Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
Goya created About 500 oil paintings 280 lithographs and etchings (and he used the most modern methods) Nearly a thousand drawings
His life can be divided into four stages: Until 1793 – slow rise to maturity 1793 – illness that left him deaf and released pent up creative forces within him 1808 – Napoleonic invasion and Goya’s responses to the war – a second illness, he retires to the Quinta del Sordo, the Black Paintings
First Stage: Tapestry Cartoons Produced for the Royal Tapestry Factory (Charles III) Rococo tendencies in nature and pose of figures Girl seems to stare at spectator, giving a sense of realism Clothing implies social class Relationship between the two? Parasol? General impression?
Blind Man´s Bluff
Etchings after Velázquez Las meninas 1773
Saint Francis of Borgia at the Deathbed of an Impenitent “The most sharply accurate vision of the collapse of the great religious and monarchic traditions of the West” Turning point: first use of the fantastic Emphasis on sinner’s naked body, expression Restless agony vs. pious zeal Rejection of idealized concept of expression (Neoclassicism) Emphasis on extremes
Portraits Rich clothing All the insignias of royalty, powdered wig Face? Impression? Critique? Charles IV
Queen María Luisa Rich royal clothing Royal insignias Hair and hat? Face? Personality? Attitude of Goya towards her?
The Straw Mannequin
Second Stage, after losing his hearing Yard of lunatics – 1793 Images of madness Enclosure Continuation of tendency begun with Saint Francis of Borgia Alienation and despair Movement Use of light Chaotic jumble of bodies
The Caprichos (Caprices) 1799 Series of 82 etchings Satirizing all aspects of society: –Aristocracy –Church –Greed –Prostitution –Marriage –Folly –Cruelty –Etc.
Descendant of donkeys
Love and Death
Caprice 43 Marks a change in the series The Sleep/Dream of Reason Produces Monsters Neoclassical or Romantic? The sublime Nightmare visions
1808 – 1814 Napoleon and the War of Independence The 3 rd of May, 1808
Conformity of soldiers, power conveyed by abstract shape Victims cover their eyes, pray Center: man with outstretched arms = crucifixion Concentration of light, color on man
The disasters of the war Set of 82 etchings Realities of war: Violence Savagery Rape murder
The Colossus – between Ambiguity of giant –Ignorant, arrogant prince? (Ferdinand VII) Mountains= the powerful Donkey=nobility –Hercules who rises up against Napoleon? –Buried to above the knees –Back to spectator –Closed eyes
Ferdinand VII El deseado (1814) Period of absolutism ( ), persecution of liberals constitutional monarchy (Intervention of 100,000 Sons of Saint Louis) Ominous Decade
Disparates or Proverbs ( ) Not published until 1864 Last great series of etchings Gives himself up to the irrational, nocturnal, fantastic, grotesque and terrifying Disparate del miedo [fear}
Los ensacados [In sacks]
The Inquisition
Black Paintings– The witches’ Sabbath
Dog on a leash or Dog fighting against the current
Fight with Cudgels Stephen Mark
The Milkmaid from Bordeaux Goya in exile in Bordeaux Girl has a melancholy, dreamy, far away gaze Color: greens and blues Influence on Impressionists