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Carbohydrates Provides energy Two types Simple -> Sugars Found in refined sugars (Ex. white sugar in a sugar bowl) Complex -> Starches Found in grains (Ex. Bread, rice, crackers, pasta, ect) Refined = removed nutrients and starches (Ex. White bread, white rice, ect) Unrefined = keeps nutrients (Ex. Whole grain bread, brown rice, ect)
Fats Stores energy Three types Unsaturated Good for heart health Found in olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, albacore tuna, salmon, ect Saturated Too much = raised cholesterol and higher risk of heart disease Found in animal products, such as meat and ect Trans Added to extend shelf life Too much = raised cholesterol and higher risk of heart disease Found in margarine and ect
Protein Builds, maintains, and replaces tissue In beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes Makes up most of muscles, organs, hair, nails, ect Two types Complete -> contains all 9 essential amino acids Incomplete -> Missing one for more 20 amino acids Body produces 14 Rest from food
Fiber Moves food through digestive system May protect against gut cancer and constipation Filling with no calories May lower cholesterol and risk of heart disease Found in whole grains, fruits (apples, oranges, bananas, berries, prunes, and pears), vegetables (green peas, artichokes, baked potatoes with skin, and legumes), nuts, ect
Vitamins Many types Vitamin D Builds strong bones and teeth Helps absorbs calcium Found in milk, fish, liver, ect Vitamin A Helps eyesight (night vision, color) Helps fight infections Found in orange (carrots, sweet potatoes, ect) and leafy green vegetables (spinach, collards, ect) Vitamin E Protects cells from damage Important for red blood cells health Found in whole grain, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds, ect
Minerals Helps body grow, develop, and stay healthy Two types Macro minerals Need a large amount Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfur, ect Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth Found in dairy products, certain seafood, certain vegetables Iron helps deliver oxygen to your body Found in meat, seafood, whole grain, ect Trace minerals Only needs a tiny bit iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, selenium, ect
Water Makes up more than half your weight Used in many chemical reactions in body Used/ found in Blood Lymph Digestive juices Perspiration To get rid of waste
Bibliography are-vitamins-good-for-your-kids