Shopper Training
2 Welcome to BuzzMart One-stop Online Shopping Electronic Approval Workflow Quantity and Cost Receiving Better, more efficient Procure to Pay Tracking How We Shop Suppliers we Use Who Approved the Purchases How we Received the Purchases
3 Shopper Class Agenda Overview Information –BuzzMart Roles Training Information Hand-on Shopping (Order of Precedence) Punch-Out Items Catalog Items Non-Catalog Items –Receiving Process
4 BuzzMart Roles SHOPPER Find items and Create Shopping Carts Use Forms to procure Non- Catalog Items and Services Assign Shopping Carts to Requester Receive Items in BuzzMart SPEND AUTHORITY Review Requisition Details Determine if Items are appropriate for Project FINANCIAL APPROVER Review Requisition Details Determine if funds are available for purchase Approve/Deny PO- related Invoice match exceptions REQUESTER Can Shop as well Enter Project and Accounting Details Assign Approvers Receive Items in BuzzMart
5 Access to BuzzMart Roles: Shopper Security and Access is determined by the Department Effective February 21, 2011, if you are pre-authorized as a Shopper, you will receive access to the Shopper Role within 48 hours of completing this Tutorial If you are not pre-authorized, Complete the Access Form found the Business Services website –Get your Supervisor’s signature and fax the form to Business Services
6 Campus User Access Access BuzzMart from TechWorks Training Resources
7 Key Policies Segregation of duties: Requesters and Approvers are not allowed to approve their own requisitions Catalog items <$3000 will not require Financial or Spend Approvals –Spend Authority will review <$3,000 catalog purchases during month-end report or via PI Confirmation Non-Catalog items of any amount and all purchases and services >$3,000 will require Financial and Spend Approvals Vendors on PO’s cannot be changed for invoice payments –Requester must cancel the PO and resubmit with new vendor
8 Key Policies All PO’s over $3,000 will require a BuzzMart Receipt –Cost Receipt or Quantity Receipt –PO’s less than $3K can be received in BuzzMart, but not required for payment PO-related Invoices that do not match the PO will require approvals to pay – 3 reasons for this match exception: –Invoice states a different price –Invoice states a different quantity –Items need to be received in BuzzMart NIGP codes must be add on all Non-Catalog purchases to designate the commodity –Ex: Electronics, Architectural Services –Ex:60071-Multi-function Office Machine
9 Key Policies BuzzMart Change Request form can only be submitted for Non- catalog/Non-contract on PO’s –Journal Entry Transfers or Electronic Cost Transfers will be used for all catalog orders that require accounting and/or funding changes Campus Users should encourage vendors they use for planned purchases and services to complete a vendor profile form to become an available BuzzMart vendor Pcard remains a viable tool to utilize when vendors are not hosted in BuzzMart Individual departments may have unique requirements that further elaborate these policies
10 Go Live: Top Vendors (based on volume of transactions) Post Go Live: Additional catalogs added on regular basis Catalog Suppliers Agilent Technologies Bio-Rad Laboratories CDWG Dell Marketing DIGI KEY Fisher Scientific Grainger, Inc. HD Supply Facilities Maintenance Hewlett Packard Lenovo Newark US Eurofins MWG Operon Qiagen, Inc. Sigma Aldrich Southeast Link Services Southeastern Paper Group Southern Computer Warehouse Staples Thor Labs, Inc. Troxell VWR International Zep Sales
11 Questions/Feedback Business Services: Your Strategic Services Partner!