Batteries Andrew G., Santino M., Sam H., Cameron P. Mr. Winterhalter Period: 2
Batteries Batteries act like mini, portable generators Batteries start with chemical energy The chemical energy is stored in chemical compounds Electric chemical cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
The First Battery Luigi Galvani created he first batteries on accident when he was studying the anatomy of a frog. He used a brass hook to hold the leg and touched it to a iron railing and noticed the leg muscle twitched. The first modern batteries were layers of iron, zinc, and paper soaked in salt water.
Electrochemical Cells Several cells are stacked together make a batteries Modern batteries are single Electrochemical cells
Wet and Dry Cells An electrochemical cell in which the electrolyte is a liquid is a wet cell. A dry cell is a electrochemical cell in which the electrolyte has the consistent of a paste.
Dead & Rechargeable Batteries You can recharge the cells by into valuable reactants. The reactants in a rechargeable battery are made from nickel and cadmium.
Questions Answers
What was the first modern batteries made of? A) Paper B) Copper and iron C)Gold and platinum D) Silver, Zinc, Paper
What was the first modern batteries made of? A) Paper B) Copper and iron C)Gold and platinum D) Silver, Zinc, Paper
Who discovered the first batteries? A) Albert Einstein B)Alessandro Voltro C) Kobe Bryan D) Luigi Galvani
Who discovered the first batteries? A) Albert Einstein B)Alessandro Voltro C) Kobe Bryan D) Luigi Galvani
What is the difference of a wet and dry cell? A)Wet cells are et and dry cells are dry. B) A wet cell is a liquid electrolyte and a dry cell is a dry paste electrolyte. C) Wet cells run out of power faster than a dry cell.
What is the difference of a wet and dry cell? A)Wet cells are et and dry cells are dry. B) A wet cell is a liquid electrolyte and a dry cell is a dry paste electrolyte. C) Wet cells run out of power faster than a dry cell.
What is an electrochemical cell? A) A cell made entirely of moist paper B) A cell device that doesn't convert chemical energy into electric energy. C) A cell devic3e that does convert chemical energy into electrical energy. D) Used to power sail boats.
What is an electrochemical cell? A) A cell made entirely of moist paper B) A cell device that doesn't convert chemical energy into electric energy. C) A cell device that does convert chemical energy into electrical energy. D) Used to power sail boats.
A electrical chemical cell can be re charged to be bring a battery back to life? True or False
A electrical chemical cell can be re charged to be bring a battery back to life? True or False