How to success your composting? JPec Co., Ltd Wakamatsu Environment Research Institute
Suitable to compost Vegetables Meets Sea foods Tea leaves Edible Oils Kitchen garbage Leftovers Other foods
Not suitable to compost please throw away as municipal waste Difficult to decompose Big bones 、 Hard peers and core of vegetables Shells, Crabs No edibles chopsticks Plastics Eggshell is OK
How to use the compost basket ? -1 Drain the garbage Chop up garbage Put into the basket and mix well Cover the garbage with seed compost
How to use the compost basket? -2 Put into the garbage everyday Take the compost out of the basket Use as seed compost (return compost) To Second Maturity
Second maturity Put the compost in a breathable container. Adjust the moisture content to 40 ~ 60%. Leave the compost for more than 2 weeks to reach full maturity before use.
How to use compost-1 (1)Spread the compost on the whole area of a field, and plough it to a depth of about 20cm (1 ~ 2kg /1m 2 ) After mixing with soil, be sure to let the mixture stand for more than 2-3 weeks. After microorganism stabled with soil, you can planting or seeding. (2)Cover the soil with the compost after planting crops. (Mulching)
1. Spread compost fertilizer all over the field. Turn in compost about 10 cm depth of the soil. 10cm How to use compost-2
2. After planting a plant, mulch with compost. →Soil becomes soft. (Easy to plow.) →Prevent growth of weed. How to use compost-3
3. Dig a ditch around the plant 10cm depth. Spread compost fertilizer the inside of the ditch. 10cm How to use compost-4
How to make smooth farmentation -1 (1)Be careful not to let the moisture content become too high. Drain using by strainer Drying by wrap in a newspaper Mixing with tealeaves, ground coffee which dried well.
(2)Make a aerobic condition Microorganisms like aerobic condition (Oxygen). Rotting bacteria like anaerobic condition Mixing well Once a day stirring is very important !! How to make smooth farmentation -2
(3)For make easy to decompose Chop up the garbage to small peace using by Kitchen knife Scissor Cook (heat) the garbage to make soft condition How to make smooth farmentation -3
(3) If the garbage already rotten Not put into the basket (4)Garbage easy to rot such as seafood (especially internal organs) Not put into the basket or put in small amount but, it is possible if you cook the garbage How to make smooth farmentation-4
(5)Temperature How to rise the temperature Add a rice bran sometimes Microorganism eat a rice bran swiftly Add a edible oil Fatty foods are OK Put a hot-water bottle in the basket Cover by cardboard How to make smooth farmentation-5
(6)Where is the best place to set up compost compost put on a block or brick to air allows to pass from the bottom of basket. Warm the compost up by solar heat Air to pass easily How to make smooth farmentation-6
How should we do to the trouble ? -1 (1)Offensive odour If the content lacks oxygen, it starts rotting Stop to put into the garbage Mixing well Keep the moisture content to 40-60% by Mixing with tealeaves, ground coffee which dried well Rice husk sometimes make the effect.
(2)Ammonia like odour High ammonia, low air condition Stop to put into the garbage Mixing well Keep the moisture content to 40-60% by Mixing with tealeaves, ground coffee which dried well Leaf mold sometimes make the effect. How should we do to the trouble ? -2
(3)Too dried condition Lower water content hampers the proliferation of microorganisms Add the water stirring the compost well. Juice and Beer have effect to good condition Soup is also ok point: be careful not to be too much the moisture How should we do to the trouble ? -3
(4)I am trouble by harmful insects insects had laid an eggs Sometimes clean up the compost to remove the eggs Treat garbage immediately without leaving it unattended. How should we do to the trouble ? -4
(6) surface of the compost is covered with white tiny insects - No.2 Mix a coffee powder Mix a lime (ex: CaO) Mix a powder soap Rise the temperature (by mix with edible oil, juice or soup) How should we do to the trouble ? -5
(7) I want to recover the condition immediately Mix a lactic acid drink and Kimchi’ soup They have a lot of lactic acid bacteria. To add them, increase the effective fermented bacteria, and the condition which is included more richer nutrition easy to use for microorganisms, immediately. How should we do to the trouble ? -6