1 TEAM Marketing Patricia Pitrolo, President & CEO B radley Strategies LLC M.E. Yancosek Gamble Yancosek Gamble, LLP, West Virginia State Director
2 Introduction Today’s shoppers are seeking Convenience, Entertainment, and Customer Service.
3 Convenience 75% of all married couples aged 20 to 55 are made up of two, full-time working spouses. They don’t have the time or desire to drive a long distance to a regional mall, cross a 400 ft. parking lot, and go through the entire mall or a 100,000 sq. ft. super store just to make a couple of purchases. If your business hours are 9-5, you are marketing to the unemployed.
4 Entertainment Family time is very limited today. The growing trend is to mix time together as a family with shopping chores. Children aged 4-12 influence more than $165 billion in spending in the U.S. 17% of family income is spent on children.
5 Customer Service Busy consumers want good customer service. This has always been an area of strength for small businesses. Not only will this keep existing customers, it is a great “hook” for capturing new customers. 68% of customers leave because of indifference, rudeness or lack of service. 92% of those customers will not come back.
6 Overview 1.Tips for developing TEAM Marketing. 2.Specific Retail Promotion ideas.
7 How do we TEAM Market? 1.Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of participating businesses. A good promotional activity can bring shoppers to the door. But once customers cross the threshold, it is up to the merchant to offer the products and services people want.
8 How do we TEAM Market? 2.Anticipate Sales Cycles and develop targeted activities. It is much easier to get consumers to buy more when they are already planning specific expenditures. Get customers to think of your TEAM Market first when planning to shop!
9 How do we TEAM Market? 3.Develop partnerships. Similar businesses. Related businesses. Other organizations.
10 How do we TEAM Market? 4.Develop “Joint Advertising” Campaigns. Groups are in a much better position to negotiate “deals” with TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers. Joint Advertising makes it possible for small businesses to afford greater advertising opportunities.
11 How do we TEAM Market? 5.Recognize and Reward current and potential customers. Consumer loyalty is a thing of the past. You must give customers a reason to select your business. 56% say reward programs influence their purchasing decisions.
12 How do we TEAM Market? 6.Make shopping downtown entertaining. Package the “entertainment” experience for shoppers. More and more Americans are taking mini- vacations (day trips). Shopping is the most popular activity for all U.S. travelers. (Travel Industry Association)
13 How do we TEAM Market? 7.Include “Kid Friendly” activities. Kids are future shoppers. Creating these positive experiences will help build long- term commitment to the commercial district and enhance a “sense of community.”
14 How do we TEAM Market? 8.Use “Value-added promotions instead of sales. Think of the way cosmetics promote “gifts” with a purchase.
15 How do we TEAM Market? 9.Complete a post event assessment. Take time to determine what you did right, what you did wrong, and what you can do better next time.
16 TEAM Marketing Ideas Anticipate Sales Cycles and develop targeted activities. 1.Valentine’s Day 2.Mother’s Day 3.Father’s Day 4.Back to School 5.Holiday Season
17 TEAM Marketing Ideas Develop Partnerships Christmas Festival 1.Parade 2.Christmas Concerts 3.Tree Lighting Ceremony 4.Historic Tours 5.Carriage Rides 6.Coupon booklets
18 TEAM Marketing Ideas Develop “Joint Advertising” Campaigns 1.Television Commercials 2.Radio remotes 3.Newspaper ads 4.Web links 5.E-Newsletters 6.Brochures 7.Flyers 8.Postcard promo
19 TEAM Marketing Ideas Recognize and Reward current and potential customers. 1.Customized Recognition Gift Certificates 2.“Frequent Shopper” program 3.Student Passport 4.Senior Citizens Discount Day
20 Customized Gift Certificates Customers can purchase individually designed Gift Certificates to recognize birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, weddings, etc. Companies can purchase these for achievements and employee rewards. Businesses can customize Gift Certificates for specific promotions.
21 Frequent Shopper Program When making purchases, customers present their Frequent Shopper card. Program can be organized to: Give an immediate discount. Stamp or punch hole in card. After 5 purchases – get % off next purchase. Enter customer in drawing.
22 Student Passport Created specifically for students. Significant savings offered by participating businesses. Minimal cost (egs. $3 each) Get a group within that school (band, student government, etc) to sell. They get to keep the entire amount as their fundraiser.
23 Senior Citizen Discount Special weekly discount day. Special event targeted to senior interests – health, continuing education, recreation, travel, etc.
24 TEAM Marketing Ideas Make shopping downtown entertaining. 1.Holiday Preview or Open House 2.Lunch in the Store 3.Men’s Shopping Night Out 4.Fashion Show 5.Taste Events
25 Holiday Preview & Open House Invite shoppers to a festive evening of shopping prior to a peak shopping season. Provide incentive (special gift) with purchase only available that evening.
26 Lunch in the Store Do you have many office buildings or downtown workers? Offer sandwiches and beverages in your store the first Wednesday of the month. Invite downtown workers. This will encourage lunch- time shopping.
27 Men’s Shopping Night Out Establish a Gift Registry for wives. Send special invitations to their husbands for a Men’s Shopping Night. Free gift wrapping, wine, hors d’oeuvres.
28 Fashion Show Partner with complementary businesses. Can be evening or during lunch for downtown workers. Can be partnered with Men’s Shopping Night Out.
29 Taste Events Death by Chocolate Weekend. Chocolate Lover’s Fantasy. Art of Dessert. Taste of My Town. Wine Stroll.
30 TEAM Marketing Ideas Include “Kid Friendly” activities. 1.Children’s Christmas Shop 2.An Evening with Santa & Mrs. Claus 3.Story Hour 4.Poster or coloring contests 5.Educational tours
31 Children’s Christmas Shop Tables are set up with items $10 or less. Parent’s sign in children. They must be signed out before they can leave. Time limit for shopping. Parent’s are encouraged to shop while they are waiting.
32 Evening with Santa & Mrs. Claus Partner with local library or organizations. Can be held before or after Christmas parade. Take pictures of each child. Get home address to mail picture and add these names to data base. Give each child a gift from local businesses. Encourage parents to shop.
33 Story Hour Sponsored by local businesses partnering with library. Encourage parents to shop. Limit time so parents can only shop locally. Give children gift certificates to local stores.
34 Poster or Coloring Contests Sponsored by local businesses. Provide gifts from participating businesses. Display all entries inside businesses.
35 Educational Tours Approach schools and youth groups. Tour of historic downtown buildings. Visit newspaper office, courthouse, police & fire stations. Creates positive memories of downtown.
36 TEAM Marketing Ideas Use “Value-added promotions instead of sales. 1.Free gift with purchase 2.Christmas Cash 3.Jingle Bell Sweepstakes 4.Dinner on the Store
37 Christmas Cash For every $2 in purchases, customer receives one ticket to be entered in a drawing for $200 of “Downtown Batesville Christmas Cash.” Winners announced during live radio broadcast at 7:30 a.m. M-F in December. Winners have until 8 p.m. to claim Christmas Cash. Unclaimed cash rolls over to very last drawing during which tickets are drawn until there is a winner.
38 Jingle Bell Sweepstakes Tickets distributed with purchases between October and December. Entered to win large cash prize plus variety of other prizes. Winner is picked up in limo and driven to pick up prize.
39 Dinner On the Store Recognize special customers (frequent shoppers, customers who have made a particularly large purchase, etc.) with a coupon for a free dinner at a local restaurant. You can work out a deal with the restaurant in advance to purchase these coupons at a reduced rate or trade a Gift Certificate at your business.
40 Summary Today’s shoppers are seeking Convenience, Entertainment, and Customer Service. Understand how to Team Market. TEAM Marketing Ideas are limitless.
41 Where to Get More Information Contact Patty Pitrolo at Training / Service Topics Financial Management Marketing Personnel Planning