BLUE DEVILS: Over the course of winter break, you will have the opportunity to improve your physical and mental conditioning. Without the added pressure of classes, you will be able to focus all of your attention on training for the upcoming season. This time is vital in preparation to increase your strength, agility, speed, and power. The following is a packet that includes your winter lifting and conditioning. The warm-up given should be done prior to lifting. The nutrition program is given on the main page of the strength and conditioning site. There are recovery weeks given every 4 weeks. These lifts are meant to allow the body to recover and prepare for the next training cycle. When you return we will be testing the following in the weight room: Back Squat, Clean, Bench Press. In addition, we will also be testing 110 yard sprints. I expect improvements on each test and nothing less, no excuses. Push yourselves hard, good luck, and have a safe and fun winter break. Contact me if you have any questions about the program or exercise variations. Mike Piper, BS, CSCS, USAW-1 (608)
YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PASSING THE FOLLOWING TESTS WHEN YOU REPORT TO SCHOOL. LIFTS 1. CLEAN: Must do 95% of your end of the fall semester score. You must do this for AT LEAST 3 reps. 2. SQUAT: Must do 90% of your end of the fall semester score. You must do this for AT LEAST 5 reps. 3. BENCH: Must do 90% of your end of the fall semester score. You must do this for AT LEAST 5 reps. CONDITIONING 1. 16x110 Yard Sprints: Complete sprints in :18 with :42 recovery between each sprint.
CORE: REPSPLANKS: :30-1:30 COLUMN ONE COLUMN TWO COLUMN THREE Weighted Toe TouchesWeighted Russian TwistsKneeling Alt. Superman Weighted Regular CrunchWeighted Diagonal Punch"Y" Superman 123 (Count) Crunches Dbl. Arm / Leg Superman Knee TuckCross-Over CrunchSuperman V-CrunchSide CrunchDeadfish Single Leg V-CrunchRocky TwistCobras BicyclesPrisoner TwistSingle Leg Hip Bridge Wrist CurlsSquirmDouble Leg Hip Bridge Front PlankSide PlankSingle Leg Hip Raise Front Plank w/ Arm ReachSide Plank Hip RaiseDouble Leg Hip Raise Front Plank w/ Leg RaiseSide Plank Leg Raise Single Leg Hip Raise + Flexion/Extension Negetive Sit-UpSide Plank Roll Under Single Leg Hip Raise + Adduction/Abduction V-Sit Hydrants
Blue Devil Sports Lacrosse Week 1 December 26th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 Power Pull5 - 55%3 - 75%4 - 90%3 2a Front Squat5 - 65%8 - 80%3 2b One Leg Hip Bridge8ea - 25 lbs3x.4.x 3 Snatch Grip RDL lbs33.x.x 4 Forward Lunge8ea lbs3 5 Bar Shrugs lbs3x.10.x December 28th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 One Arm DB Push Press5 - 55%3 - 75%4ea - 90%3 2a Bench Press5 - 65%8 - 80%3 2b One Arm DB Bent Row8ea lbs3 3a Lat Pulldown lbs3 3b DB Side Raise lbs3 4 Letters T-Y-A8ea lbs2x.3.x December 30th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 Clean5 - 65%4 - 80%3 2a Back Squat % %3 2b Chest Supported Row lbs3 3a Shoulder Press % %3 3b Full Sit Ups lbs3 4 Good Mornings lbs3 5a Forward + Side Lunges8ea - bw2x.5.x 5b Bar Shrugs lbs2x.5.x
Blue Devil Sports Lacrosse Week 2 January 2nd Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 DB Jump Shrug5 - 65%3 - 80% %3 2a Back Squat5 - 65%3 - 75%6 - 85%3 2b Double Leg Hip Bridge6ea - bw3x.10.x 3 RDL6 - clean max3 4 Step Ups6ea lbs2 5 One Arm DB Shrugs lbs2x.8.x January 4th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 Push Press5 - 65%3 - 80% %3 2a DB Bench Press5 - 65%3 - 75%6 - 85%3 2b Bent Row lbs3 3a Chin Ups(alt. is :45 hold)6 - bw3 3b Plate Raise Combo lbs3 4 Scap Retract Push Ups10 - bw3 January 6th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 One Arm DB Snatch % %3 2a Front Squat % % %3 2b Inverted Row6 - bw3x.8.x 3a Push Ups6 - bw38.x.x 3b ABC Toe Touches(right, left, middle = 1)203 4 One Leg Physio Ball Leg Curl6ea - bw3 5a Split Squat6ea lbs2 5b DB Shrugs lbs2x.8.x
Blue Devil Sports Lacrosse Week 3 January 9th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 Power Pull5 - 65%3 - 80%2 - 95%3 2a Front Squat5 - 55%3 - 75%4 - 90%3 2b One Leg Hip Bridge4ea - 25 lbs3x.5.x 3 Snatch Grip RDL4 - clean max3 4 Forward Lunge4ea Bar Shrugs lbs2 January 11th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 One Arm DB Push Press5 - 65%3 - 80%2 - 95%3 2a Bench Press5 - 55%3 - 75%4 - 90%3 2b One Arm DB Bent Row4ea lbs3 3a Lat Pulldown lbs3 3b DB Side Raise lbs3 4 Letters T-Y-A8ea lbs2 January 13th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 Clean2 - 85%3 2a Back Squat %3 2b Chest Supported Row lbs3 3a Shoulder Press %3 3b Full Sit Ups lbs3 4 Good Mornings lbs3 5a Forward + Side Lunges8ea - bw2x.8.x 5b Bar Shrugs lbs2
Blue Devil Sports Lacrosse Week 4 - Deload January 16th Order Exercisew/up Work setSets E-I-C 1 Clean5 - 60%2 - 75%2 2a Back Squat5 - 65% %2 2b One Arm DB Bent Row4ea lbs2 3 Bench Press5 - 65% %2 4 Split Squat4ea - 95 lbs2 5 Snatch RDL lbs2
DATE MONDAYWEDNESDAYFRIDAY SHUTTLE WORKAGILITY & PLYOMETRICS110 WORK 12/26-12/30 NUMBER OF REPS: 2*See agility/plyo sheet. Choose oneNUMBER OF REPS: 16 ACTIVITY: 300 yard shuttle testdifferent agility and jump rope workoutACTIVITY: 110 sprints REST: 2:30 between repsfor each week.REST: :42 after each sprint GOAL TIME: < 1:05 GOAL TIME: <:18 01/2-01/6 NUMBER OF REPS: 4*See agility/plyo sheet. Choose oneNUMBER OF REPS: 16 ACTIVITY: 100 yard shuttlesdifferent agility and jump rope workoutACTIVITY: 110 sprints REST: 1:00 between repsfor each week.REST: :42 after each sprint GOAL TIME: :20 REST: 2:00 break will be given after rep 8 01/9-01/13 NUMBER OF REPS: 4*See agility/plyo sheet. Choose oneNUMBER OF REPS: 16 ACTIVITY: 100 yard shuttlesdifferent agility and jump rope workoutACTIVITY: 110 sprints REST: :40 between repsfor each week.REST: :42 GOAL TIME: :20 REST: 2:00 break after rep 11 01/16 NUMBER OF REPS: 1*See agility/plyo sheet. Choose oneNUMBER OF REPS: 8 ACTIVITY: 300 yard shuttledifferent agility and jump rope workoutACTIVITY: 110 sprints REST: NAfor each week.REST: 1:00 after each sprint GOAL TIME: < 1:05 GOAL TIME: NA
WORKOUT 1: CRCUITWORKOUT 2: BW CIRCUITWORKOUT 3: 3 CONE DRILL *SETS: 3 REST: 1:30*MAX reps in :20, :10 rest inbetween exercisesSETS: 10 each way REST: :15 EXERCISETIMEComplete 4 SETS of the circuitCONES ARE SPACED 7.5 YARDS APART Jump Rope: High Knees:30REST: 1:30 between SETS Push Ups:30EXERCISETIMEREST1. Begin drill at cone 1 Jump Rope: One Legged Jumps:30Push Ups:20:102. From cone 1, SPRINT to cone 2 Long Striders:30Blurpees:20:103. From cone 2, SHUFFLE to cone 3 Jump Rope: One Legged Jumps:30BW Squat:20:104. From cone 3, DROP STEP to cone 1 Seal Jacks:30Squat Jumps:20:10 Jump Rope: Double Jumps:30Push Ups:20:10 1 Blurpees:30Blurpees:20:10 Jump Rope: Half Twisters:30BW Squat:20:10 Cross Over Jumping Jack:30Blurpees:20: WORKOUT 4: PRO AGILITYWORKOUT 5: STAR DRILLWORKOUT 6: FIELD SETS: 20 REST: :15SETS: 10 REST: :30EXERCISEREST BEGIN drill from the * 40 Yard Sprint in :06:24 1. Begin drill at cone 1 FOR CONES 1-3: Sprint to cone, backpedal to * 40 Yard Sprint in :06:24 2. From cone 1, sprint to cone 2ex. From *, sprint to cone 1, backpedal30 Yard Sprint in :04:16 2. Once at cone 2, sprint to cone 3back to *. Repeat for cones 2 & 3.30 Yard Sprint in :04:16 4. Once at cone 3, sprint and FINSH through CONES 4 & 5: Shuffle to cone, shuffle back to * 20 Yard Sprint in :03:12 cone 1ex. From *, shuffle to cone 4, shuflle back to *20 Yard Sprint in :03:10 CONES 6-8: Backpedal to cone, sprint to *10 Yard Sprint in :02:05 CONES are spaced 7 yards apart.ex. From *, backpedal to cone 6, sprint to *10 Yard Sprint in :02:05 CONES are spaced 7 yards apart from * start BREAK 2:00 REST 2 40 Yard Sprint in :06: Yard Sprint in :06: Yard Sprint in :04:08 4 * 5 30 Yard Sprint in :04:08 20 Yard Sprint in :03: Yard Sprint in :03:06
WORKOUT 7: ON FIELDWORKOUT 8: PLATE CIRCUITWORKOUT 9: CONE DRILL *Pyramid Sprints (down & back = 1): 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2 COMPLETE SET AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! EXERCISEREST*use a 25 lb. plate THROUGHOUT circuit*Below is the set-up for the cones. Repeat 10x through. 2 Forty Yard Sprints in :24:25Complete 3 SETS of the circuitSETS: 10 REST: 1:00 bet. SETS 3 Thirty Yard Sprints in :15:20REST: 1:00 between SETS 4 Twenty Yard Sprints in :12: Twenty Yard Sprints in :12:25EXERCISEREPS 3 Thirty Yard Sprints in :15:30Squat Jumps Forty Yard Sprints in :24:48Cycled Split Squat Jumps10ea Forward Lunge + Plate Twist5ea 1 5 Back Squat w/ Plate30 Seated Punch6REP 1REP 2 WORKOUT 10: POOL (3)Back Squat + Plate Punch301 to 2: Bear Crawl1 to 2: Side Shuffle 1. PLYOMETRIC CIRCUIT x3 SETSOverhead Backward Lunge5ea2 to 3: Sprint EXERCISETIMESide Lunge8ea3 to 4: Back Pedal3 to 4: Crossover Run Block Jumps:30Rocky Twist204 to 5: Bear Crawl4 to 5: Side Shuffle One Leg Later Jumps:30One Leg RDL + Shoulder Press10ea One Leg Jumps:30REP 3 Scissor Jump:301 to 2: Back Pedal Lateral Jumps:302 to 3: Sprint 3 to 4: Back Pedal 2. TREADING WATER4 to 5: Sprint EXERCISEREST 3 x :30 treading water:30 5 x :45 treading water:15 3. CONTINUOUS LAPS: 5 min.
JUMP ROPE CIRCUIT 1JUMP ROPE CIRCUIT 2JUMP ROPE CIRCUIT 3 EXERCISETIMEEXERCISETIMEEXERCISETIME Double Leg Jumps:30 Toe Taps:45Single Leg Jumps1:00 Single Leg Jumps:30 Double Jumps:45Single Leg Jumps1:00 Single Leg Jumps:30Half Twister:45Single Leg Jumps1:00 Double Jumps:30Single Leg Jumps:45Single Leg Jumps1:00 Lateral Jumps:30Single Leg Jumps:45Half Twisters1:00 Half Twisters:30Double Leg Jumps:45Double Jump1:00
OLYMPIC LIFTSLOWER BODY LIFTSUPPER BODY LIFTS Jump ShrugTrap Bar DeadliftBench Press DB Jump ShrugSumo DeadliftDB Bench Press Power PullLeg PressIncline Press DB Power PullSmith Machine Back SquatDB Incline Press CleanSmith Machine Front SquatShoulder Press DB Clean DB Shoulder Press One Arm DB Clean ONE LEG LOWER BODY LIFTS Push Ups SnatchBarbell or DB Step UpsPull Ups DB SnatchBarbell or DB Side LungeBent Over Row One Arm DB SnatchDB Elevated Backward LungeNegetive Pull Ups Push PressBarbell or DB Forward Lunge DB Push PressDB Elevated Split Squat ONE ARM/BACK UPPER BODY LIFTS One Arm DB Push PressOne Leg Leg PressOne Arm DB Bench Press Clean + Push PressBarbell or DB Bulgarian SquatOne Arm DB Incline Press DB Clean + Push PressDB Crossover StepOne Arm DB Shoulder Press Barbell or DB Lateral Step UpInverted Row Seated Row HAMSTRING / LOW BACK LIFTS Lat Pulldown RDLOne Arm DB Row Glute Ham RaiseOne Arm Seated Row Physio Ball Leg CurlOne Arm Lat Pulldown Good MorningUpright Row Negetive Glute Ham Raise Medicine Ball Hip Raise Leg Curl (Machine)
CLEANSQUATFRONT SQUATPUSH PRESSBENCHDEADLIFTINCLINESHOULDER MAX CHARTMAXWU WSMAXWU WSMAXWU WSMAXWU WSMAXWU WSMAXWU WSMAXWU WSMAXWU WS NAME 0.0% Burke, Meghan Delancey, Erin Famiano, Alyssa Healy, Claire Karner, Caitlin Malloy, Chelsea Mara, Ashley McCurry, Meaghan McKeon, Ciara Momnie, Cara Olhausen, Ashley Perkoski, Ashley Roche, Alison Ryan, Mackenzy Steimke, Olivia Sudock, Jessica Tarsi, Andrea Toke, Amanda Tullar, Morgan Vendel, Betsy Ward, Cierra
100%95%.92.5%90%.87.5%85%.82.5%80%.77.5%75%.72.5%70%.67.5%65%.62.5%60%.57.5%55%.52.5%50% 1RM2RM3RM4RM5RM6RM7RM8RM9RM10RM11RM12RM13RM14RM15RM16RM17RM18RM19RM20RM
100%95%.92.5%90%.87.5%85%.82.5%80%.77.5%75%.72.5%70%.67.5%65%.62.5%60%.57.5%55%.52.5%50% 1RM2RM3RM4RM5RM6RM7RM8RM9RM10RM11RM12RM13RM14RM15RM16RM17RM18RM19RM20RM BODY WEIGHT CHART 1/4 BW 1/3 BW 1/2 BW 2/3 BW 3/4 BW