WORKSHOP Peer-tutoring & Inclusion awareness self-assessment empathy
Get into groups of five. Each of you should choose a role. quick and smart noisy and restless swot absent minded with special needs
Take the coloured card with your name on it. quick and smart SMARTY noisy and restless BEE swot GOGGLE absent minded DREAMER with special needs SPECIAL
Try to get inside the role. You are in the learner’s position now. Try to feel and behave like the student.
Get ready to work in your group. Remember: You are students.
Appoint one of your group as secretary. The secretary will write any questions which may come up on a piece of paper.
English teachers group 1 guidelines on yellow paper English teachers group 2 guidelines on green paper English teachers group 3 guidelines on orange paper
Now start working. You have 20 minutes.
The time is over. Open the Teacher’s Book and compare the answers with your answers. Put an X next to the lines where your mistakes are. Don’t erase your mistakes. Just cross them out and write the correct answer above it.
Talk in the group about the mistakes. Make sure you have understood. If no-one in the group knows the explanation, the secretary should write down the questions.
NOW AS TEACHERS WE SHOULD REMEMBER: The groups in your class should have diversity. (Remember the colours. Your groups should be composed of all “colours”.)
Let the students decide about the secretary. (If they can’t agree, you should suggest one. ) Give clear instructions to the students and make sure they know what they are going to do. Be specific about the time. Write it on the board.
While students are working, don’t sit down. Circulate in class and listen to how students work. Write any comments you want to make when the lesson finishes. Don’t interrupt them.
When you assign grammar tasks, make sure you have presented the new phenomena. Everything should be based on previous knowledge.
Make sure they understand the words even when they do grammar tasks. Encourage them to ask other members of the group. It is excellent revision even for the most confident students.
Check their attitude to all the members of the group. You may give general comments at the end of the lesson.
Talk with the students when they finish. Do they have a positive attitude? What type of students are those who are negative? What should you do?