SUMMARY 1 video strategy test_520y0 Overall, none of the five potential new positionings successfully achieved the action standard of superior purchase interest versus the control. The control generated both definite and positive line interest as high as ANY of the potential concepts. This holds true for both the Gummy and Chewable forms of Complete This is also true among category users AND among Flintstones Users While the concepts did not enhance the basic brand appeal as measured by the control, they all successfully achieved their communications objectives. Relative levels of perceived main point communications were in line with objectives of the proposed concepts Vit D Calcium Pediatricians #1 choice Partnership with Vitamin Angels – helping underprivileged children and saving lives Continued…
SUMMARY-continued 2 video strategy test_520y0 While none of the potential new concepts demonstrate greater strength than the control does, there is nothing to suggest that they are do not represent appropriate vehicles for Flintstones communications. Among them, “#1 Pediatrician Recommended” appears to be the strongest idea and may, over time, support a strong(er) position for Flintstones. It, along with Vitamin Angel, added most to positive perceptions of the Brand Similar patterns were noted among ALL moms, among category users and among brand users. It was also among the most relevant positionings Attribute ratings noted many strengths and virtually no weaknesses for #1 Pediatrician Recommended versus the other concepts and the line shot (Control). This is especially true among category users, which may represent a competitive opportunity. There were no discernible weaknesses of this concept among Flintstones users, suggesting little risk of alienation with this message.
SUMMARY-continued 3 video strategy test_520y0 The “Vitamin Angel” concept successfully communicated the Brand’s socially responsible initiative to help children in need. This effort added to positive perceptions of the Brand. It was the most unique Made it a Brand to Trust However, it was not as relevant as other messages nor did it translate into higher purchase intent or strong attribute ratings. Rather, it appeared to be more of a “nice to have” than a driver of purchase. Interestingly, Chewable interest was lowest when positioned behind this concept. Whether the concept featured Flintstones Complete Chewables ONLY or whether it both Chewables AND Gummies did not have a discernible impact on the appeal of Chewables OR interest among either Chewable or Gummy users. One positioning (Vitamin D) was executed as a chewable ONLY concept and a chewable plus gummy concept. Chewable interest was virtually as high when paired with gummies as when it was shown by itself.