…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) ` Presentation Title ( Arial, Font size 28 ) Date, Venue, etc..( Arial, Font size 18 ) SAFE WORKING ON EHV EQUIPMENT AND TOWERS IMPROVEMENTS & BEST PRACTICES IN TRANSMISSION
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) SAFETY IS ALL ABOUT CARE Care for the people who work in our organization Care that people go back home at least as healthy as they walked in, - in fact better Our Founder had set the highest standards for care and safety for people
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) WORKFORCE AND SAFETY 3 Employee well-being is at the foundation of a high performing enterprise
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Operational Discipline. 1.Organizational View - The deeply rooted dedication and commitment by every member of an organization to carry out each task, the right way, each time + 2. Individual View I am committed to working safely by doing every task,the right way, every time.
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Eleven Organizational OD Characteristics LEADERSHIPPROCESSSTANDARDS 1.Leadership by Example 2.Common Shared value 3.Strong Teamwork 4.Pride in the Organization 1.Sufficient & Capable Resources 2.Employee Involvement 3.Active lines of Communications 4.Up-to-date Documentation 1.Practice Consistent with Procedures 2.Absence of Short cuts 3.Excellent Housekeeping
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Individual Characteristics of OD Where you want to be Knowledge AwarenessCommitment © 1998 Higbee & Associates, Inc. I understand how to do a task correctly & safely I commit to do tasks the right way each time I anticipate potential problems & recognize unusual situations
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) OD Lowers Risk OD RISK Frequency x Consequence Risk = ______________________ Operational Discipline Frequency – Quality of systems / safeguards Consequence – Intrinsic substance / process hazards OD – How well systems / safeguards are maintained and operated
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Working at Heights No job is so important that it cannot be done safely UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE PERSONS WORKING ON THIS SITE TO PUT THEMSELVES IN DANGER BEST - BE Safe Today
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) P-D-C-A CYCLE for continuous improvements PLAN for changes to bring about improvement. DO changes on small scale first to trial them. CHECK to see if changes are working and to investigate the selected process. ACT to get the greatest benefits from the changes. For Implementation & carrying out continuous improvements we used PDCA Cycle AP CD
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) For Safe working on 110 kV GOD Structure, Platform arrangement along with Life Line is Made at Parel r/s PlatformsLIFE line arrangement for anchoring Safety belt
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Guard Rail arrangement on 100kv GOD at Borivli Safe working platform with Guard Rail arangement on GOD structure at Borivali R/S
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Life line arrangement on 100kv GOD-at Vikhroli s/s
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) For Safe working on 110 kV Power Transformer Bushing Life Line arrangement is Made at Parel r/s Support for lifelineLifeline Arrangement with Fall Arrestor
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Transformer Platform & Life line Arrangement Parel R/S
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Life line arrangement onTransformer at Carnac r/s
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Life line arrangement on Transformer at Vikhroli s/s
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Transformer Lifeline Arrangement – Chembur R/S Locking system Transformer body anchoring point for support
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Transformer Life Line arrangement at Kalyan R/S
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) 90 MVA new China make CHNT Transformer at Borivli Ladder for climbing on Conservator Railing Provided for safe working
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Jumper connection & Removal On Power Transformer Bushing at Borivli Anchoring points
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Scissor lift & Guard rails for Safe Working on CHNT Transformer at Borivli Extending Scissor Lift platform for Safe Working at Heights
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Scissor Lift-Horizontal Extensible Platform up to 1M Working on Power Transformer at Borivali R/S Working on CVT at Borivali R/S
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Carnac Transformer 8 lifeline arrangement Workers are working safely with the help of life line arrangement.
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Carnac Transformer 9 (CHINT) Guard Rail Arrangement
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Carnac Transformer 9 (CHINT) Guard Rail Arrangement Workers working safely on Transformer 9 (CHINT) LT cable box with the help of Guard Rail Arrangement
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Working on Shield Pole
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) Safety Improvements Safety Helmets with Headlights used by staff while working on towers Safety ladder installed on pilot basis on tower structures to enable safe and easy climbing -Safety Helmet with LED Light
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) STAGES FOR SAFETY JOURNEY 29 Achieve world class levels Bring in higher aspects of safety Prevent adverse safety trends Set guidelines on management of safety Mandate reporting on the state of safety in companies Take action on poor safety performance Reward good performance Focus on health, ergonomics, etc Spread best practices across Group Companies Drop taking punitive action in the assessment process Recognize world class standards
…Message Box ( Arial, Font size 18 Bold) AND FINALLY ….. 30 Safety is as simple as ABC Always Be Careful!
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