PCS Champions The when “everything is fine” appointment
Has this happened to you? A family is in your office, you offer them the metaphor images and ask “Choose an image that best represents family meal time”. After looking through the images, mom selects the green traffic light and states; “we all eat very well, my kids eat everything we give them, especially vegetables.” What do you say next?
What’s the Difference??
What To Do??
The Business of Selling “Stuff”
Drip or Instant?
2 time around
Selling a Product Nescafe had a product to sell, with what a benefit – Instant coffee Now they knew what the feelings of their target population were To sell their product they would have to improve their image
60 years later Instant coffee is well accepted
Selling in WIC?
Projective tools
A Means to an End…Not the End Itself Ask yourself, do I know her attitudes and feelings about nutrition, feeding or breastfeeding? You need to know this BEFORE you can ask about diet…the tool is your START of D
Projective Techniques in ACTION
During Your ABCDE ABC (E)…Child has cavities, but no other concerns.
Tell Me More… Mom: “We’re just so busy, I feel like we’re always on the go.” You: “How does that impact what he eats?” Mom: “We are always eating in the car, and a lot of things that are easy.”
Continuing with D You finish your D assessment using your ABCDE Guide and you learn: – He is on a cup – He drinks 1% milk – He doesn’t drink juice, but they buy Gatorade from Costco and he has at least one per day. – He is a bit picky, won’t eat vegetables – Regular meals and snacks – He sometimes takes a vitamin
What Nutrition Education is Best? A) “Some moms find that mixing Gatorade with water works. How dose that sound?” B) “Some moms have found that when they let their little one pick the vegetables at the store or for dinner that evening, they eat more. Would that work?” C) “I can share some tips for healthy foods and drinks on the go. Would that be okay?” D) “Some families find going to the Farmer’s Market helps get their kids excited about veggies.”
Important Tips for GTHM Introduce the Tool for Success – Stick to nutrition (except for the doors) “How do you feel about…feeding time, eating, mealtime, breastfeeding.” – Focus on Feeling….Not Thinking Remember Nescafe! – Transition to the Tool from the Lab “Its good to know everyone is healthy. I’d like to get a better idea of mealtime at home. Pick a picture that best describes how you feel…”
What Went Wrong? A) “I’d like to get a better sense of how you feel about his eating.” B) “Pick a picture that best describes how you feel…” C) “About how he’s been doing lately.” D) “Help me understand how this describes how you feel.”
But when you STILL get “Everything is Fine”
Has this happened to you? A family is in your office, you offer them the metaphor images and ask “Choose an image that best represents family meal time”. After looking through the images, mom selects the green traffic light and states; “we all eat very well, my kids eat everything we give them, especially vegetables.” What do you say next?
Your next step… A) Wow, it sounds like you really provide great meals for you family. B) That’s great they enjoy vegetables! So what type of milk does your family drink? C) That is fantastic! Would you share with me a little more about meal time so I can share your success with other families? D) Sounds like you have meal time down. Do you also offer your kids vitamins?
Still looking for the next move? But you still want to know more, this awesome mom has it down and you really haven’t learned much about their typical meal. Next move Open Ended Questions!
Open Ended Questions Uncover their concern with out holding a spot light over your client. Probing is great, drilling will shut down the session.
Affirmations Affirm mom on her successes. Affirmations can lead uncovering more information or potential for behavior change. – “Sounds like you are doing great things, thank you for sharing this information with me. I know other families will be interested in hearing about your successes as well. Tell me if you could improve one thing about your family’s (eating habits, activity level, health) what would it be?”
“Others have said” We use “other moms” or “I have heard from other families” often during our sessions. Stories from the front lines. – When others have experienced the “Everything is Fine” appointment
Stories from Arizona WIC I had a family of 3 kids re-certifying. Mom has total of 6 kids all together and she is a full- time student. I acknowledge her situation with the busy schedule she must have. I ask her how she manages getting the perfect snack and meals planned and how she normally plans her shopping trip because that’s when the household shopper considers everyone's likes and dislikes.
Stories from Arizona WIC “Well it is so great that everything is going well. Your child seems very healthy and happy. Please take a moment and think about what you feel is the next step to better health for you or your family” The first time I was nervous that the client would say nothing, but most of the time they will reply with some change. An example is a client said she wouldn’t give anymore white bread. Another said to get outside and play with the kids more often. Then this leads into more discussion and opens things up a bit, discuss barriers to this change. After that I may ask “What is the most important reason for you to do this?”
Stories from Arizona WIC I have experienced this appointment. It mostly happens when mom’s don’t want to participate with the tools and they want to come in and out of the clinic. Some things that I try to probe with is “Tell me how you have gotten your kids to be such great eaters at mealtimes so that I can share your amazing secrets to her mom/parents that have issues/troubles?” “Is it ok if we follow up with how you and your kids are doing at mealtimes, with new foods, etc at next visit?” Sometimes this works and other times it does not. And when it does not work, I get stuck I could use more help with this type of appointment Up for any and all suggestions!
Stories from Arizona WIC I think we’ve all experienced this situation. Sometime by complimenting them on what they are doing right might start a conversation. “Everything is fine?” that’s great! What’s your secret so we can share with other families. Compliments should always be sincere but it always generates conversation when a mom is told her children are beautiful or well-mannered.
Questions or Comments
Next call May 15th Thank You!