Welcome everyone! MR. JAMES THOMAS
Learn About Our Class The teacher Classroom goals and expectations Homework Schedule/Tardiness Supplies Questions? Raise your hand, please.
Get to Know Me My experience I’ve been teaching for more than 15 years. But I have taught in US only since I’ve taught Math from 5 th grade to 10 th grade. My background I was born in Kerala (South India) but grew up in the city of Bombay Mumbai. Remember, Slumdog Millionaire? I studied Physics at St.Xavier’s College in Mumbai, then moved to the US and got my Associates in Science for HCC. Then I transferred to Stephen F Austin State University (SFASU) where I finished my Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies, and got my TX Teacher Certification.
Get to Know You Introduce yourself to the class with your name. Make sure you help us with the pronunciation. ONE question you are itching to ask me TWO fun facts about you. THREE things you did during summer.
Communication My address: Berry Miller Jr. High 3301 Manvel Road Pearland, Texas School Hours: 8:40am - 3:45pm To contact me : Class web site:
Class Goals Learn new skills No whining No slacking Zeroes are Not Permitted Discover new interests Make new friends Have fun and support each other
Dress Code Logos are allowed on collar shirts/blouses and must be no larger than a U.S. quarter coin. School Spirit Shirts can be worn on Fridays only. College T-Shirts can be worn on Fridays only. Pants must be a solid color. Jeans can be worn Shirts and pants may not be the same color. Shirt tails may be worn out as long as no part of the shirt tail extends past fingertip length. Shirts must fit appropriately and be buttoned appropriately above the chest. Sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Sheer shirts are not permitted Sweaters and sweatshirts worn inside the building must also be solid colored and can have a logo no larger than a U.S. quarter coin. All clothing must be appropriately sized; pants must be worn at the waist. Any staff member may write you up for being out of dress code. The AP office will make the final decision on whether or not a skirt is too short. Mrs. Day will measure it when the student is sent to the AP office if the length is questionable.
Tardiness School starts at 8:00 A.M. Running late? Check in at the school office before coming to class. If you are tardy, the school will contact your parents.
Supplies Bring these items each day Number 2 Pencil – mechanical is okay in class, but not on tests Red pen Highlighter Scissor – Big kids need big scissor Math Interactive Student Notebook BYOD – Cellphones, Tablets, iPad, etc. By rule, I’m only required to teach using electronic devices once every 9 weeks. We will use it almost everyday, unless someone breaks the BYOD rules.
Let’s Have a Great Year!