Dermatology Surgery Instruments Created by Aimee Cooper, CMA Dermatology Surgery Instruments
Objective To learn the specialized instruments used in Dermatology Surgery To be able to properly set up Mohs and Excision/Closure trays To obtain instruments needed by provider in a timely manner
Mohs Tray Instruments needed: 1 medicine cup 1 blade handle 1 adson forceps w/teeth 1 lrg currette 1 sml currette 1 cvd hemostat 1 str hemostat 1 ragnell scissor Mohs is a non-sterile tray. Proper PPE is necessary (i.e. non-sterile nitrile gloves) Additional items needed for a complete tray are: 15 blade Non-sterile hyfrecator tip Non-sterile hyfrecator sheath 1 light cover Non-sterile cotton tipped applicators Sodium Chloride in medicine cup
Excision/Closure Tray Instruments needed: 2 medicine cups 1 blade handle 1 adson forceps w/teeth 1 skin hook 1 sml metzebaum scissor 1 cvd hemostat 1 str hemostat 1 lrg metzebaum scissor 1 needle holder 1 bishop harmon forcep Excision/Closure is a sterile tray. Proper PPE is necessary (i.e. sterile gloves) Additional items needed for a complete tray are: 15 blade Sterile hyfrecator tip Sterile hyfrecator sheath 1 light cover Sterile cotton tipped applicators Sodium Chloride in medicine cup Providone-Iodine Swabsticks (3’s) OR Hibiclens
Adson Forceps w/Teeth
Bishop Harmon Forceps
Blade Handle
Hemostat- Curved & Straight
Beaver Blade Handle
Castroviejo Needle Holder
Iris Scissor
Metzebaum Scissor
Needle Holder
Ragnell Scissor
Skin Hook
Tenotomy Scissor
Mohs Tray Set-Up
Excision/Closure Tray Set-Up