Types of Paragraphs What’s the Difference?. Different Types of Paragraphs  DESCRIPTIVE: To inform or entertain -The writing gives the reader enough details.


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Presentation transcript:

Types of Paragraphs What’s the Difference?

Different Types of Paragraphs  DESCRIPTIVE: To inform or entertain -The writing gives the reader enough details to create a picture in their mind. -Details include characteristics of people, places, events or objects.  NARRATIVE: To inform or entertain -The writing is in the form of a story with plot, setting, conflict and characters.  PERSUASIVE: To inform and persuade -The writing is a detailed explanation which involves facts or opinions. The purpose is to persuade the reader.

Different Types of Paragraphs  The writer of the paragraph must decide what type of paragraph he or she is writing. This will depend on the topic chosen, purpose of the assignment, and who the audience is.  NOTE: Many pieces of writing involve characteristics of all 3 types.  For example, a short story (narration) could have descriptive elements.  For example, a speech (persuasive) could have narrative elements.

Descriptive Paragraph: (To inform or entertain) REMEMBER: -The writing gives the reader enough details to create a picture in their mind. -Details include characteristics of people, places, events or objects. EXAMPLE: The delicious smelling peanut butter was perfectly spread on the piece of bread. Chunks of peanuts were scattered throughout. Then a layer of bright red, freshly made, raspberry jelly was lovingly spread atop the peanut butter. Lastly, the second piece of whole wheat bread was placed on the tasty fillings. At last, the sandwich was complete and placed upon the plate.

Time to Write:  You have 10 minutes to write a DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH about Summit Middle School.  Be prepared to share your paragraph with the class when the 10 minutes is up!

Narrative Paragraph: (To inform or entertain) REMEMBER: -The writing is in the form of a story with plot, setting, conflict and characters. -Narratives can include personal stories, fictional stories, or non-fiction stories. EXAMPLE: One day, due to the incredibly loud hunger noises coming from my stomach, I decided to make a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When I grabbed all of the necessary ingredients to make my creation, I was reminded of my friend, Bob, who once went three weeks straight having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for every meal of the day.

Time to Write:  You have 10 minutes to write a NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH about Summit Middle School.  Be prepared to share your paragraph with the class when the 10 minutes is up!

Persuasive Paragraph: (To inform or persuade) REMEMBER: -The writing is a detailed explanation which involves facts or opinions. -The purpose is to persuade the reader. EXAMPLE: In 1896, thanks to an article in the popular publication, ‘Good Housekeeping’, an easy, inexpensive and delicious sandwich was created; the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Lunches would never be difficult to make again! No longer would mothers have to worry about what to make their children. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich was protein, fruit and grains all in one! However, little did they consider, this sandwich is highly deadly for some who consume it. What is considered a friendly lunch for many, can be lethal for 1.52 % of Canadian children with peanut allergies.

Time to Write:  You have 10 minutes to write a PERSUASIVE PARAGRAPH about Summit Middle School.  Be prepared to share your paragraph with the class when the 10 minutes is up!