Transportation Tuesday TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY Summer heat is bad for your vehicle!! Under normal weather conditions you sometimes might drive into a difficult situation. The same situation can be tough when driving in extreme weather conditions. Summer driving has hazards and can be exhausting for you and your vehicle. Your vehicle can overheat and break down or you may suffer from heat illness…..
Transportation Tuesday What problems could heat bring? Engine can overheat and cease. Improper air conditioning could lead to heat illness. Possibility of exhaustion, dizziness and heat stroke. It can also cause the compressor to fail and the belt to break. Tyres with insufficient air build-up heat, which can lead to blow outs and tread separation. Batteries deteriorate faster during summer.
Transportation Tuesday Here are some summer driving tips: Check your vehicle and ensure that it is mechanically ready to handle the road and heat. Inspect the auto radiator for leaks and check the fluid. Don’t touch the radiator when the engine is hot. Also check your belts, hoses, cooling fan and water pump. Check coolant and thermostat. A stuck thermostat is a common cause of overheating. Make sure you stay on top of your oil change, since a hot engine needs all the lubrication it can get.
Transportation Tuesday Summer driving tips continued… Checking your tyre pressure and tread is crucial in summer especially during long road trips. You will not want to change a tyre on a hot day. Check your air conditioning system. A failing AC system can affect more than just the cooling breeze in your vehicle. Watch the temperature gauge. If the temperature is running hotter than it usually does, take precaution and slow down. If the engine is overheating and near the red zone- PARK YOUR CAR & SWITCH YOUR ENGINE OFF!
Transportation Tuesday What do you need to do before driving? 1- If you are not familiar with the mechanical aspects of your vehicle, then have it checked by a qualified mechanic. 2- Dress in light clothing to beat the heat. 3- Carry a bottle of water and drink it often. 4- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes against ultraviolet radiation. 5- Wear sunscreen to avoid a sunburn.
Transportation Tuesday