1 FAST-CAL Last Updated 10/11/2004
3 Introducing FAST-CALs A New Range of four Field Block Calibrators FAST-CALs work from -35°C to 650°C in three ranges -35°C to 140°C, 30°C to 350°C and 35° to 650°C
4 Why are we introducing it? During experienced engineers from many parts of the world specified their ideal products for Industrial Calibration FAST-CAL realises their top ten requirements of… FAST-CAL The product range you helped specify and design
5 FAST-CAL Top Ten 1. Rugged 2. Light weight 3. Easy to use onsite 4. Low cost /high benefit ratio, 5. Fast response, high stability 6. Time saving features 7. Multiple sensor testing 8. Software 9. Modern design 10. Compliant with latest regulations.
6 Membranes? The team told us “Whatever you do don’t use membrane keypads. They look great new, but after a year of being poked with ball point pens and screwdrivers the results have to be seen to be believed.” We were going to include a picture but we might upset the competition.
7 Result of Input? The FAST-CALs Fast-Cal Features: Rugged, hard wearing stainless steel case. Hygienic with no paint to chip or flake. No membrane keypads. Lightweight, approx 6 kg depending upon the model. Easy to use on site, we used the latest computer technology to design the handle at the exact balance point for each Fast-Cal model. A soft, light weight shoulder case makes transporting the Fast-Cal effortless. Fast response, high stability. Isotech has put 24 years of manufacturing and design experience into optimising the performance of the Fast-Cal. Compare the specifications overleaf. The thermal gradients are minimised by non-linear heating and cooling profiles to compensate for end losses to ambient temperature.
8 More FAST-CAL Features The Fast-Cals are so easy to use you hardly need the manual. The High and Medium Fast-Cals incorporate a built-in Insert holder for ultra fast changes and re-starts of calibration cycles. The Fast-Cals (excepting the 2010) all have the same sized removable inserts which can be drilled to your exact requirements. Communications are fitted as standard and a number of programs are available depending on your needs. The Fast-Cal design is modern and complies with all the relevant requirements and directives which are applicable. The Fast-Cals come with a certificate traceable to National Standards. Five point UKAS Certification is available as an alternative. Mains power variance immunity has been standard on all Isotech dry block calibrators since their conception. This feature resolves problems with fluctuating power supplies which if not acknowledged causes instability in the bath.
9 Summary of Features
10 Secrets of Success
11 Basic or Complete?
12 FAST-CAL Inserts
13 Software CalNotePad: Included as standard. This permits you to connect both an indicator and the calibration bath to the PC. You can view data on clear configurable chart displays, log data to file and control the calibration bath. I-cal: A software application that can automatically calibrate up to 16 temperature sensors, it provides an expandable low cost route to automatic calibration – with I-cal Capture you can store pictures (along with time and temperature data) to enable, for example, dial thermometers to be calibrated automatically; return to a set of images of the dial captured at each calibration temperature!
14 FAST-CAL HTM 2010 Validation of Washer Disinfectors, Steam Sterilisers, Autoclaves to HTM 2010 and HTM 2030 For accurate calibration of sensors choose the FAST-CAL HTM 2010 In place of a removable insert it has a fixed block Block has room for reference PRT and test sensors Place the probes directly in the block and gain better accuracy (Avoids thermal interface between insert and block)
15 FAST-CAL Low Unique Advantages Wider Temperature Range -35°C to 140°C Better Accuracy +/-0.2 to +/-0.15°C Deeper Calibration Well No Membranes Smallest in its Class Lightweight Soft Shoulder Case
16 FAST-CAL Low Unique Advantages continued Ambient is the most difficult temperature to control at The Eurotherm controllers designed for Isotech are “seamless” Ask the competition to control at ambient and see the instabilities
17 FAST-CAL Low Unique Advantages continued Insensitive to ambient variations One competitors bath changes its calibration by 0.8°C for a 16°C change in ambient Our equivalent models changed by 0.03°C for a 20°C ambient change! This is important, these calibrators are for field use
18 Accuracy here is what we mean by accuracy For BASIC: The agreement between the controller indication compared to a close fitting standard located at the bottom of the dry well insert For COMPLETE: The agreement between the Indicator and a close fitting standard located at the bottom of the dry well insert
19 Accuracy International Standard EA10-13 is the only published document relating to the full performance of dry block calibrators FAST-CAL meet the requirements of EA10-13 FAST-CAL is the most accurate in its class!
20 Integrity in Temperature Calibration Errors The largest error source will probably be due to heat conduction along the stem of the unit under test, (UUT) Most users do not consider this, and because it is not part of the manufacturers specification they ignore it
21 Integrity in Temperature Calibration We Do Not Ignore Stem Conduction! E.g A 6mm diameter Pt100 with a 30mm sensing length will have an error of 0.1% 120°C) in a bath with an immersion of 120mm In a FAST-CAL with immersion of 148mm the error is 0.005% or 5mK, i.e. 20 times better! For more information on stem conduction look at our website and e-learning
22 Integrity in Temperature Calibration FAST-CAL – Calibrate larger diameter sensors for the same accuracy E.g What is the maximum diameter of thermocouple that can be calibrated for an accuracy of 0.5%? If the immersion is 120mm = 7.5mm diameter In a FAST-CAL with 148mm immersion = 9.2mm The extra immersion lets you calibrate larger sensors
23 There is more An insert in a Dry Block Calibrator has an air gap between it and the heater or cooled block, the insert too has stem conduction and it can give rise to surprisingly large error
24 There is more E.g. A block with an insert 32mm diameter and 120mm deep has a depth of 3.75 x its diameter giving a 2% stem conduction offset Equivalent to 2°C at 120°C, 4°C at 220°C etc The FAST-CAL has an insert 25mm diameter by 148mm deep or 6 x diameter equivalent to 0.5°C at 120°C, Four times better than that of a competitors bath
25 There is more That is why we recommend the “Complete” option because in it we measure the temperature of the insert – where the actual calibration takes place Isotech products are better by design
26 Choice of Standards Use our recommended Platinum Resistance Thermometers for high accuracy, low uncertainty measurements
27 Choice of Standards For less demanding applications we can offer high quality MI thermocouples Still allows you to measure the insert temperature where the calibration takes place Easily angled to sit under head mounted enclosures Low Cost
28 There is more Mains Variation Immunity All Isotech block baths have built in immunity to mains variations giving you the benefit of better stability Isotech products are better by design
29 Certification and Traceability All FAST-CALs are tested and certified at Isotech Isotech’s NTPL laboratory has the smallest uncertainties down to +/-0.025°C for some metal block baths and +/ °C at 2 Sigma for Water Triple Point and Gallium Cells Isotech – confidence comes as standard
30 Software FAST-CALs ship with Cal Notepad included We put benefits like thermostat testing, setpoint programming and monitoring into the software which is readily upgradeable and expandable not locked into firmware that is not accessible to you
31 Software FAST-CAL is compatible with I-cal Easy I-cal Easy Enables you to do Automatic Calibration, Certificate Printing, Coefficient Calculator… Try the free evaluation version
32 Cost of Ownership FAST-CALs have world class designed and built instrumentation (Designed by Eurotherm) If anything does go wrong it takes just a few seconds to unplug and exchanged Compare to competition where the whole unit has to be returned to the manufacturer Eurotherm – are one of Isotech’s “Partners in Calibration”
33 Widest Product Range Worldwide Isotech can supply all your calibration needs Isothermal Technology Limited Pine Grove, Southport, Merseyside. PR9 9AG England Telephone International Fax International
34 Recalibration Service From one of our four UKAS accredited labs Keep your FAST-CAL in perfect condition. Why not use our recalibration service? Need to know more about calibration? E-learning,
35 Worldwide Service Isotech has 90 Agencies World Wide Contact us for your nearest Isotech Outlet