Third Grade Curriculum Night
Please leave all school supplies on your child’s desk and I will have the students help me put everything up on Wednesday. Thank you! WELCOME TO SUPPLY DROP- OFF!
Eleventh year of teaching at John Stewart, but overall seventeenth year of teaching (Grades 1, 2, and 3) I have a Master in Teaching through The University of Houston Mr. John Ahearn (630) x 125
Final semester of student teaching at Northern Illinois University. I will assist Mr. Ahearn through the beginning of December. Mrs. Amanda Siakel (630) x 125
● Student ID # and Password sheet ● Check Konnect on a weekly basis ● If you lose your password, please contact the office. Konnect
Our main goal is for your child to grow throughout the entire school year. Each child will be consistently assessed to find their current ability levels. They will be instructed at their level so as to insure that they have success as they master each new concept and skill. Students will have an opportunity to work at their own level in the following areas: 1.Reading 2.Writing 3.Math individual concepts and skills 4.Math facts 5.Word Study Growth
★ Math - 8:55-9:55 ★ Power Half Hour - 10:00-10:30 ★ Lunch/Recess - 10:45-11:30 ★ Specials - 12:05-1:05 ★ Language Arts - 1:05-2:30 ★ Science/Social Studies - 2:30-3:15 Schedule
★ Math ○ Students will have passwords for IXL and My Math ○ Homework packets will be given weekly ○ Parent letters will be sent out at the beginning of each unit ○ Post tests will be sent home after the end of each unit ○ First 6 weeks we will be reviewing addition and subtraction ○ Following weeks will be spent on multiplication and division Curriculum Information
★ Science ○ Students will be switching classes, with the exception of Mr. Ahearn’s class which will be piloting the new science standards ○ Mrs. Hartkopp will be teaching Health ○ Mrs. Thatcher will be teaching the Human Body ○ Mrs. Weigt will be teaching Water ○ Mr. Wolf will be teaching Magnets and Electricity Curriculum Information
★ Writing ○ Narrative Writing ○ Informative Writing ○ Opinion/Argument Writing Curriculum Information
★ Reading ○ Whole Group ○ Small Group ○ Independent Practice Curriculum Information
★ Social Studies ○ Communities ○ Immigration ○ Geography ○ Environment ○ U.S. Government Curriculum Information
Daily from 12:05 – 1:05 A: Music & P.E. B: Music & P.E. C: Computers D: Art E: Literacy & P.E RECESS & LUNCH: 10: :30 Library Book Checkout: B days at 1:05 – 1:25 Specials
● No food policy-District or PTN cannot provide food ● No food sharing ● Snacks must be healthy ● Peanut allergies ● Water bottles allowed-with a lid or spout Food
Be Ready. Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Classroom Expectations
Compliment Party – Any student can earn a Knight Ticket from any teacher or staff who notice great behavior. There will be a class reward every time the class reaches a predetermined goal. The goal will increase after each successful attempt. Individual –Students can receive extra privileges (extra library time, lunch in the classroom with a friend, etc.) every time they reach a personal goal. Rewards
● Sign up for a parent/teacher conference in the Multi-purpose room ● Volunteer on Sign-up Genius ● Review the Student Information sheet for any errors, then initial and return to the office or classroom teacher ● Visit the Gym for Information Booths Reminders: