1995 Chicago heat wave 5 days above 100°F apparent temperature 739 deaths 1,072 hospitalizations 3,300 ED visits 14.6 heat-related death rate ratio for adults 65+
2006 California heat wave 11 consecutive days above 100°F 655 deaths 1,182 hospitalizations 16,166 ED visits
2003 heat wave in France Hottest summer in Europe in the last 500 years 14,800 deaths 4.4 relative risk of heat-related death with no AC 15 consecutive days over 95°F
are we headed for a fiery future of endless heat waves?
Coos Bay climate normals coastal region
La Grande climate normals eastern region
Medford climate normals southwest region
Corvallis climate normals Willamette valley region
N 4 miles zip code boundary Oregon zip codes big town small town geographic center population weighted center weather station w1 = 1 - d1/(d1 + d2) w2 = 1 - d2/(d1 + d2) d1 d2 d3 daily max temp daily min temp weighted average: selected stations daily hospital admission counts daily mortality counts Census zip code population estimates weather station data
outcomepredictorrate ratio ( 95 % CI)p-value heat-related hospitalizations max temp 3.66 (3.18, 4.22)< min temp 1.37 (1.12, 1.68) age 0-4 heat-related hospitalizations max temp -- min temp -- age 65+ heat-related hospitalizations max temp 3.79 (3.15, 4.56) < min temp 1.33 (0.98, 1.80) Min temp Max temp r = 0.49 p = <0.0001
outcomepredictor adjusted rate ratio ( 95 % CI)p-value all non-injury hospitalizations max temp (1.006, 1.011)< min temp (0.987, 0.997) Age 65+ non-injury hospitalizations max temp (1.007, 1.018)< min temp (0.979, 0.995) electrolyte hospitalizations max temp (1.034, 1.077)< min temp (1.002, 1.094) all non-injury deathsmax temp (1.001, 1.017)0.0231
all non-injury hospitalizations
electrolyte imbalance hospitalizations
all non-injury deaths