Ohio’s Commerce Professionals and the BMV; Partnering for a Safer Ohio


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Presentation transcript:

Ohio’s Commerce Professionals and the BMV; Partnering for a Safer Ohio BMV Investigations John Born, Director Ohio Dept of Public Safety Mike Rankin, Registrar Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles Fraud Identification & Prevention Ohio’s Commerce Professionals and the BMV; Partnering for a Safer Ohio

How can the BMV help? Currently there are more than 8.9 million driver license and identification card holders in Ohio. The documents are issued by the Ohio BMV on a daily basis, and relied upon by you for positive identification of the customer or client. Fraudulently obtained and counterfeit driver licenses and identification cards are a key component in the FASTEST growing crime which costs us more than all other property crimes combined(1). Your Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles is committed to partnering for a Safer Ohio which includes local businesses, retailers, service providers and organizations. Every day thousands of transactions are completed where an Ohio Driver License or Ohio Identification Card is presented as proof of identity. In an effort to combat fraud, and loss, we have developed a few key points to aid in detecting and deterring fraudulent transactions. With more than 8.9 million driver license and identification card holders in Ohio, our mission in the BMV is to help uphold the integrity of the issuance and identification of all our applicants so that your business can rely on the authenticity of our documents when they are presented to you. Unfortunately with today’s technology, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (12/13/2013) has stated identity fraud is the fastest growing crime which has a price tag which is over all other property crimes combined. With over $10 billion more than the previous year, these crimes touch not just financial institutions but also any point of commerce where good or services are rendered. In this presentation we will discuss: 1.) Counterfeit documents (completely fictitious documents usually manufactured by a person or persons), 2.) Altered legitimate documents (authentically issued documents which have been changed to indicate a different information), and 3.) Fraudulently obtained documents (an authentic document issued by an agency who was mislead by being presented false or fictitious information by an applicant) 1- Bureau of Justice Statistics (2013)

It’s not JUST money VICTIM #1 19 yrs old VICTIM #2 17 yrs old VICTIM #2 FORCED TO ASSUME IDENTITY OF VICTIM #1 VICTIM #2 FORCED TO APPLY FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT AS #1 VICTIM #2 FORCED TO CONDUCT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS AS #1 VICTIM #2 FORCED TO OBTAIN OHIO ID CARD AS #1 TO AVOID DETECTION BY LAW ENFORCEMENT When it comes to identity fraud and fraudulently obtained or counterfeit identifications, the first thought is often fast financial gain. This case which was worked by BMV Investigations, Cleveland Police and the FBI is an example of where the fraudulent identity of one victim was used in the interstate prostitution of both victims. With the keen eye of customer service personnel, the case was picked up by police and the suspects involved with the crimes were swiftly prosecuted. Illicit acts completed through the theft of personal identifying information is often times found in more than just financial crimes. This case found a stolen identity was used for interstate prostitution/ human trafficking

Key Tips to Remember Remove the document Examine the document The next series of slides will go through key tips when presented with an identifying document in the normal course of business. Remove the document Examine the document Compare the document REACT

1. Ask for the document to be removed Counterfeiters know that they are often not required to remove the document from a wallet or case. Poorly constructed counterfeit documents often tear, rip, or are otherwise mutilated once removed from a wallet or case. When presented a document, ask the customer or client to remove the document from any case or wallet. Red Flags: Once the document is removed, check the back and the front of the document. In some cases you may find “cheat sheet” information on the back of the document such as passwords, or answers to commonly asked questions such as “mother’s maiden name.” As you will see in this presentation, counterfeit documents which are poorly constructed will be readily evident once removed from the wallet, plastic sleeve or case.

Secure documents do not easily separate or “peel” 2. Document Examination Note the tool mark used to open a completely new account with changing the driver license number from “UE” to “UF” A keen eye is all it takes to spot a counterfeit (the document on the left) or an altered document. In these depicted cases the document on the right was removed from a wallet and had separated once removed. Glue spots were quickly detected, valid identifying documents do not have drops of glue to hold the document together. Valid documents contain pressed laminate (usually several layers which are not simply front/ back/ and glued). The case on the right involved a subject who altered an authentic Ohio Driver License to indicate the license number starting with the characters “UF” instead of “UE”. This was discovered when the presenter was excluded from writing checks at a retailer with his authentic driver license number, so he altered the license number to write additional checks. Secure documents do not easily separate or “peel”

2a. Document Examination Authentic documents contain clear focused images. For example, look at the flower on the counterfeit (top) license verses the flower on the authentic (bottom). Poor scissor skills and improper shadowing easily detected Example counterfeit (top) and authentic (bottom). Even though this is an Ontario Canada Driver’s License, notice how the flower image is more detailed in the authentic Driver’s License. Notice the counterfeit which displays a poorly cut image of the person and improper shadowing, versus the authentic with proper shadowing. Also the trend of legitimate identity documents is toward black and white images. They contain a higher more cost effective resolution and are harder to counterfeit. Another element to this document is the clarity of the colors (blue and green) along with the flower (Trillium) petals. The high quality lines which make up the color and the design are difficult for counterfeiters to replicate.

2b. But Wait… I have a mag stripe reader Just because it scans does NOT make the document authentic Mag stripe readers are a good resource and more and are used in everyday business. However, counterfeiters are well aware of the widespread usage of mag stripe readers and are now programming counterfeit documents to indicate all the data that is on the front of the document. In this case, all of these counterfeit documents, when scanned, indicated the same fictitious names, dates of birth, driver license numbers, and addresses that were printed on the front of the card. Each of the counterfeit documents confiscated above had holograms and when scanned, indicated the same fraudulent information that is on the front of the document.

3. Compare the Document to the Presenter ??????-NO Compare the image to the person who is presenting the document. It may seem elementary, but slowing down and actually observing the image of the person on the document and comparing it to the person who is presenting the document is a must. Hoods, hats, sunglasses, wigs, etc. are all known to be used to obstruct or conceal one’s true identity. Also be wary of the customer’s body language once the customer has presented the document. Be cautious if the subject immediately looks away, avoids eye contact, shuffles through papers, or sneezes at the exact moment you are completing your comparison. Be vigilant for sunglasses or other feature altering items of clothing (hats, hooded sweatshirts).

3a. More than 1 document? Pay close attention to the issue dates of the documents as counterfeiters may use the same dates of issuance and often the same photo . If provided several documents, closely observe the images to make sure they are not the exact same image on each document. Also check the issuance dates on the documents to ensure a difference or the dates are not in the future. Believe it or not, counterfeits have been received with dates in the future such as December 12, 2050. In the event your firm retains driver license or state ID information on your customers, be sure to compare the information retained to the DL/ID being presented. In addition to verifying date of birth, name and address, check for any significant changes in height, weight or eye color. Identity fraud and theft may sometimes be facilitated by look alike or similar looking imposters who have fraudulently assumed the identity of their victim.

4. Take Action: REACT Remain calm Evaluate Ask for help Detecting a fraud is exciting, and the customer or client may be more or equally nervous. Evaluate If possible remove yourself for a moment to an office or to a coworkers station to evaluate your findings. Ask for help Speak with a supervisor or manager about what you have found and what the next course of action should be. Contact authorities as per your procedure Identity fraud is a crime and the fraud you may have detected may lead to the solution of numerous other reported cases. Track the activity The actions taken by the customer or client who is perpetuating the fraud, may be replicated at another time. Good detailed documentation will help your co-workers or you in the event of prosecution of the suspect. So what do I do when I find a suspected counterfeit or fraudulent document. Just relax and remember to REACT. Remain calm Detecting a fraud is exciting, and the customer or client may be more or equally nervous. You control the transaction and your business relies on you to do your job accurately and thoroughly. Evaluate If possible remove yourself for a moment to an office or to a coworkers station to evaluate your findings. Discuss what lead you to believe the document may not be authentic. Begin to notate the actions of the customer or client for future reference. Ask for help Speak with a supervisor or manager about what you have found and what the next course of action should be. Each business is different and follow the set policies you have in place. If there are no policies in place, after reviewing this presentation may be a good time to sit down and begin the process to establish a policy or procedure. Contact authorities as per your procedure Identity fraud is a crime and the fraud you have detected may lead to the solution of numerous other cases reported. Be prepared to relay important information to the dispatcher including a description of the person, clothing, and if the person leaves- a description of the vehicle and license plate number. Track the activity The actions taken by the customer or client who is perpetuating the fraud, may be replicated at another time. Good detailed documentation will help your co-workers or you in the event of prosecution of the suspect. What you have experienced first hand can be a great learning tool for co-workers or new employees. Document as much possible and share that information within the workplace.

BMV Investigations – Here for you BMV Investigations has district offices around the state and Investigators who are prepared to provide assistance in the event of identity fraud. Along with their primary duties listed below, BMV Investigations: Investigate fraud regarding drivers licenses, ID cards, vehicle registrations, titles, and matters pertaining to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Assist and educate criminal justice professionals, BMV colleagues and the public regarding identity theft and methods of detection, prevention and reaction.

BMV Investigations District Contacts Toledo District Office (1) 4400 Heatherdowns Blvd. Toledo, Ohio 43614 Melody Price - Supervisor (p) 419.327.8989 (f) 419.245.2653 Cleveland District Office (2) 12000 Snow Rd. Unit 15 Parma, Ohio 44130 Mark D. Hoy - Supervisor (p) 440.845.1264 (f) 440.845.1313 Youngstown District Office (3) 831 Southwestern Run #2 Youngstown, Ohio 44514 Mary D’Amato- Supervisor (p) 330.629.2145 (f) 330.629.2603 Central Ohio District Office (4) 1970 West Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43223 Darren Lucas- Chief Todd Ballinger- Assistant Chief (p) 614.752.4885 (f) 614.752.7008 Southeast Ohio District Office (5) 1583 Alum Creek Dr. Columbus, Ohio 43209 Angi Copley- Supervisor (p) 614.752.7513 (f) 614.752.8383 Cincinnati District Office (6) 10948 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Mike Kessler- Supervisor (p) 513.742.7514 (f) 513.742.7549

The End A Safer Ohio: What will YOU do today to contribute to a safer Ohio? Special thanks to BMV Investigators Mark Hoy, Lana Chihil, Barry Solomon, Jennifer Constant, Tina Kukta and Shelly Gatesman for their assistance.