Peanut Mayhem
State the problem Can I find my peanut in a basket of peanuts?
Formulate the Hypothesis I think I can find my peanut in the basket.
Identify and Control the Variables 20 peanuts in a basket you can write down you're observation to use them. The variable is the peanut.
Test your Hypothesis I am going to look over what I have wrote and l look for my peanut by using my drawing and the words I wrote in till I think I have it.
Collect your Data. I tried to find my peanut by using my data that I wrote down on my worksheet
Interpret your Data I think I found my peanut in the basket because it had a hole in it and my peanut had the same hole.
State your Conclusion. My conclusion was that I had the right peanut and I did have the write peanut.