Local Food Marketing David Lamb SAC Food & Drink 25 th March 2013
22 Consumer Issues - Trust Source: IGD ShopperVista, January 2013
33 Consumer Issues – British Food Base: IGD Shopper Vista - All main shoppers Feb 2013
44 Consumer Issues – UK Farming Base: IGD Shopper Vista - All main shoppers Feb 2013
55 Consumer Issues – Local Food Base: IGD Shopper Vista - All grocery shoppers Feb 2013
66 Consumer Issues – What’s the answer?
77 Labelling – make it clear
88 Sourcing – making it clear
99 Community Retailing Retail Environment Customer Service Local Foods –Added Value options Producer Profiles What is local – maps, messages and ethos Unique Selling Point –What are people looking for? –Why do they come –What do they buy Repeat Customer
10 Think Local The Think Local project has been in development over a number of years, looking to bring together initiatives on local food and drink in Scotland In October 2012, Rural Affairs & the Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead announced that the proposal would receive £2.5m in funding over 3 years. Effective delivery commences in April 2013, with a focus on 5 streams –Added Value –Farmers’ markets and events –Local food retail –Regional development –Collaboration SRUC receives £1m, of which over half is delivered to sub-contracted delivery partners
11 Think Local Think Local has specific delivery objectives –Increase turnover in Farm Retail by £20m –Create 25 new businesses in local food and drink –Increase the number of events in food and drink fortnight to 300 –Create 6 thriving food and drink networks –Reducing food and drink poverty in 5 of Scotland’s urban areas –Developing community food and drink retailing in 5 of Scotland’s rural areas –Delivering 9 new applications for Protected Food Name status –Delivering 5 Showcase events for local and regional food 2014 will be a focus for delivery, with a target for local food inclusion at the Ryder Cup, Homecoming Scotland and the Commonwealth Games
12 Think Local – Community Food Fund In addition to the £1m core funding, £1.5m will be committed to fund additional regional and national initiatives –Homecoming Scotland will receive £250k to support the inclusion of local food and drink at events across Scotland –Projects can apply for funding, which will be assessed on a quarterly basis from April 2013 –Applications will open in March 2013, with guidance available online –Projects will receive up to £50k per annum –Support will be allocated based on proposed and actual achievement of stated outcomes, which should be aligned to those of the overall project
13 What will happen next ? Base: IGD Shopper Vista – May 2012
14 What should you be doing? Be honest about what is in your food Be clear where it comes from Let consumers know how and where it is produced Listen to consumers Realise that right now, all consumers are interested in their food
15 Thank you