Munmun De Choudhury Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech March 12, 2014 Online Social Dynamics and Well-being.


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Presentation transcript:

Munmun De Choudhury Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech March 12, 2014 Online Social Dynamics and Well-being

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Three problems

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Examine patterns of activity and emotional correlates for childbirth and postnatal course leveraging activity in social media (Twitter) (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013a) Honorable Mention Award Research Question:

Blue line represents approximate time of childbirth. The red line represents mothers and the green line represents the background cohort (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013a)

size of vocabulary (#unigrams) percentage of unigrams w/ p <.01 mothers w/ large effects17, % mothers w/ small effects33, % background cohort47, % percent of all unigrams in the language vocabulary used that changed significantly in usage frequency after childbirth, i.e. with p <.01 based on paired sample t-tests background cohortmothers w/ small effectsmothers w/ large effects now ( ↓ ), shit ( ↑ ), back ( ↑ ), that ( ↑ ), day ( ↓ ), life ( ↑ ), time ( ↓ ), them ( ↑ ), me ( ↑ ), you ( ↑ ), fuck ( ↑ ), today ( ↓ ), sleep ( ↑ ), tonight ( ↓ ), love ( ↓ ), good ( ↓ ), here( ↓ ), her ( ↓ ), morning ( ↑ ), tomorrow ( ↑ ), go ( ↑ ), know ( ↑ ), him ( ↓ ), people ( ↓ ) #past ( ↑ ), duh ( ↑ ), people ( ↓ ), photo ( ↑ ), post ( ↑ ), decision ( ↓ ), reunite ( ↓ ), women ( ↑ ), story ( ↑ ), time ( ↑ ), asap ( ↓ ), do ( ↑ ), life ( ↓ ), wait ( ↑ ), fired ( ↑ ), days ( ↑ ), happy ( ↓ ) haha ( ↓ ), blessed ( ↑ ), lol ( ↓ ), #lifecangetbetter ( ↑ ), awesome ( ↓ ), monthly ( ↑ ), fantastic ( ↓ ), cuddle ( ↑ ), home ( ↑ ), love ( ↓ ), sick ( ↑ ), aww ( ↑ ), scary ( ↑ ) top unigrams showing the most change (in usage frequency) in the postnatal period, compared to the prenatal phase (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013a)

Facebook & Postpartum Depression Web survey to recruit mothers who were Facebook users and who gave birth to a child within the last nine months or less To incentivize participation, mothers were entered into the random drawing of four $500 Amazon gift cards Survey was active between mid-July and mid-September, 2012 Advertised through: Mailing list of new mothers at Microsoft Neighborhood based mommy blogs in the Seattle metro area Postings from our organization’s official Twitter and Facebook accounts Our personal Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts Paid Facebook ads targeting mothers in the age group years Sponsored posts on BabyCenter ( (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, Hoff, CSCW 2014a)

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) the 9-item questionnaire seeks responses over the past two week period based directly on the nine diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fourth Edition) scores on the PHQ-9 range from zero to 27; individuals with scores 15 or above are considered to be moderately severe to severely depressed (Kroenke et al. 2001) Not at all Several days More than half the days Nearly everyday Little interest or pleasure in doing things0123 Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless0123 Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much 0123 Feeling tired or having little energy0123 Poor appetite or overeating0123 Feeling bad about yourself — or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down 0123 Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television 0123 Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite — being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual 0123 (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, Hoff, CSCW 2014a)

Prediction Task Prenatal+10d+20d+30dPostnatal Dev LL psd. R s fit N156 Error df100 The prenatal period does provide PPD-predictive information together with a brief period of postnatal observations. Aligns with findings in the clinical literature where prepartum depression is known to be a good indicator of PPD (Beck 2001). (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, Hoff, CSCW 2014a)

Low-cost, privacy-preserving mechanisms to identify new mothers’ behavior can improve social support and encourage postpartum wellness (De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, CSCW 2013a) Honorable Mention Award

(De Choudhury, Gamon, Counts, Horvitz, ICWSM 2013)

ThemeUnigrams Symptomsanxiety, withdrawal, severe, delusions, adhd, weight, insomnia, drowsiness, suicidal, appetite, dizziness, nausea, episodes, attacks, sleep, seizures, addictive, weaned, swings, dysfunction, blurred, irritability, headache, fatigue, imbalance, nervousness, psychosis, drowsy Disclosurefun, play, helped, god, answer, wants, leave, beautiful, suffer, sorry, tolerance, agree, hate, helpful, haha, enjoy, social, talk, save, win, care, love, like, hold, cope, amazing, discuss Treatmentmedication, side-effects, doctor, doses, effective, prescribed, therapy, inhibitor, stimulant, antidepressant, patients, neurotransmitters, prescriptions, psychotherapy, diagnosis, clinical, pills, chemical, counteract, toxicity, hospitalization, sedative, 150mg, 40mg, drugs Relationships, lifehome, woman, she, him, girl, game, men, friends, sexual, boy, someone, movie, favorite, jesus, house, music, religion, her, songs, party, bible, relationship, hell, young, style, church, lord, father, season, heaven, dating (De Choudhury, Gamon, Counts, Horvitz, ICWSM 2013)

 mean frequency—the average measure of the time series of a feature at any given day: µ i =(1/N)∑ t X i (t).  variance—the variation in the time series: (1/N)∑ t (X i (t) −µ i ) 2.  mean momentum—relative trend of a time series, compared to a period before: (1/N)∑ t (X i (t)-(1/(t-M))∑ (M≤k≤t- 1) X i (k)).  entropy—the measure of uncertainty in a time series: −∑ t X i (t)log(X i (t)). (De Choudhury, Gamon, Counts, Horvitz, ICWSM 2013)

(De Choudhury, Counts, Horvitz, WebSci 2013)

The Atlantic (De Choudhury, Monroy-Hernandez, Mark, CHI 2014) Best Paper Award

(De Choudhury, Monroy-Hernandez, Mark, CHI 2014)

Goal: Study affective responses in social media and how they might indicate desensitization to violence experienced in communities embroiled in an armed conflict (De Choudhury, Monroy-Hernandez, Mark, CHI 2014)

Towards the beginning of the time period of analysis, i.e., early on in 2010 or early 2011, the peaks in number of homicides are actually correlated with those in NA. However over time, especially in 2012, that ceases to be the case (De Choudhury, Monroy-Hernandez, Mark, CHI 2014)

Over time, from the trends of activation, we observe a general increase, implying that Twitter users mentioning the four cities in their postings, were increasingly using higher intensity emotions. Dominance shows a rise with persistent violence (ref. the slope of the linear fit), indicating that users are increasingly using dominating and aggressive emotions (De Choudhury, Monroy-Hernandez, Mark, CHI 2014)