H OW TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING ? Please be quiet when the bell rings and sit down in your seat. Please be quiet while teacher is speaking.
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H OW TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING ? It’s bigger/smaller than… It’s this big/small. It’s used for… It’s blue, yellow, red, white, etc… It’s made out of wood, leather, metal, plastic, etc.
I T ’ S BIGGER / SMALLER THAN …. It’s smaller than a dog. It’s bigger than a piece of chalk.
I T ’ S THIS BIG / SMALL. It’s this big. It’s this small.
I T ’ S USED FOR … It’s used to unlock a door. It’s used to open a lock.
I T ’ S BLUE, YELLOW, RED, WHITE, ETC … It’s purple. Blue Yellow Red While Black Pink Purple Green Orange Grey Brown
I T ’ S MADE OUT OF …. It’s made out of leather. Wood Leather Metal Plastic Paper Cotton
S OCK It’s smaller than a shirt. It’s this big. It’s used to keep your feet warm. It’s white and grey. It’s made out of cotton.
It’s bigger than ________. It’s this ______. It’s used to _________. It’s _____. It’s made out of _______.
S CISSOR It’s bigger than a pencil. It’s this big. It’s used to cut paper. It’s black and grey. It’s made out of metal and plastic.
C ORKSCREW It’s smaller than a shoe. It’s this big. It’s used to open wine bottles. It’s yellow. It’s made out of plastic.
M ICROPHONE It’s smaller than my hand. It’s this small. It’s used to sing songs. It’s black. It’s made out of plastic.
J UMP R OPE It’s longer than a pencil. It’s this big. It’s used to exercise and play games. It’s red and black. It’s made out of plastic.
P UMP It’s bigger than ________. It’s this ______. It’s used to _________. It’s _____. It’s made out of _______.
P UMP It’s bigger than a phone. It’s this big. It’s used to pump air into balls. It’s red. It’s made out of plastic.
B ATTERY It’s smaller than a phone. It’s this small. It’s used to give things electricity. It’s black and brown. It’s made out of metal.
A LARM C LOCK It’s bigger than ________. It’s this ______. It’s used to _________. It’s _____. It’s made out of _______.
A LARM C LOCK It’s smaller than a computer. It’s this small. It’s used to wake people up in the morning. It’s black It’s made out of plastic.
GAME TIME: I SPY This is a common game for Western children. One person chooses an object in the room and the rest of the group must guess what the object is. The person cannot say the name of the object and can only answer yes or no. It’s bigger than ________. It’s this ______. It’s used to _________. It’s _____. It’s made out of _______.