Surgical Instruments Quiz VM 545
Crile hemostatic forceps (curved and straight)
Mosquito hemostatic forceps curved and straight
Bard-Parker #3 scalpel handle
Mayo-Hegar needle holders
Bone curette
Kern bone holding forcep
Periosteal elevator (Freer)
Carmalt hemostatic forceps (curved and straight)
Periosteal elevator
Kelly hemostatic forceps (curved and straight)
Vulsellum uterine forceps (used in orthopedics)
Balfour abdominal retractor with blade
Kocher (Oschner) hemostatic forceps
Farabeuf retractor
Bard-Parker #4 scalpel handle
Which one is which? (Army/Navy vs. Farabeuf)
Army-Navy (top) Farabeuf (bottom) retractors
Brown-Adson (thumb) tissue forceps
Gelpi perineal retractor
Yankauer suction tip (tube)
Weitlaner retractor
Mayo dissecting scissor straight and curved
Metzenbaum scissors
Rat-tooth (thumb) tissue forceps
Which one is which? Metzenbaum vs. Mayo?
Mayo dissecting scissor (top) Metzenbaum scissor (bottom)
Army-Navy retractor
Suture scissors (blunt blunt)
Allis tissue forceps
Babcock tissue (intestinal) holding forceps
Adson (thumb) tissue forceps
Which one is which? Adson vs. Brown Adson?
Adson vs Brown-Adson (thumb) tissue forceps
Backhaus towel clamps
Which one is which? #4 vs. #3
Bard-Parker #3 and #4 comparison
Poole suction tip (tube)
Spay hook
Speedlock bone reduction forceps
Littauer suture scissors
Senn Retractors
Israel Retractor
Doyen Intestinal Forceps
Finochietto Retractor
Ribbon Retractor