1 Lunch Meal Pattern Training National Food Service Management Institute
Pre-Assessment Place an identifier at the top of the page. You will use the same identifier when you complete the Post Assessment. You do not need to place your name on the Assessment. 2
Seminar NFSMI Competencies Objectives Terms and Definitions Workbook Activity 3
Nutrition Standards Fruits and vegetables offered daily Substantially increasing offerings of whole grain- rich foods Only fat-free or low-fat milk varieties Limiting calories based on the age of children Reducing saturated fat, trans fats, and sodium 4
Food-Based Menus Five required food components at lunch Revised calorie, saturated fat, and sodium standards for each of the age/grade groups Multiple lines must make all required food components available to all students on a weekly basis 5
Calorie Range Lunch Requirements Grades K-5— average calories per week Grades 6-8— average calories per week Grades 9-12— average calories per week 6
Lunch Menu Components 7
8 Meat/Meat Alternate Good source of – Protein – B vitamins – Vitamin E – Iron – Zinc – Magnesium Workbook Activity
Meat 1 ounce cooked, skinless, unbreaded equals 1 oz eq Beef, fish, poultry 9
Nuts and Seeds Nuts or seeds such as sunflower seeds, almonds, and hazelnuts may be used to meet no more than one-half of the meat/meat alternate component and must be paired with another meat/meat alternate to meet the full requirement. 10
Nut Butter Two tablespoons of nut butter almond butter, cashew nut butter, peanut butter, reduced fat peanut butter, sesame seed butter, soy nut butter, or sunflower seed butter equals one ounce of the meat/meat alternate requirement 11
Tofu Commercially prepared tofu must be 2.2 ounces (by weight) with 5 or more grams of protein to equal one ounce of the meat/meat alternate requirement. Four ounces (weight) or ½ cup (volume) of soy or dairy yogurt equals one ounce of the meat/meat alternate requirement 12
Yogurt Four ounces (weight) or ½ cup (volume) of soy or dairy yogurt equals one ounce of the meat/meat alternate requirement 13
Cheese and Eggs May be used to meet all or part of the meat/meat alternate component in accordance with FNS guidance 14
Bean/Peas (Legumes) High nutrient content Low cost Use in school menu encouraged by USDA Immature or mature (dry) Edamame Menu planners must determine in advance how to count beans/peas in a meal 15
Dry Beans May be offered as a meat alternate or as a vegetable, at the discretion of the menu planner One serving may not count toward both food components in the same meal. 16
Legumes May offer two distinct servings of beans/peas (legumes) in one meal Example: Legumes may be offered as part of a salad (vegetable component) and as part of chili/bean soup (meat/meat alternate component) 17
Cooked Beans A ¼ cup of cooked beans equals one ounce of the meat/meat alternate requirement If with liquid, there should be more than ¼ cup of beans and liquid The liquid does not count as beans Workbook Activity 18
Fruit Component Supply important nutrients including – Potassium – Dietary fiber Relatively little calories Minimum creditable serving of fruit is ⅛ cup No upper limit except for juice considerations Workbook Activity 19
Types of Fruit May offer fruits that are fresh; frozen with or without added sugar; canned in light syrup, water or fruit juice; or dried Fruits and vegetables may be whole, cut-up, or pureed but are creditable by volume as served 20
Grain-Based Desserts with Fruit Does not apply to frozen grain-based desserts Grain based desserts with frozen fruit with added sugar may be credited toward both grain and fruit components Limit of 2 oz. eq for grain-based desserts 21
Fruit Juice Pasteurized, 100% full-strength fruit juice may also be offered No more than half of the weekly fruit offering may be in the form of juice. 22
Dried Fruit Credits at twice the volume served (i.e. one quarter-cup of dried fruit counts as ½ cup of fruit) 23
Snack Fruit May no longer include snack-type fruit products Examples of these products include fruit drops, leathers, and strips 24
Vegetable Components Reduce risk of – Heart disease – Stroke – Type 2 Diabetes – Certain types of cancers Workbook Activity 25
Vegetable Subgroups Dark Green Red/Orange Beans/Peas (Legumes) Starchy Others 26
Dark Green Vegetable Subgroup Good source of Vitamin A Raw, leafy greens = half the volume served (1 cup raw =.5 serving) Includes – Broccoli – Romaine lettuce – Spinach 27
Red/Orange Vegetable Subgroup Good source of Vitamin A Includes – Carrots – Sweet potatoes – Tomatoes 28
Beans/Peas (Legumes) Vegetable Subgroup Good source of folate and potassium High nutrient content Low cost 29
Starchy Vegetable Subgroup Includes – White potatoes – Fresh lima beans – Corn 30
Other Vegetable Subgroup Examples: cucumbers, cabbage, onions May be met with any additional amounts from the dark green, red/orange, and beans/peas (legumes) vegetable subgroups 31
Vegetable Subgroup School Offerings Any vegetable subgroup may be offered to meet the total weekly vegetable requirement (additional vegetables) 32
CN Labels CN Labels will be revised to document the creditable amounts of the vegetable subgroups required by the final rule: dark green, red/orange, beans/peas (legumes), starchy, and other. 33
Questions—Fruit and Vegetable Can students mix and match smaller portions of vegetable items to meet the Vegetable component requirement? Can students mix and match smaller portions of fruits to meet the Fruit component requirement? 34
Vegetable Subgroups Other Considerations Juice blends Vegetable mixture CN labels Workbook Activity 35
36 Iceberg (Head) Lettuce Chicory Celery Dark Green Leafy Lettuce Mustard Greens Lima Beans, Dry Red and Orange Peppers Taro (Malenga Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures
37 Green OnionsCassava Beans, Green or Wax Plantains Romaine Lettuce KohlrabiChinese Snow Peas Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures Navy Beans
38 Spilt PeasSpinachTurnip GreensEggplant Edamame Avocado Cherry Peppers Pink Beans Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures
39 Hubbard Squash Kidney Beans Carrots ZucchiniCucumbers Turnips Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures Onion Swiss Chard
40 Okra Mung Beans Parsnips Seaweed Beet Greens Lentils Black-eyed Peas, Dry, Mature Bean Sprouts Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures
41 Pinto Beans Brussels Sprout Green Peas, Dry Garbanzo Beans (chickpeas) Rutabagas Mushrooms Jicama Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures Kale
42 TomatillosGrape LeavesPickles Sweet Potatoes Acorn Squash Asparagus Broccoli Black Beans Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures
43 Breadfruit Tomatoes Cauliflower Escarole Endive Bok Choy Water Chestnuts Green Cabbage Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures Soybeans, Dry, Mature
44 BeetsWatercress Fresh Cowpeas or Field Peas or Black- Eyed Peas (not dry) Radish Pumpkin Parsley Corn Activity—Vegetable Subgroups Pictures Pigeon Peas
Grains Good source of – Iron – Magnesium – Selenium – B Vitamins – Dietary Fiber May lower body weight and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease 45
Grains Component No change in measuring the required daily and weekly minimum quantities for grains The calorie limits are still required Workbook Activity 46
Whole Grain Stamp Good information Content must match serving size Contains at least 8 grams of whole grain May contain un-enriched ingredients May not meet school meals criteria Workbook Activity 47
Evaluating Whole Grain-Rich Products Current labels may limit ability to determine whole grain-rich Two element criteria Workbook Activity 48
Fluid Milk Component Must be low-fat (1% milk fat or less, unflavored) Fat-free (unflavored or flavored) May offer fat-free unflavored and flavored milk Lactose-free milk is an acceptable alternative - low-fat (1 % milk fat or less, unflavored) -fat-free (unflavored or flavored). Workbook Activity 49
Milk Substitutions Required for disability accommodations Optional for parent request Must meet regulatory standards Subject to fat and calorie limits Workbook activity 50
Sodium Reduce sodium over 10 year period by reducing sodium gradually with sodium targets during Workbook Activity 51
Sodium Lunch Limits 52 Target 1: July 1, 2014(SY 2014–2015) Lunch Sodium (mg) Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12 ≤ 1,230 mg/sodium ≤ 1,360 mg/sodium ≤ 1,420 mg/sodium Target 2: July 1, 2017(SY 2017–2018) Lunch Sodium (mg) Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12 ≤ 935 mg/sodium ≤ 1,035 mg/sodium ≤ 1,080 mg/sodium Target 3: July 1, 2022(SY 2022–2023) Lunch Sodium (mg) Grades K-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12 ≤ 640 mg/sodium ≤ 710 mg/sodium ≤ 740 mg/sodium
USDA Foods Offers only reduced sodium canned beans and vegetables equal or less than 140 mg per half- cup serving, including spaghetti sauce, salsa, and tomato paste. Canned whole kernel corn, whole tomatoes, and diced tomatoes are being offered with no added salt. 53
USDA Foods, Great Value Frozen vegetables, including green beans, carrots, corn, peas, and sweet potatoes are available with no added salt The upper salt limit on mozzarella cheese (current range is mg of sodium per 1 oz. serving) and chicken fajita strips (220 mg per 2 oz. serving) USDA website color coding for low sodium and whole grain-rich food 54
Saturated Fat and Trans Fat Zero grams of trans fat per serving Meats and other animal products that contain naturally-occurring trans fats are allowed in the school meal programs with proper manufacturer documentation Workbook Activity 55
Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Students must be offered all five required components: meat/meat alternate, fruits, vegetables grains, and fluid milk. Students are allowed to decline two of the five required food components. 56
OVS Lunch Students must take a minimum of one half-cup of either the Fruit or Vegetable component. Only senior high schools are required to have Offer Versus Serve for lunch. Local SFA can choose whether or not they want to have Offer Versus Serve for their junior high, middle, and elementary schools. 57
Can take smaller portions of the Fruit and Vegetable components only Must take full portion of Meat/Meat Alternate, Grains, fluid milk Must be set at a single price no matter how many components are declined Workbook Activity 58 OVS Smaller Portions
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round Activity You will have 3 seconds to review each slide and determine which of the slides represent a reimbursable meal. At the end of the speed round we will discuss the answers. Be prepared to justify your answers. 59
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 1 Grilled Chicken Wrap 2 oz. eq Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 2 oz. Grains Vegetables ⅛ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ⅛ cup Legumes Vegetable 60
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 2 Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Tossed Salad ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit 61
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 3 Vegetarian Chile Meat/Meat Alternate 2 oz. Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable WW Crackers 1 oz. eq Grain Milk 1 cup Milk 62
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 4 Carrots ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Hamburger on a WW Bun 2 oz. Meat/Meat 1.5 oz. eq Grains Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk 63
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 5 Hummus 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate WW Pita 1 oz. eq Grain Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable 64
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 6 Fish Taco 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 1 oz. eq Grain Cole Slaw ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk 65
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 7 Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable WW Spaghetti and Marinara 1 oz. eq Grain Vegetables ¼ cup Red /Orange Vegetable Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit 66
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 8 Whole Grain-Rich Roll 1 oz. eq Grain WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz. eq Grains Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk 67
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 9 Grapes ½ cup Fruit WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz. eq Grains Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable 68
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 10 Chicken Stir Fry 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate Vegetables ¼ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Brown Rice 1 oz. eq Grain 69
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 11 Chicken Caesar Salad 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate Vegetables ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk 70
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 12 Grapes ½ cup Fruit WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate Grains 1 oz. eq Grains Vegetables ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable 71
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 1 Answer Grilled Chicken Wrap 2 oz. eq Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 2 oz. Grains ⅛ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ⅛ cup Legumes Vegetable Not Reimbursable Meal 72
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 2 Answer Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Tossed Salad ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Only two meal components selected Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit Not Reimbursable Meal 73
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 3 Answer Vegetarian Chile Meat/Meat Alternate 2 oz. ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable WW Crackers 1 oz. eq Grain Milk 1 cup Milk Not Reimbursable Meal 74
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 4 Answer Carrots ½ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Hamburger on a WW Bun 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate 1.5 oz. eq Grains Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk 75 Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 5 Answer Hummus 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate WW Pita 1 oz. eq Grain Black Bean Salad ½ cup Legumes ¼ cup Other Vegetable Reimbursable Meal 76
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 6 Answer Fish Taco 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate WW Tortilla 1 oz. eq Grain Cole Slaw ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Not Reimbursable Meal 77
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 7 Answer Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable WW Spaghetti and Marinara 1 oz. eq Grain ¼ cup Red /Orange Vegetable Fresh Orange ½ cup Fruit Reimbursable Meal 78
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 8 Answer Whole Grain-Rich Roll 1 oz. eq Grain WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz. eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Not Reimbursable Meal 79
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 9 Answer Grapes ½ cup Fruit WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate 1 oz. eq Grains ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Reimbursable Meal 80
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 10 Answer Chicken Stir Fry 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate ¼ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Brown Rice 1 oz. eq Grain Reimbursable Meal 81
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 11 Answer Chicken Caesar Salad 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate Vegetables ½ cup Dark Green Vegetable ¼ cup Other Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk 82 Reimbursable Meal
K-8 OVS Lunch Speed Round 12 Answer Grapes ½ cup Fruit WW Spaghetti and Meat Balls 2 oz. Meat/Meat Alternate Grains 1 oz. eq Grains Vegetables ¼ cup Red/Orange Vegetable Milk 1 cup Milk Broccoli ¾ cup Dark Green Vegetable Reimbursable Meal 83
The School Day Just Got Healthier Toolkit is a collection of resources including brochures, fact sheets, FAQs, fliers, school lessons, templates and much more, to help prepare everyone for the changes to school meals this school year. Toolkit day/default.htm 84
Thank You Post Assessment Evaluations Sign in sheet 85
National Food Service Management Institute