Tolerans Double Motorized Tab Slitter For scissor-like clean cuts of highly-paginated printed products.
Tolerans Double Motorized Tab Slitter Tolerans Double Motorized Tab Slitter - a revolutionary technological advance Clean cuts ─Spring-loaded contact point between its knives Less dust High capacity cuts ─Both the upper and lower knife is actively driven Minimized risk of web breakage ─Knives are driven at a periferical speed that is 10 % higher than the web speed. Better control of web tension
Tolerans Double Motorized Tab Slitter Tolerans Double Motorized Tab Slitter Technical specifications Clean cuts at web speeds up to 10.5 m/s Cuts up to 12 webs on 55 gsm paper Technical requirements: ─Requires air supply of minimum 6 bar ─Requires Power supply: 1-phase 230 V, 10 A ─Requires adequate space around the former