Heredity and reproduction Grade 2 Big Idea 16: Heredity and Reproduction TOPIC XIII: The Life Cycles of Plants and Animals
Benchmarks Big Idea 16: Heredity and Reproduction SC.2.L.16.1 Observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies. Cognitive Complexity: Moderate Big Idea 1:The Practice of Science SC.2.N.1.2 Compare the observations made by different groups using the same tools. Cognitive Complexity: Moderate SC.2.N.1.5 Distinguish between empirical observation (what you see, hear, feel, smell, or taste) and ideas or inferences (what you think). Cognitive Complexity: Moderate
Lesson Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Observe and identify major parts of a seed. Observe the germination and growth of a bean seed. Observe and measure the bean plant seedling as it grows and changes into an adult plant in terms of stem growth and number of leaves. Explain the major stages of a flowering plant and how it grows and reproduces. Identifies and explains the life cycle of a butterfly, frog, and mealworm. Identifies and explains the life cycle of a bean and peanut. Explain the major stages in an animal’s life, how it grows, and reproduces. Key Vocabulary: life cycle, stages, egg, larva, caterpillar, pupa, adult, young, froglet, germination, temperature, seed, seed coat, food storage, embryo, seedling, flower, fruit
Life cycle: formative assessment Pre - assessment for background knowledge
Life cycle of plants Plants have different life spans, but most leave behind seeds for new life Engage: Click on each living thing to see the life cycle (interactive) Click on Discovery Ed. hyperlinked video: Life cycle of plants. Discuss.
Life cycle of a sun flower Explore: Copy this slide for students to cut and put in order.
Life cycle of a sun flower Check your work! 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 4. Evaluate: From: A Seed in Need pdf p. 9
Seed Poem Engage: From: A Seed in Need pdf p. 3
What do seeds need to grow? Seeds need: - water - air - proper temperature Seed Germination What does a seed need to grow? Explore and Explore: Using Trade Books in Science: A Seed in Need Inside a Seed Activity: Learn all about seeds!
Parts of a seed Explore/explain: Give students soaked lima beans seed to observe with hand lens. Point out the baby plant and its food storage.
Animal Life Cycles Engage: Click on Discovery Ed. hyperlinked video: Animal Life Cycles to introduce animal life cycles.
What is a life cycle? Every living thing grows through its own life cycle. They give birth to offspring like themselves, who grow, mature, reproduce, and then finally die. Let’s learn more about the life cycles of living things. Explain
Life Cycles Hunt: Evidence of Life Cycles around You Let’s look at a organisms are at different stages in their life cycle. By observing their current stage, predictions can be made about their next stage of development. Explore and Explain: Click on Discovery Ed. hyperlinked video: Life Cycles Hunt: Evidence of Life Cycles around You
Life Cycles of Insects Animals that change their appearance during growth undergo metamorphosis. That's just a long word meaning "to change shape.“ The change that occurs when an insect egg hatches and grows into an adult is called metamorphosis, meaning to change in form. Click on hyperlink: Life Cycles of Insects
Insect Life Cycle Most insects go through metamorphosis, or changing form, in four stages of development. During the larva stages, insects eat almost constantly. Adult insects lay eggs hidden in various places for protection. Explore and explain: first watch the video: Insect Life Cycle Create a foldable: Pasta Lifecycle: Use pasta to show the lifecycle of a butterfly. Use cavatelli for the caterpillar, small circles for the eggs, shells for the chrysalis and bow ties for the butterfly. Glue them onto a piece of construction paper folded into 4 parts. Draw arrows to define the stages of the lifecycle. Have students label each phase
Let’s Explore Life Cycles Explore: have students complete the Discovery Ed. interactive: Life Cycles for Lily Plant and Alligator Evaluate: Have students write down their response to What is the same about the life cycle of the lily and the alligator? What is the same about the life cycle of the lily and the alligator? Explore: Click on the link to play games to learn about life cycles.
Life cycle: formative assessment Evaluate: Give it again as a post assessment.