2012 National FFA Program Revisions
Trends Alignment of AFNR (Agriculture Foods and Natural Resources) content standards to awards and recognition program areas – standardsv324609withisbn_000.pdf Increase rigor and relevance based on current needs of business and industry
Trends Expansion of Career Development Events –Veterinary Science (convention workshop 2011) –Agriscience Research Evaluation of skills - proficiency awards Capture instructional time for each pathway – American Degree The launch of the Agriculture Career Network
What’s Next? August 2011 –Revised handbooks released to general population School year –Revised formats and applications –National CDE revisions begin to take effect with some North Carolina changes National FFA Convention 2012 –All events delivered using revised rules and formats.
Agriscience Fair Revisions
Agriscience Fair New Categories –Animal Systems (AS) –Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems (ENR) –Food Products and Processing (FPP) –Plant Systems (PS) –Power, Structural and Technical Systems (PST) –Social Systems (SS)
Agriscience Fair Eligibility –Places in top 3 of category/ division, can no longer compete in that category/division
Agriscience Fair Extension of projects –Must be new research –Must fill out extension form –Only will be judged on research from current year –All documentation must reflect the new research
Agriscience Fair Pre-qualifying process –States must declare by June 1 –Written report and fair application postmarked by August 15 –Panel will determine top 15 in each category/division –Maximum of 360 exhibits –Report score will count for 25% of fair judging –Refer to pre-qualifying form
Agriscience Fair Required forms with report –Application –J-1 Certification –J-2 Certification –Project Extension (if needed) –Non-Human Vertebrate –Human Vertebrate –Checklist for Sponsor/Safety –Research Expenses –Hazardous Material –Research Plan Approval
Agriscience Fair Displays –Logbook Accurate/detailed notes of project –Display Stable and free standing Any objects within guidelines Size limitations –48” wide –30” deep –108” tall (floor to top) including table (36”) Nothing can be touching the floor –Interview Maximum of 15 minutes
Risk Management Essay For students who manage a small business through their SAE’s. Seeing a decrease in essays Top 10 get a trip to Washington –Teacher and advisor
Risk Management Currently under revision and will look different when done. –New rules next year Contest in the spring
Risk Management Lesson plans website –ffa.learn.com
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program People exposed to entrepreneurship frequently express that they have more opportunity to exercise creative freedoms, higher self-esteem, and an overall greater sense of control over their own lives.
Agri-Entrepreneurship Under “Programs” click on Agri-Entrepreneurship
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Revisions –State staff signature will be required –Applications will accepted from the chapters, but state staff signature will ensure that state staff is informed regarding applications from their state
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Who is Eligible? All FFA members with an Entrepreneurial SAE or who plan to start one (middle school through college) Multiple applications from states/chapters are accepted Only one chapter winner
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Participation 2006 – 69 applications, 24 states 2010 – 117 applications, 31 states 1 in 11.7 chance of getting $1,000 Program high in 2009 – 124 applications
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Award Amounts $150 for chapter winner $250 for state winner $1,000 for each of the 10 national winners $500 for the winner’s chapter
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Application Hints Weighted heavily toward business plan and financials Timeline Need to be projected into the future Marketing Failure to identify competition and how member’s business is differentiated from competition
Agri-Entrepreneurship Program Application and resource materials are available. ri-Entrepreneurship/Pages/default.aspx ri-Entrepreneurship/Pages/default.aspx Sample business plans Templates for balance sheets Templates for cash flow statements
SAE Grant Program Use to help start or improve a student’s SAE All FFA members in grades 7-11 –Included middle school –Primarily for financial need Animal Systems highest with Food Systems least Applications online at –Process starts September 1 st –Deadline November 15 th
Proficiency Addition
Agriscience Proficiency Transition of Agriscience Student Award/Scholarship Program –Teacher input and requests –Expansion of opportunities to recognize more students Same process and awards as technical proficiency
Agriscience Proficiency Phase in process –Only 3 areas for 2012 Animal Systems Research Plant Systems Research Other Research –Environmental Service systems/Natural Resource Systems Research –Food Products and Processing Systems Research –Power, Structural and Technical Systems Research –Social Sciences Research –Diversified Research (2 or more research areas)
Agriscience Proficiency Additional areas will be added –All contingent on funding and participation –Released by June 1
Agriscience Proficiency Application –Similar to technical application –Few pages different due to type of SAE (research) Research SAE summary page Research expense page Encourage to include biotech competencies Research information for documentation –MUST have expense page, abstract, procedure and conclusion for each research project
Proposed Career Development Events
Agriscience Research CDE New CDE –Currently in Framework Stage –Role-out Plan 2012 convention workshop for teachers 2013 trial event, each state may send 2 teams to participate 2014 full event with scholarships and awards Format –4 components
1.Pre-convention event –Team research project All 4 team members Research project done on local issue Report postmarked by August 15 Presentation of report findings to panel –15 minute presentation with 5 minutes of questions Agriscience Research CDE
2.Team Activity –All 4 team members work collaboratively –Research scenario Draw a scenario from the 6 categories 60 minutes to: –Identify appropriate research question –Develop research proposal 10 minute presentation 10 minutes for questions Agriscience Research CDE
3.Individual Practicum –Research Critique Completed by all 4 team members individually Presented with research report –60 minutes to develop critique »Methods »Processes »Conclusions »Recommendations Agriscience Research CDE
4.Knowledge Based Exam –All 4 team members will take individually –50 question multiple choice Agriscience Research CDE
Veterinary Science CDE New CDE –Currently in Framework Stage –Role-out Plan 2011 convention workshop for teachers 2012 trial event, each state may send 2 teams to participate 2013 full event implementation the national convention Format –4 components All four members’ scores count
1.Identification Activity –Written activity All 4 team members –50 High-level thinking questions Tools/Equipment Breeds Anatomy –ID list to be provided by comittiee Veterinary Science CDE
2.Team Activity –All 4 team members work collaboratively –Clinical Scenario –Example Develop a patient care plan for a type of animals (companion, equine, food, exotics on a rotation) Members assume a role –Vet, vet tech, vet assistant, receptionist Veterinary Science CDE
3.Individual Practicum –Math Applications –Health and Safety –Clinical Procedures Veterinary Science CDE
4.Knowledge Based Exam –All 4 team members will take individually –50 question multiple choice Veterinary Science CDE
Career Development Events
General CDE Revisions All CDEs aligned with AFNR standards Team activities - increased overall impact on total score and added process/teamwork score, where appropriate Four new events to use all four scores for total team score 1.Dairy Cattle Management & Evaluation 2.Milk Quality and Products (formerly dairy foods) 3.Forestry 4.Livestock
Agricultural Communications Number of team members will be decreased from five to three Changed the “communications proposal” to a “media plan” Media plan submitted electronically as PDF Practicums will be based on the main three areas of communication industry Actual activities in practicum areas will be rotated each year and teams will be informed of the specific activities by November after national FFA convention for the next year’s event Included more detailed descriptors in all scorecards Normalized scores are used to eliminate the inconsistency between practicum scores
Agricultural Issues Forum Portfolio deadline moved from September 15 to August 15; taking effect in 2011 Portfolios should be submitted with one staple or spiral binding; no binders, folders, sheet protectors, etc. Presentation scorecard – same point allocation, added descriptors Portfolio title stated in the form of a question
Agricultural Sales New event will be composed of three parts – Team Activity, Individual Sales Activity and Individual Written Exam Product(s) used in team activity and individual sales activity will be chosen by committee and released before convention in the team orientation packet and FFA website. Participants will not be selecting their own product for the individual sales call activity. Team activity consists of composing a pre-call plan for a variety of customer types and present findings to judges. Information and product(s) from the team activity will be used in the individual sales activity. Emphasis on rapport building and probing questions in individual sales activity.
Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Changed name from Agricultural Mechanics to Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Omitted industry/marketing system practicum and added electrical systems practicum Revised team activity rubric to include teamwork/process scores
Agronomy Updated regional crop list Incorporated a yearly rotation in the grain grading practicum. Grain grading scorecard will be crop specific and released before convention in team orientation packet. Updated weeds, crops and machinery identification lists
Creed Speaking Incorporated a consistent, detailed communication rubric for speaking events No major event changes
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation Changed name from Dairy Cattle Evaluation to Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation All four scores will count for total team score. Team activity – NEW –Dairy farm management scenario with problem identification and solution recommendations given by participants in a presentation to judges. –Presentation content and communication are evaluated Incorporated linear evaluation, pedigree and sire selection practicum into a team activity. Written test will have 50 questions: forty questions about dairy management and industry and ten questions utilize dairy herd record evaluation
Dairy Cattle Handlers Activity No activity revisions
Environmental Natural Resources Teams will be evaluated on their ability to work together in team activity. Changed annual practicums to consist of a writing exercise and identification (omitted global issues interview). Increased emphasis on writing exercise in the team activity as well as individual practicums. Soil analysis (replaced soil nutrient test) and soil profile practicums revised to include analysis of lab results and interpretation guides. Revised all scorecards to include more description and detailed rubrics.
Extemporaneous Public Speaking Incorporated a consistent communication rubric for all speaking events No major event changes
Farm Business Management Incorporate more diverse farms (i.e. orchards, vineyards) in the event problem Included team activity observers’ scoresheet to handbook. No major event changes.
Floriculture Added equipment identification list. Incorporating computers into event as a whole instead of having just one specific “computer skills” practicum as a rotating option. Incorporated “Potting of Plant Cuttings,” “Asexual Propagation of Plants” and “Pinching Plants” from individual practicums to the “Growing Procedures” rotational practicum.
Food Science and Technology Customer inquiry activity will be replacing customer complaint letter activity. Food safety/sanitation practicum to include more than just photos in the situations (e.g. videos, written scenarios, etc.) “Difference testing” changed to “flavor identification” practicum; same activity, different name Updated list of aromas (deleted peanut butter and almond) Included more detailed descriptors in the team product development scorecard
Forestry All four scores will count for total team score. Timber cruising changed from a rotational individual practicum to an annual individual activity Equipment identification changed from an annual individual activity to a rotational individual practicum. Updated tree identification specimen list (added 14 specimens to list). Updated equipment identification list (added 4 items to list). Updated tree disorders identification list (added 2 items and deleted 4 items on list).
Horse Evaluation Identification classes changed from team activity to individual activity Team activity – NEW –Part 1: Practical Application Activities –Part 2: Team Scenario and Presentation
Job Interview Utilize electronic/online job application instead of paper forms. The telephone interview has been changed to an “initial telephone contact” where the participant will be contacted by the company’s human resources department to set up interview time, ask clarifying questions, etc. All scores from preliminary round will be carried over for participants advancing to the final round. Incorporated a scenario-based, impromptu networking activity (i.e. career fair, mixer) for top eight participants in final round Included more detailed descriptors in all event scorecards
Livestock Evaluation All four scores will count for total team score. Team activity – NEW –Assessment and solutions on a live animal class (all team members work together) –Market Scenario Activity – 2 team members work together (randomly selected at event) –Genetic Scenario Activity – 2 team members work together (randomly selected at event)
Marketing Plan Creating an event guidebook for the marketing principles that are essential to the event and industry. Additional 3-5 minutes (depending on round) of question and answer time about general marketing. Separated written plan and presentation score cards; included more detailed descriptors in the scorecards
Meats Evaluation and Technology Team activity – NEW –Includes four scenario-based team practicums chosen from handbook examples each year. Updated event scan forms
Milk Quality and Products Name Change: Milk Quality and Products Adopted positive scoring Eliminated milker part identification activity Added cheese property characterization to the cheese identification activity Added fat content identification Team activity to include acceptability tests on raw milk with verbal presentation addressing results, impacts and improvement methods.
Nursery/Landscape Phase 1 – Team activity is the same (scenario and presentation), but has different general themes: –Promotions, start up business plan, consulting, customer service, service-learning or community involvement Phase 2 – Team Skills Challenge – NEW –Includes more application/hands-on activities Eliminated landscape drawing activity and assessment/solution activity. Increased overall event activity focus on commercial, residential, public and recreational use of nursery and landscape principles (including interiorscapes and turf grass)
Parliamentary Procedure Written exam will be changed to the Society of Agricultural Education Parliamentarians (SAEP) accreditation exam Included more detailed descriptors in the minutes scorecard Updated “Form 2 – Team Score Sheet” Teams advancing to the semifinal and final rounds will complete a short parliamentary procedure scenario outlining a practical problem instead of the secretary’s minutes. Minutes will still be presented in the preliminary round.
Poultry Evaluation Class name changes Split further processed poultry meat products into two classes – boneless and bone-in classes. Expanded classes 8 and 9 to include 15 eggs for exterior quality grading and evaluation criteria
Prepared Public Speaking Incorporated a consistent communication rubric for all speaking events No major event changes