat pipe clamp / saddle Mass to damp orbital transient temperature swings Beryllium m = 0.073 kg (0.016 lb) Material optimized to minimize absolute mass while maximizing thermal mass (mCp)
Thermal Design – Camera Housing Thermally isolated from bench <0.05 W/oC; verification/margin pending bench detailed analysis 560 mW internal electronics dissipation Housing radiator area Z93 white paint or Ag Teflon tape Partial radiator area on 2 sides shown Required radiator area pending analysis Non-radiator area and cabling MLI MLI light seal at camera / bench interface Thermostat controlled operational / survival heaters as required Partial radiator area 2 sides TEC hot side interface
Thermal Design – Optical Bench Thermally isolated from PIP Machined 6061 Aluminum Internal dissipation negligible Active heater control Up to 3 operational circuits Operational heaters software controlled Operational heaters maintain 20oC +/- 2oC; transient & spatial Heaters designed to maintain continuous active control (hot-cold environment range) Design margin 30% Survival heaters thermostat controlled Heater size/location definitions pending ongoing analysis Z93 white paint structure radiators Radiator design & analysis ongoing Non-radiating surfaces MLI Interior high emissivity Cover (not shown) Passive Diffuse high emissivity interior MLI on outside surfaces Interferometer Oven Camera Bench
Thermal Design – Interferometer Thermally isolated from support structure No internal dissipation Cover Thermally coupled to base plate Active heater control; 3 temperature sensors 2 high resolution; 1 low resolution 1 heater circuit (multiple heaters) Operational heaters maintain 25oC +/- 0.1oC; transient & spatial Operational heaters designed to maintain continuous active control Design margin 30% Heater size/location definitions pending ongoing analysis Outside surface MLI Inside surface diffuse / high e Base Plate Thermally isolated from bench Bottom side facing bench Al tape (low e) Top side facing interferometer diffuse / high e Cover Top Plate Fixed Top Interferometer Contacts Interferometer Base Plate Spring Loaded Bottom Interferometer Contacts Thermal Isolators
Thermal Design – Aft Optics Aft Optics & Shutter Housing Thermally coupled to bench Thermally isolated from baffle Internal dissipation negligible Single temperature sensor Active heater control 1 circuit (design pending analysis) Operational heaters software controlled Operational heaters maintain 20oC +/- 2oC; transient & spatial Heaters designed to maintain continuous active control (hot-cold environment range) Design margin 30% Survival heaters thermostat controlled Survival heater circuit combined with bench Heater size/location definitions pending ongoing analysis Z93 white paint structure radiators Radiator design & analysis ongoing Non-radiating surfaces MLI Interior high emissivity Entrance Pupil & Shutter Housing Stepper Motor Aft Optics Enclosure
Thermal Design – Baffle Baffle Structure Thermally isolated from Aft Optics Thermally isolated from supports Passive thermal control High emissivity interior MLI on outside surfaces
Thermal Design – Camera Electronics CEB radiator 12 W internal electronics dissipation Assumed dissipation at radiator Z93 white paint on front and fin back CEB housing Thermally isolated from PIP Model assumes no conduction to PIP (conservative) PIP temperature range -20oC to +40oC per SSL/Berkley Interface conductance requirement TBD by SDL & SSL/Berkley Housing and cabling MLI Thermostat controlled survival heaters as required
Thermal Design – Calibration Lamp Lamp Housing 8 W internal electronics dissipation Assumed dissipation uniform over housing Ag Teflon tape on housing Thermally isolated from PIP <0.05 W/oC cabling MLI Thermostat controlled survival heaters as required
Design Approach – Mechanisms Aperture Door Thermal design & analysis pending Deployment heater as required Stepper Motors Thermal analysis pending Aft optics motor MLI Bench Motor radiates to OB cavity Conduction at mounting interface Low power duty cycle Baffle Door Baffle Door Door Pin Puller Optical Bench Aft Optics Stepper Motors
Thermal Control Hardware Thermistors Manufacturer: Measurement Specialties Part # 311P18-06A101 5K Ohm resistance @ 25oC RTD’s Manufacturer: Goodrich Corp. Part # 0118MF-2000-A 2K Ohm resistance Heaters Manufacturer: Tayco Type: TPC-6002 Flexible Kapton Thermostats Manufacturer: Honeywell Type: 701 series bi-metallic/mechanical MLI 1 outer Layer: 2.75 mil Germanium Black Kapton (GBK) 13 middle layers: 0.25 mil Aluminized Mylar (VDA2) 14 separators: B4A Dacron mesh 1 inner layer: 2 mil Kapton (VDA1) Material Vendors: Sheldahl; Dunmore
Thermal Control Hardware Temperature Sensor Specifications Heater Specifications Location Type Count Monitored Cal Lamp THM 2 ICP TEC cold side (A&B) RTD TEC hot side (A&B) Optical Bench (A&B) 6 Interferometer (A&B) (2 coarse,1 fine per IF) Aperture motors (A&B) (may not need) 4 Aft Optics (A&B) (likely will need to add) SC Camera Electronics 1 Door Actuator (A&B) Camera Housing (A&B) Circuit Zone Bus Control Notes Optical Bench (A&B) OP ICP 1,5 Interferometer (A&B) Aft Optics (A&B) Camera Housing (A&B) TSTAT 2,5 Camera Electronics 3,5 Calibration Lamp SVL 4,6 Software controlled Pending analysis Current analysis indicates likely not needed 4 Pending survival / safe mode analysis Operational bus 28-34V Survival / Safe Mode bus 24-34V
Thermal Model: Geometric Configuration Instrument Suite & Payload Interface Platform (PIP) MIGHTI-B Payload Interface Platform (PIP) MIGHTI-A Camera Electronics Box (CEB) Calibration Lamp
Thermal Model: Geometric Configuration MIGHTI Instrument Assembly TEC Radiator Baffle Aft Optics Radiator Supports (1 of 2) Camera Conductor-Heat Pipe to Radiator Optical Bench OB Cover
Thermal Model: Geometric Configuration Camera Electronics Box (CEB) & Calibration Lamp CEB Radiator Calibration Lamp Housing CEB Housing
Thermal Model: Giver-Receiver Information Exchange Thermal Model Format Autocad 2014; Thermal Desktop / SindaFluint -Version 5.6 ATK to SSL Reduced MIGHTI instrument Assembly MIGHTI-A; MIGHTI-B; Camera Electronics Box (CEB); Calibration Lamp Include geometry; optical properties; thermal masses; conduction network; transient dissipations SSL to ATK Reduced PIP & Instrument Suite (geometry & optical properties only) ATK to SDL Preliminary CEB radiator size CEB environmental and IR backload heat loads (transient) SDL to ATK CEB mechanical configuration & internal power dissipation TEC hot side temperature vs. power profile
Thermal Model: Assumptions Orbits Beta = 50o Beta = 0o Beta = -50o Altitude Circular 576 km (nominal) Evaluation of altitude range 450 km to 665 km pending Vehicle Attitude Operational: +Z Nadir / +X velocity vector Beta angle versus Time of Year
Thermal Model: Assumptions Optical Properties Environments
Thermal Model: Assumptions Component Power Dissipations TEC Power Dissipation
Thermal Model: Assumptions Component Masses (as modeled) Cal Lamp – 1.5 kg Baffle – 1.84 kg Camera Electronics – 2.65 kg TEC Hot Side – 0.159 kg Material Properties
Thermal Model: Assumptions Mechanical Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) Effective Emittance Larger blankets: e* = 0.01 to 0.03 Smaller blankets: e* = 0.03 to 0.10
Thermal Analysis: Results Summary Operational Hot Case
Thermal Analysis: Results Summary Operational Cold Case
Thermal Analysis: TEC Dissipation TEC Hot Case Orbit Average Dissipation TEC hot side parasitic heat load not included Beta Angle TEC A Orb Avg Dissipation (w) TEC B Orb Avg Dissipation (w) -50 3.42 6.46 2.09 2.25 +50 3.17 2.51
Thermal Model: Analysis Transient Results – TEC Hot Side Hot – Beta -50° - MIGHTI A/B Cold – Beta 0° - MIGHTI A Cold – Beta +50° - MIGHTI B
Thermal Model: Analysis Transient Results – Radiators Hot – Beta -50° - MIGHTI-A Hot – Beta -50° - MIGHTI-B Cold – Beta 0° - MIGHTI-A Cold – Beta +50° - MIGHTI-B
Thermal Model: Analysis Transient Results - Baffles Hot – Beta +50° - MIGHTI-A Hot – Beta +50° - MIGHTI-B Cold – Beta -50° - MIGHTI-A Cold – Beta -50° - MIGHTI-B
Thermal Model: Analysis Transient Results – Electronics Hot – Beta -50° - Camera Electronics & Calibration Lamp Cold – Beta +50° - Camera Electronics & Calibration Lamp
Trade Studies: Thermal Strap vs. Heat Pipe (1 of 2) Advantages Gravity independent testing Reduced complexity and handling No freeze protection necessary Advantages Light weight solution Spreads heat along entire radiator length Redundant heat pipes will slightly reduce operating temperatures during life Flight heritage Negligible end to end DT Concerns Mass (Only viable option is graphite) # of Layers required for flexible strap portion likely not viable. K-Tech recommends max 10 layer strap. Our application requires a 1.75” x 2” solid bar @ >11 lb. to match pipe performance Length increases as routing details are introduced Significantly lower conduction through strap/bar thickness (relative to axial) introduces uncertainty in conductance to radiator Flex Strap does not meet requirements for extreme beta angle seasonal conditions. Heavy solid bar would be required. Concerns Imposing system level test constraints to keep heat pipes in reflux orientation Reflux test configuration will require starter heaters that may affect thermal balance Operation in 0-g is not possible under acceleration
Trade Studies: Thermal Strap vs. Heat Pipe (2 of 2) Summary of Results Conclusion Thermal strap not a viable option 3 lbm solid K-Core section does not meet requirements for high beta angle conditions Likely mass required >6 lbm to meet requirements (11 lbm for heat pipe equivalent performance) Heat pipes meet requirements for worst case on orbit conditions 2-3 lbm within practical application Orbit average TEC dissipation reduced relative to strap Heat pipe cost comparable to strap: ROM approximately $30-50K Testing considerations/restrictions can be accommodated
Testing (1 of 2) Standards per GEVS GSFC-STD-7000A Thermal vacuum qualification standards to ensure that the payload operates satisfactorily in a simulated space environment at more severe conditions than expected during the mission. Component / Unit Level Typically done by vendor Applicable to components with power dissipation: camera, CEB, calibration lamp, motors, actuators 1 survival cycle Minimum of 8 thermal vacuum operational temperature cycles Minimum of 4 hours at each extreme of each temperature cycle Subsystem / Instrument Level Minimum of 4 operational thermal vacuum temperature cycles Minimum of 12 hours at each extreme of each temperature cycle Thermal balance: survival, hot operational, cold operational Payload/Spacecraft Level 4 thermal vacuum operational temperature cycles (2 with project approval; dwell times doubled) Minimum 24 hours at each extreme of each temperature cycle Thermal balance as practical
Testing (2 of 2) Functional testing Test Margins At each operational temperature plateau Turn on test following recovery from survival plateau (usually combined with functional test) Test Margins See notes associated with temperature limits table Considerations/limitations Likely auxiliary GSE required for radiator temperature control; instrument & payload/SC level GN2 / heater controlled panels Heat pipes must be oriented to perform in “reflux” mode Evaporator (TEC) must be lower than condenser (radiator) relative to gravity No limitation for +Z axis vertical For +Z axis horizontal vehicle must be clocked about Z axis to maintain reflux; approximately 90o rotation window
Plan Forward to PDR Optical Bench Assembly Heat Pipe Radiator Assembly Includes bench, cover, aft optics, interferometer (no optical components except IF) Complete high fidelity thermal models Incorporate interface conductance effects per previous chart Optimize radiator sizes, locations (NA for interferometer) Define operational heater layout Heat Pipe Radiator Assembly Complete feasibility evaluation incorporating a short thermal strap at TEC/pipe interface Effort to gain additional mechanical compliance to mitigate camera alignment/distortion issue Camera Complete housing radiator design Determine if housing needs to be thermally coupled to optical bench Camera Electronics Good shape for PDR Calibration Lamp Refine housing radiator size/location Other Clarify all temperature limits Survival / safe-mode analysis to determine heater requirements Update PIP geometry to include star tracker radiator blockage effects (likely negligible)