Tools for Success Alice Parker AT Consultant Cannon County Schools, TN,
Formal Definition “…any item, piece of equipment, or product system whether acquired off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.” (PL ) Simplified Definition “…a continuum of tools, strategies, and services used to support student success and participation.”
Person with identified disability All Learners can benefit (Universal Design Learning) Those who cannot accomplish a goal or objective or be functionally successful without it. “At Risk Students”
Physical Disabilities Mental Disabilities Learning Disabilities
Those who struggle but are not identified as Special Ed
“The central practical premise of UDL is that a curriculum should include alternatives to make it accessible and appropriate for individuals with different background, learning styles, abilities and disabilities in widely varied learning contexts.” Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), 2003
“Technology has great potential in providing access for all learners. Through the use of a variety of assistive technologies, students with disabilities can have the ability to access the general curriculum. When assistive technology is appropriately integrated into the regular classroom, students are provided with multiple means to complete their work.” Janet Jendron University of South Carolina AT Project “The Power of Assistive Technology
Lacks independence Can’t reach the goal Most can, but one can’t Lack of participation
Colored papers Colored Overlays Colored Ink Pens Colored Markers on White Boards Colored Tabs or Post-its Highlighting Tape Highlighters Colored Folders Colored Stickers Judith P. Sweeney Onion Mountain Technology Go to Services then Handout and Article Downloads
Predictable books Change text size, spacing, color Adapt books for page turning Use of pictures/symbols with text Talking electronic device/software to pronounce challenging words Electronic Books Magnifiers
Schedule (print or picture) Aid for finding materials (index tabs, color coded folders) Highlight text (markers, highlighter tape, ruler) Recorded material Voice output reminders for assignments, task steps) Electronic organizers & reminders Software for organization of ideas and studying Slant Board Colored tabs, post-its to (mark place, most important) Foldables©
Pencil/pen with adaptive grip Adapted paper (raised line, highlighted items) Use of prewritten words/phrases Templates Portable word processor to keyboard instead of writing Computer with word processing software Word cards/word book/word wall Pocket dictionary/thesaurus Electronic talking dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker Talking word processing Gel pens Dycem Finger spacer
Abacus/Math Line Enlarged math worksheets Low tech alternatives for answering Math “Smart Chart” Money calculator and Coinulator Tactile/voice output measuring devices Talking clocks/watches Calculator (with printout, large key, large display) Talking calculator Graph paper Extra Spacing
Pre-scissor skills (tongs, tweezers, adaptive scissors Strengthening (green floral foam, bubble wrap) ADHD (dycem, Velcro, mouse pads, pencil toppers, stress balls) Vision (magnifiers, color, lighting) Hearing (Pen & Paper, Voice Amplifiers) Autism (Visual materials, simple, step by step instruction, prompts, find motivators, social stories)