Luke 9: 62 New Century Version Jesus said, “Anyone who begins to plow a field but keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God.”
Capital Campaign
Brief Re-Cap Spring Council 2014: approved $75,000 capital campaign goal to fund new AC units, replace sanctuary roof, and install solar panels, per grant approval. July 2014: Grant was approved for $24,000, with congregational portion of $19,600.
Capital campaign committee (Pastor Brian, Ann Waters, Helen Waters, Deb Romary, Alison Gerardot) challenged Board and staff to pledge towards grant and for 100% Board and staff participation in campaign. $19,000
Combined board, staff and committee pledges equal just under and have 100 % participation achieved from among 26 giving/family units. This leaves approximately $41,500 to be raised by remaining BH giving units. $33,500
Overage Priorities a)Replacing aging or inefficient windows b)Replacing/updating thermostat controls for boilers.
Timeline for giving Money to be donated in full between now and end of June Can accept pledges immediately! On pledge card, there will be a space for total contribution and for time period of distribution - lump sum, annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, etc.
Giving to the capital campaign is over and above our annual giving and pledge!
Important Facts: Annual campaign is simultaneous with capital campaign. Pledge card will have space for capital campaign and separate space for annual giving pledge. There will be a confirmation letter sent in November that will list both your 2015 annual campaign pledge and your capital campaign pledge and timing of payment.
Commitment Sunday October 19: Bring your pledges to Worship. Catered celebration dinner following service!
The Solar Grant is more than money! Please complete surveys for household energy use More energy reduction efforts required to meet electric and natural gas goals Local media event announcing/blessing solar panels upon installation Church provides workshop for area congregations and state COB congregations on the importance of green energy.