Fine Tuning the Female Athlete
Learn how and when to coach female players appropriately. Understand factors influencing females in sport & solutions Practical Tips on Skill Development OUTCOMES
All Ireland Camogie and Football club, underage and county league and championships provided the highest quality of GAA viewing in 2007 However, all athletes/ coaches strive to work on areas to progress even further (Derry, All Ireland Junior Camogie Champions 2007) SUCCESSFUL YEAR
Player Pathway Series of Building Blocks FUNdamentals Learn to Train Train to Train Train to Compete Compete to Win Active for Life Development
Pathways The model simplifies the maturation process Latest research: sports specialisation prior to the age of 10 is not recommended as it contributes to burn-out, drop-out and retirement from training and competition Q1 What about GAA??..... do you encourage other sports participation? Why?
Not a PriorityShould be Avoided ModerationOptimal Training AgeAs Needed ♦ ☺1 and ☺ 2 DEVELOPMENT Yrs Stamina Aerobic Base F ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ☺ ☺ ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Speed Endurance (short – sustained period) F ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ☺☺ Strength Endurance ( repetitions) F ♦ ♦ ♦ ☺1☺1 ☺1☺1 ☺1☺1 ☺2☺2 ☺2☺2 ☺2☺2 ☺☺☺ Maximum Strength (one rep. maximum) F ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ☺☺☺☺ Speed Strength (Power) F ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ☺☺☺ Speed (efforts less than 5 secs) F ☺1☺1 ☺1☺1 ☺1☺1 ☺2☺2 ☺2☺2 ☺2☺2 ☺☺ Flexibility F ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Coordination/ Agility / Balance F ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Basic Techniques CPKS F ☺☺☺☺☺☺ Advanced Technical F ☺☺☺☺☺☺ Tactical Principles F ♦ ♦ ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ FEMALE Long Term Player Development - FEMALE Fundamentals Learning To Train Training to Train Train to Compete Train to Win General Conditioning -FEMALES (adapted from Canadian Sports Association Publication)15
The Learning to Train (8- 11) and Training to Train phases (12-16)are the most important phases of athletic preparation It is during these phases that we will make or break a player/athlete. (Windows of opportunity) Pathways
Ulster u16 Elite Camp August 07 1No fitness test result was the same 2 Flexibility 3 Commitment as the days went on 4Aerobic 5 Hydration
Unit 1: Pathways & Facts Unit 2: Factors influencing females in sport females in sport Unit 3: Practical session on skill/game development skill/game development Course Outline 40% of girls have dropped out of all sports activity by the age of 18. In groups discuss main reasons. There are ways to overcome it.
Not getting to play Abusive Coach Over emphasis on winning Fear of failure Too much regimentation at training Mismatching of physical size Boys and other commitments Why do girls drop out?
WINLOSE WOMEN External Cause Luck on the Day Internal Cause Blame themselves Played badly didn’t train hard enough Motivated to avoid failure MEN Internal Cause Played brilliantly Trained hard all year. Motivated to achieve success External Cause No luck (Foundations of sports education and psychology, 2006) Motivation
Core and SAQ exercises circuit
jumping over cones skipping, broad jumps, box/depth jumps push-ups with claps squat jumps (for a series of repetitions) split-scissor jumps double-leg bounds alternate-leg bounds single-leg forward hops double-leg hurdle jumps single-leg hurdle hops Examples of plyometric exercises
Lower back Anterior cruiciate- Hip and Knee alignment Hamstring and ankle Common Injuries
Involve the Physio & trainer Education on core stability/ back, strength & conditioning Players responsibilty i.e- footwear/weather Hydration prevents hamstring, cramp& head injuries Dynamic warmup Pre Season solutions
Common Issues Solutions Stand in one position Movement, cuts Support plays, speed of thought Reasoning Goal setting, diet Skills High Catch, identify skills, kick before solo, Pick up, Camogie Evasion skills Side step, serve etc… game plan and game pace Defending 4 delay/deny/dispossess/ drive and tackling. ( Courtesy of John Morrison)
DR. JOHN MORRISON Top ten tips Set clear GOALS Softer approach Understand Parents roles Feedback on progress Core Skills Positive reinforcement FUN 2-way communication Good Sportsmanship Social aspects COACHING FEMALES ATHLETES
Devise two game progressions to improve: High catching Creating Space Support play Defence GROUP TASK
Females respond to training the same way as males…..Remember condition games No allowances should be made– treat them as athletes Motives for involvement more varied & socially orientated – value the process as much as the outcome. Not emotional wrecks. Excellent skill levels Conclusions
Common Issues Lifting in Camogie Solution ‘Swop Shop’ Roll/jab lift at speed, 4 steps, set down and pick another up 1) How many in 30 secs? 2) Beat your last score 3) Change Direction 4) Add in an extra player to put pressure on group 15 x 15m
Common Issues Lifting, Hand passing and changing direction Solution ‘Angles’ Roll/jab lift at speed, 4 steps, hand pass and run around outside cone, return and repeat in square. 1) How many cones/ hand passes in many in 30 secs? 2) Beat your last score 3) Change Direction 4) Add in extra player for pressure NB: Any skill can be taught in this grid, try to encourage as many touches as possible) 15 x 15m (4m)
Common Issues Running into space and support play on and off the ball Solution ‘Hand Pass, Kick Pass/ Ground Strike’ 1) Groups of 3 (bibs) 2) Player 1 HP, Player 2 KP, Player 3 HP etc…… Kick passes 20m+ Change to other hand/foot First to 20 3 sec rule with ball Receive ball on the move Point to where you want the ball Play it silently to improve vision Groups must move throughout other teams in grid (20 players in grid. Move throughout) (60 x40m)
Common Issue Game pace Solution ‘Circle time’ 4 Players in 8 Players outside circle (60-80m in diameter) Strike/ kick/ hand pass Switch after one minute Change hand, pass to different player Can you beat top score Increase/decrease size of square Include two players in circle to put pressure on strikers/kickers Add two players to put pressure on middle group
Common Issue Game pace, passing under pressure Solution Players in middle compete and handpass ball back to kicker/ striker Player who doesn’t receive ball puts pressure on player with ball Players at side lines solo ball while waiting to kick/strike Rotate after 6. Change to other side/foot High catch 3/4 minutes long Players at side solo during active rest
(20m) A B Common Issue Shooting and Defending Solution ‘One on one’ Player A solos around cone and shoots immediately Player two follows and stops at cone to block NB: Important to coach block/frontal block beforehand and also spot and fix this drill Have 3 players behind posts to collect sliotar/ ball Keep drill moving, and small queues Increase/decrease distance
(45m line) Common Issue Defending- 4 forms of defending Solution ‘Delay, Deny, Dispossess, Drive’ Groups of 3 Player one (attacker) solos to 45m line in tunnel trying to pass players 2 and 3 (defenders) Once defender is passed they must run back to support other defender (1m apart at all times) Wait for second group to reach 45m line and return changing attacker (10m) (1m)
Common issue Thinking on feet, support play Change direction of play Solution ‘Zones’ Team A and B play to score with player running and catching ball in coned area Team scores and turns to score up field in other coned area. Losing team leaves pitch and Team C enters pitch as soon as possible. Team A Team B Team C watching
Team play a) Pitch dimensions 80 * 40m. b) Normal Rules. c) Score by kicking for goals. d) Team that scores keeps possession and can attack other goals. Variations: a) Apply 4 second rule. b) Use reaction ball. c) Half way line change direction of play. (Courtesy of Roger Keenan SINI)
Support play Rules: a)4 sets of goals. b) Dimension: Half pitch. c) Score by kicking for goals. d) Team that scores keeps possession and attacks another set of goals. e) Any one team cannot score into the same goals in succession. f) Apply 4 second rule. g) Supply of balls at each goal. Variation: a) Different ball b) Full rules (Courtesy of Roger Keenan, SINI) (Half size pitch)