FATIGUE in the Workforce IP Signalling Step up for Safety week th Oct 2014 delivered by
Acknowledgement This presentation is based upon information produced by the RIAG, the Rail Infrastructure Assurance Group, comprising contractors, Network Rail and the RSSB, working together for a safe rail industry. For more details please visit
Introduction Employers have a legal obligation as well as safety and business reasons to deal with fatigue as part of an overall health and safety program. This presentation aims to give you information about the risks associated with being tired at work and guidance on how you can avoid or manage fatigue so that you are less likely to be harmed by the effects.
Fatigue Is a contributory factor in many railway industry accidents. Is a common subject for companies examining the health and safety hazards facing their operations and the workforce Can extend to home as well as the workplace. Has an impact similar to alcohol impairment
Why Manage? There is a legal and moral obligation on us ALL to manage workplace fatigue. The benefits can be substantial including: Avoiding the costs of incidents and accidents Reducing absence Better health & morale Increased productivity
Major Cause The major cause of fatigue is a lack of sleep – just once or over time. It may be:- –due to a late night and feeling tired the next day –having too little sleep and developing a sleep debt. Physical and mental activities tax the body. It’s no surprise that you get tired from work; no matter what your task might be.
What is Sleep Debt Most people need 8 hours of sleep a day – some more, some less. Having less than you need creates a sleep debt. Cancelling that debt often can’t be done in one night. For example, sleeping 6 hours instead of your usual 8 cannot usually be recovered by sleeping an extra 2 hours the following night. The more sleep debt you have, the more good sleep it may take to pay it back.
How can it affect your Health & Safety? Slower reaction time Poor decision making Increased likelihood of mistakes Decreased performance Dangerous lapses from micro sleeps and automatic behaviour.
The Warning Signs Physical Symptoms – Do YOU recognise any of these in yourself or any of your work mates ?? Drowsiness Yawning Eyes closing or getting sore Vision going out of focus or blurring Slower physical reaction time Cat Napping Automatic behavior Short Temper / Irritability Effects from Over the Counter or Prescribed Medication
The Warning Signs Mental Symptoms:- Poor concentration, including wandering thoughts Inability to remember things you’ve just done, seen, or heard Failure to respond to changes in your surroundings or situation Less alertness and watchfulness Poor logic and judgment, including taking risks you usually wouldn’t
The Warning Signs Emotional Symptoms Bored Restless Depressed Giddy Grouchy Impatient
Planning When setting up work rosters we need to make allowances for these situations:- Long hours of physical or mental activity Inadequate breaks Not enough rest between work days Shift work (permanent or rotating) Extended or compressed work weeks and day-off patterns Being on call Traveling time – Hours worked [14 hours Door to Door 12 hours Maximum on Site]
Mitigation Measures – What can YOU do ?? Get the required amount of sleep Take planned meal and rest breaks in your shift Tell your Manager if you have a sleep related condition such as SLEEP APNOEA Take into account future shifts when planning Off-Duty activities Declare if you have a second job Participate in any Fatigue related education or training events Avoid excessive use of stimulants and sedatives Declare all medication – Over the Counter or those Prescribed If you are concerned or require advice, your organisation’s Occupational Health team can provide confidential support
Mitigation Measures – What can we do ?? Your company can help with some things, including:- Provision of lodging Provision of additional rest breaks in-shift Rescheduling of scope/scale of work Alteration to scheduled shift length Utilisation of local gangs where possible
Limits, Policies and Guidance Currently there are absolute maximum limits for working in the UK Rail Industry, which our policy is aligned towards, these are: Maximum of 72 hours over any 7 day period Maximum duty period of 12 hours Maximum door-to-door time (from/to place of rest) of 14 hours. No more than 13 duty periods can be booked in any 14 day period. Please note that the above are the maximum allowable and should not represent a target!
First steps – Education/Awareness Please make sure that you consider your own well being when changing shifts, and when volunteering for and working overtime. Use accommodation provided by your employer. Make sure you are rested before your shift. Arrive “fit for work”. Be sure to invoke the “work safe” procedure if you feel unable to work or travel safely due to fatigue. Get home safe.
Further Information Fatigue is a major contributor, often concealed, in many accidents and incidents, which needs to be actively managed in the Railway environment along with the demands for night working and shift changes. Further information on the effects of, and techniques for managing fatigue can be found at: