By Allie Christopher & Emma Lewis
There once was a Princess named Anna, she had a disorder that 2 in 7 people have. This disorder is most common in princesses and queens. The disorder was… Restless Leg Syndrome!!!!
Princess Anna wakes up every night, not from scary dreams of dragons and sorcery, but from her disorder. She gets a weird feeling in her legs or arms. The symptoms are when the limbs feel itchy, begin to tingle or that something is crawling on you!
These feelings made Anna wake up and become restless, she would then twitch and move her body rapidly.
Anna’s parents were so worried that they called the royal doctor to the castle to that they could cure their little princess and make sure no other royal family member suffered from this disorder.
The royal doctor tested Princess Anna by asking her multiple questions and doing a sleep study.
The Royal Doctor diagnosed Princess Anna with Restless Leg Syndrome. He told the king and queen that there is no real treatment for their daughter… But there are lifestyle choices that can improve her situation.
The Royal Doctor said that she can try: Maintain a regular sleeping schedule Exercise more often. Consume less caffeine Sleep with a pillow between her legs. Relaxation techniques Use pressure point techniques
A few days after meeting with the Royal Doctor, Princess Anna began to sleep so much better. She practiced all of those techniques and she never had restless leg syndrome again!
Those techniques did help Princess Anna, but so did the help of true love’s kiss by a prince!
The End