Which type of paper will allow a paper airplane to fly farthest? By: Leslie Alvarez Subject: Science Period: 1
Research This Experiment was based on the research of aerodynamics.
Hypothesis If I create a paper airplane out of copy paper then, I think it will fly the farthest.
Independent and DEPENDENT VARIABLES Independent: Type of paper used. Dependent: Length in inches of how far the paper airplane flies.
Controlled (5) Design Paper Size Force of Throw Weight Upon Plane Wind in Surrounding Area
Materials and Procedures Copy Paper Board Paper Manila Paper Measuring Stick Scissor Pen Laptop Camera Procedures…… Fold Copy Paper into the design of a nose heavy paper plane. Throw at a 45 degree angle three times and measure length in inches. Find the average of the three trials. Cut Board Paper into same size of copy paper. Fold into nose heavy paper plane. Throw at 45 degree angle and measure length in inches. Find average of all three trials. Cut manila Paper into size of copy paper. Fold into nose heavy plane. Throw at 45 degree angle three times and measure length in inches. Find average of three trials. Take Pictures with my camera of everything done and pass to my laptop to paste on PowerPoint.
Conclusion After three trials with different types of paper I’ve come to the conclusion that copy paper is the best out of all three, thus proving my hypothesis to be correct.
Problem Statement 2 With which type of design will a paper airplane fly farthest?
Hypothesis If I design an airplane after the dragon plane , then I think it will fly the farthest.
Independent and Dependent Variables Independent: Design of Paper Plane Dependent: Length in inches of how far the paper airplane flies
Controlled (5) Type of Paper Used Force of throw Wind surrounding area Weight put upon plane Angle of throw
Materials and Procedures Copy Paper Laptop Pen Measuring Stick Camera Procedures…. Looked up three different types of design Fold Copy Paper into Nose Heavy Paper Plane Throw at 45 degree angle three times and record length flown on data paper Find average flown of all three trials. Fold Copy Paper into Dragon Paper Plane. Throw at 45 degree angle three times and record length flown on data paper. Fold Copy Paper into Cobra Paper Plane. Take pictures with my camera of everything done.
Conclusion After three trials of testing with three different types of design I came to the conclusion that the dragon airplane flies best, thus proving my hypothesis incorrect.
Problem Statement 3 Will a Paper airplane fly farther with one, two or three quarters of weight put upon them?
Hypothesis If tape three quarters on top of the paper airplane ,then I think the plane will fly the farthest.
Independent and Dependent Variables Independent: Weight using amount o quarters put upon planes Dependent: Length The airplane flies.
Controlled (5) Type of Paper used Type of design of paper plane. Type of Coins Wind in surrounding area Force of throw
Materials and Procedures Copy Paper Laptop 3 Quarters Tape Measuring Stick Camera Pen Procedures….. Fold Copy Paper into the nose heavy airplane Tape one quarter on top of the nose Throw at 45 degree angle and record length three times. Find average for 1 quarter Tape two quarters on top of the nose Throw at a 45 degree angle and record length three times. Find the average length for 2 quarters Tape three quarters on top of the nose Find the average length for 3 quarters
Conclusion After three trials on this experiment I came to the conclusion that using the less weight put upon a paper plane , the more it allows for it to fly.