Miles is at his girlfriends funeral. Then the cemetery. Finally Bethany’s house in the back shed.
Bethany-Died in a car crash.(long black hair) Miles-Wrote lame poems
He wants his poems back. So he digs up her grave to find not Bethany or so he thinks.
She leaves him alone and puts the poems in a place he’d never look.
I think it was a good story. It keep me reading the short story until it was over.
Won the awards for her short stories.. Kelly loves to write short stories.
Should Bethany had faked her identity to him? Why didn’t he want her to have his poems anymore? What did you think of the story? How did her mom know who she was but Miles didn’t? Should he had dug up the grave to begin with?
Miles is at his dead girlfriends funeral. Bethany died in a car crash. He buried some poems with her. Later he decides he wants them back. So he goes and digs up her grave only to dig up the wrong one. He thought he dug up the wrong grave or did he? Bethany takes him on a wild goose chase. She goes by another name though. Bethany finally lets him go with no more chasing. She left his poems in a place he’d never look and so he never gets his poems back.