Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms. Rudd’s Class 5D Room 23
All About Me Born and raised in Michigan..Go Blue! Undergraduate degree In Elementary Education from Siena Heights University. Michigan certification grades 1st -8th. Virginia certification k-6. Master’s in Integrated Technology in Education. Taught Middle school and high school in Michigan from 1996-2001. Taught 5th grade in Cape Town, South Africa from 2001-2004 at the American International School. Ashburn Elementary from 2004-present.
Standards of Learning Writing SOL assessment in March – two parts Reading, Math and Science SOL assessments in May Science will consist of 4th and 5th grade concepts
Attendance It is important that students attend school regularly. If your child is absent, please send in a note explaining the absence. The number of days absent will be the number of days allowed to make up the missed assignments.
Why is homework assigned? Homework is an important tool for reinforcing what has been learned in school. It also prepares students for upcoming lessons, fosters responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits.
Homework Policy Homework will be assigned every night except Friday (exceptions may occur). Homework should not take more than 45-60 minutes to complete (exceptions may occur). Students are not allowed to call home for missing assignments. Students are expected to read for twenty minutes (TO-WITH-BY) and practice math facts every night. It is not graded, but it is checked for effort, completion, and neatness. ***The grading can take place during presentations or formative assessments. ***
What are your child’s responsibilities? Students should complete homework assignment every night as neatly and correctly as they can. All assignments should be completed in pencil, unless assigned otherwise. All work should be completed and turned in by the due date, which will be written in the student’s agenda and on the homework assignment sheet. Information can also be found on the class web page.
What are the teacher’s responsibilities? Check homework assignments everyday for completion or the lack thereof (gaps in knowledge) Re-teach or enrich/extend objective(s) Homework alerts will be given for missing assignments (require a parent signature) Send extra resources home for additional practice
What are your responsibilities? Set aside time every day when homework should be completed Monitor the work that is being completed and don’t be afraid to push for neatness (pride) Resist the urge to take over when you see imperfection! (Ex: projects) A little assistance from you goes a long way toward ensuring your child’s future success Signatures in the agenda are required every night for this month (unless a pattern occurs) If you need additional resources at home, please feel free to ask!
Balanced Literacy We will be following the “Writer’s Workshop” and “Reader’s Workshop” model. English/Language Arts is embedded into both workshops. We will also work with Focus Poetry to help build frameworks for reading and writing. Each student are required to keep a Writer’s Notebook, a Reader’s Response Journal, a Focus Poetry book, a Writing Journal, and a ELA/DOL Folder. All of these materials will be used to help your child become a proficient reader and writer.
Science Sorry… no book Lots of hands-on activities and projects Various learning styles Students will be required to keep a Science Journal to help them prepare for the SOL Review vocabulary and concepts on a daily basis
Mathematics Students are required to keep a Math Journal and are expected to practice their facts daily Students will demonstrate their knowledge across various levels (with an emphasis on verbal communication and applying their knowledge and understanding to the real world). Rule of thumb: Have your child teach you what they learned in math class.
Quizzes & Tests Quizzes and tests are usually given on Fridays, but are sometimes given Wednesday or Thursday. We usually do some review in class the day before, but students need to study at home as well. Students will receive interactive study guides at least 5 days before a test. Quizzes will have study guides, if it is appropriate. There will be no pop quizzes
Homework Alerts Students will receive a homework alert for missed homework assignments. 1 Alert = Verbal Warning 2 Alerts = No choice at Recess 3 Alerts = Parent Call/Email More than 3 Alerts = Office Referral
Behavior Alerts Students who have been verbally warned for inappropriate behavior, yet continue to disrupt instruction or not follow classroom/school expectations will receive a behavior alert. 1 Alert = No Choice at Recess and Parent Signature 2 Alerts = Reflection Time and Parent Email/Call 3 Alerts = Office Referral
What can parents do to help? Partner Up Let’s work together as a cohesive team. I can’t do my job unless I have your support! Each day, talk with your child about school. Simple questions and informal dialogue can go a long way in regards to your child’s educational journey. Volunteer Sign-up sheets are available now. Your little is a lot! Donations Extra notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, glue sticks, stickers, construction paper (all colors), and donations for our prize box.
Email: cara.rudd@lcps.org Communication-Communication works for those who work at it”-John Powell Email: cara.rudd@lcps.org If you have not signed up for email with me, please do so. Newsletters Email blasts (“Chalk Talk”) Thursday Folder Written notes Conferences Call and leave a message at the front office “Speak when you are angry-- and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever forget.” Dr. Laurence J. Peter
FYI… Snacks Please keep snacks as a snack not as a meal. Please keep them as healthy as possible. ABSOLUTELY NO PEANUT SNACKS. Please remind your child no sharing of snacks
Thank you for coming and I look forward to a great year!