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Procure to Pay Process
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Role Descriptions Shopper Shop for items Requester Shop for items Submit Requisitions Approver Shop for items Approve Requisitions Return Requisitions Receiver Receive items in OK Corral
Supplier Descriptions Preferred Suppliers: Preferred suppliers that provided special pricing and incentives to the OSU and A&M systems. Punch-out suppliers: Suppliers that provide discounted contracted pricing on their website, which is then returned to the OK Corral. Hosted Catalog: An electronic form of a suppliers catalog with their pricing featured in the OK Corral. Non-Catalog item: any item that is not directly available through a contract or hosted supplier within OK Corral.
Shopping Basics Shop Name Your Cart Assign/Submit Your Cart
Log Into OK Corral airs.okstate.edu/training
The username in the top banner contains My Profile and access to shopper and requester pending actions. Users can access their profile by selecting the drop- down menu. The username also gives Shoppers and Requesters access to My Pending Requisitions, My Recently Completed Requisitions, and My Recently Completed Purchase Orders.
My Profile options are grouped by similar task in a single user profile menu.
My Bookmarks allows users to bookmark pages that are used most often. Navigate to the page you would like to bookmark, then click Bookmark This Page to create the bookmark.
Action Items are located in the top banner. Clicking on the action items takes the user to the appropriate area to complete the needed action(s).
Notifications lets you view your notifications. Newer notifications are highlighted. Clicking on a notification will navigate you to the appropriate screen to take needed actions.
By clicking on the icon you can view you cart preview that shows the items in your cart as well as your cart total. You can also proceed to checkout by clicking the Checkout button.
Quick Search lets you search for various documents from anywhere in the OK Corral. Clicking the drop menu lets you search using specific items (Invoice number, PO number, etc.).
Types of Invoices: Electronic – Electronic invoices from catalog vendors. Manual – Paper invoices which will have to be entered manually into the OK Corral. < $50,000: Department enters the invoice in the OK Corral (If Accounting receives the invoice, they will enter the invoice in the OK Corral if all information is available). Department should scan all invoices and attached to the invoice created in the OK Corral. > $50,000: Accounting will enter all invoices. INVOICING PROCEDURES
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