Let’s Move For 60 #MakeNoLittlePlans
“People grow where they’re accepted.” - Bob Goff
As we set our goals for this school year, it is important to see how we can REACH THEM ALL.
1. 60 minutes of movement. 2. Great Eating choices. 3. Measuring and improving FITNESS levels throughout the school year. MAKE A HEALTHIER YOU!
Let’s Move for 60 at school, at home, and in our community.
H ere in Community O n Mission W ith Character
Go to Spot Warm-ups Lesson Activities Clean up & Line up
Perform exercises: 25 jumping-jacks 15 sit-ups/crunches 15 knee raises 5 squat jumps 5 Laps
Active Bodies lead Active Minds Let’s move ! Your task is to complete a variety of exercises within the first 5 minutes….Here is your task:
There are 5 expectations.
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Helpful
Be Active
Be Patient
The Time Out areas are used: Thinking Resting Reflecting Reviewing Expectations
C- onversation ( voice levels) H- elp (raise hand, ask someone) A-ctivities (teacher teach or student M-ovement ( personal or general) P-articipation (individual and/or team) S-uccesses ( check-offs)
Injuries Anytime there is an injury: We stop playing Treat the injury Injured area will be the stage area
Restroom/drink Breaks Get Permission One person at time
Drills Fire Tornado/earthquake Lockdown
How will I know about my performance?
The appropriate clothing is:
The last activity before ‘clean up-line up’ is called “HOME SHOPPER”. Be aware of WHERE you are moving.
Muscle and Bone building activities: 1. Exercises 2. Games 3. Sports
Go to Spot Warm-ups Lesson Activities Clean up & Line up