A p H p Foundation ercent ydronium ionydrogen ion proton positive positive charge ? smallest, lightest cation ACID The Path to High Brix Parameters for Biological Function electrolyte in solution + electron - H acid / alkaline balance with no electron click to continue -forming ion a single lonely, naked,
A OH - ratio of H + to OH - p H H+H+ electron OH - OH hydroxyl O Foundation cation ACID ACID-forming 2 empty orbits HH xygen small, light anion p H = - proton The Path to High Brix Parameters for Biological Function in solution electrolyte OH + proton H acid / alkaline balance ALKALI ALKALI-forming anion -
H OH - ratio of H + to OH - pHpH H+H+ ALKALI ALKALI-forming ALKALI extreme OH - Foundation OH 0 p H = proton 100% 100% ACID ACID-forming 7 extreme ACID The Path to High Brix Parameters for Biological Function acid / alkaline balance electron cation electrolyte + proton - H + = OH - Where does the energy come from to pull apart a water molecule into H+ and OH-? 7.4 COMA CONVULSIONS = blood plant sap = % 100% 50/50 anion 14
Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) and many others Phosphorus (P) Sulfur (S) Chlorine (Cl) and a few others Parameters for Biological Function Chemical Cross Metals Non-Metals - + anions cations - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH The Path to High Brix
+ Salt Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) and many others H + H O - H H O Phosphorus (P) Sulfur (S) Chlorine (Cl) and a few others Parameters for Biological Function Chemical Cross Metals Non-Metals anionscations - - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH The Path to High Brix + H H O anionscations
Salt Sodium (Na) H H O Chlorine (Cl) Parameters for Biological Function Chemical Cross - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH + The Path to High Brix NaCl Sodium Chloride anionscations + -
Salt Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) and many others H H O Phosphorus (P) Sulfur (S) Chlorine (Cl) and a few others Parameters for Biological Function Chemical Cross - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH + The Path to High Brix electrolyte balance in blood Where does the energy come from to power soil nutrient supply? anionscations Non-Metals pH
The Path to High Brix Parameters for Biological Function Chemical Cross acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH PLANT ANIMAL carbohydrate protein carbon nitrogen potassium sodium Where does the energy come from to power soil nutrient supply? Minerals electromagnetic electromagnetic center of charge seed of symmetry
Salt Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) and many others H H O Phosphorus (P) Sulfur (S) Chlorine (Cl) and a few others Parameters for Biological Function Chemical Cross - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH + Mineral Mineral The Path to High Brix Minerals Mineral anionscations ?
di-saccharide Chemical Cross tri-saccharide poly-saccharide, chitin, glycogen, etc. H H O Parameters for Biological Function + anionscations - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH + - The Path to High Brix Sugar Sugar Sugar-Sugar Sugar-Sugar-Sugar Sugar-Sugar-Sugar-Sugar Sugar-Sugar-Sugar-Sugar-Sugar Sugar-Sugar-Sugar-Sugar-Sugar-Sugar complex carbohydrates starch, cellulose, lignin Salt H H O
di-peptide poly-peptideproteinenzymes - Chemical Cross H H O Parameters for Biological Function + anionscations - acid / alkaline balance pHpHpHpH + The Path to High Brix H H O Amino-Amino Amino Acid Amino Acid Amino-Amino-Amino Amino-Amino-Amino-Amino Amino-Amino-Amino-Amino-Amino Salt complex proteins
The Path to High Brix Foundation Parameters for Biological Function Plant Sap p H acid / alkaline balance HIGHER than 6.4 probable anion shortages Nitrogen, Phosphate, Sulfur IDEAL : 6.4 = optimum growth, production & health LOWER than 6.4 probable cation deficiencies Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium OVER 8.0 odds of insect trouble = 100% Low sap pH high fungal disease potential UNDER 4.5 fungal infection is 100% probable High sap pH more insect damage potential