What is the diagnosis? Case Report 1 35 yo AAF c/o new rashes on extremities PE: Diffuse palpable purpura in reticular pattern on bilateral lower ext, buttocks, and arms Labs: Elevated LFTs Neg ANA, ANCAs, antiphospholipid Ab, lups anticoag, cryoglobulins, C3/C4, hepatitis panel, HIV Ab and hypercoag panel Biopsy: Fibrin thrombi occluding vessels, extensive hemorrhage Outcome: Improved on oral prednisone
Cocaine-Induced Pseudovasculitis
Pseudovasculitis Disorders that mimic vasculitis by not revealing the expected diagnostic histopathologic findings. Consider when vasculitis is not supported or data is inconsistent [Friedman, 2005]
Cocaine- Induced Pseudovasculitis Characteristics Biopsy: No granulomas or leukocytoclasia Found in Wegner’s Labs: inconsistent ANCA and target Ab pattern Localized disease, NOT systemic Treatment: Abstaining from cocaine use is best [Bhinder S, 2007 and Friedman D, 2005]
What is the diagnosis? Case Report yo chinese man presented with erythematous erysipeloid- like plaque on lower extremity - Treated for bacterial infection with antibiotics - Treated with Prednisolone after negative cultures - Presented with plaques and nodules over BLE and thighs 1 yr later. No other symptoms. - Biopsy: Fibrinoid necrosis of medium-size artery with neutrophilic infiltrate. - LFTs, CK, aldolase, ANA, ANCA, Hep panels, CXR, and EKG normal - Relief of symptoms with Prednisolone [Khoo & Ng, 1998]
Cutaneous Periarteritis Nodosa
Benign, chronic, relapsing course NO systemic involvement, mostly localized Primary lesion Painful subcutaneous nodules in lower extremities Peripheral neuropathy Numbness, burning and rarely foot drop Medium size vessels in deep dermis and panniculus Not associated with Hep B or C Favorable prognosis factor Rare involvement with c-ANCA or p-ANCA
33 cases Diaz-Peres and Winkelmann 79 cases Daoud, Hutton, and Gibson 1 F/ M Age: Variable onset 1.7 F/M Age: Variable onset Epidemiology
M. S Daoud et al, 1997 Cutaneous PANSystemic PAN Normal BPElevated BP Leukocytosis normal to moderateSevere leukocytosis Small and medium arteries and arterioles Localized involvementMulti-organ involvement Hep B and C negativeHep B and C association Immunological testing equivocalSmall ANCA association Chronic, relapsing, benign diseaseFatal in 2 years without Rx [Khoo & Ng, 1998]
Study by M.S. Daoud et al, 1997 Non-ulcerative cutaneous PANUlcerative cutaneous PAN Patients found to have indurated plaques on lower extremities Painful ulcerations in legs Edema, swelling of lower extremities (60%) Edema (54%) Low grade fever, arthralgias, myalgias, malasie, and lethargy (25%) Low grade fever, fatigue, arthralgias, myalgias (< 20%) Sensory disturbances Elevated ESR (60%)Elevated ESR (59%) Negative Hep B and Hep C Steroids symptomatically effective
Cutaneous PAN [Brandt, HRC, 2009]
Histopathology of Cutaneous PAN Medium sized vessels Inflammatory changes in deep dermis Necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasulitis of capillaries Superficial dermis Microscopic changes do not correlate with severity of disease [Diaz-Perez, 2007 and Daoud, 1997]
Treatment Prednisone Initial: 1mg/kg/d with max 60 to 80 mg/d Long term: Continue high dose for 4 weeks or significant improvement Taper 5 to 10 mg every 7 days till 20 mg/day is reached 1 mg/day every 7 days till finished Total: 9 months Reduction in prednisone dose Associated with flare of disease [ Ribi, 2010; Daoud, 1997]
Summary Cocaine-Induced pseudovasculitis Consider when biopsy and lab data are inconsistent High level of suspicion in cocaine users Cutaneous PAN Consider when: Medium-vessel vasculitis in deep dermis Localized normally to lower extremities Labs are normal or negative Improves with Prednisone
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