WAC SURVEY AND STRATEGIC CONSULTING. 505 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, NY WAC SURVEY AND STRATEGIC CONSULTING. 505 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, NY Products and Services
WAC Survey Research Products and Services “A-P-PTest” ®-measures the impact of your TV Advertising and Product Placement efforts “SponsorTrack”®-tracks the impact of event sponsorship and in-movie or in- program product placements “EquiTrack’®-tracks the overall power and value of your brand to insure that your positioning strategies/marketing efforts are on-target “CommuniTrack”®-tracks the overall impact and effectiveness of your advertising campaign to determine if it’s doing what it’s intended to do “SatisfactionTrend”®-monitors customers’ satisfaction with your brand and provides critical signals indicating potential ‘defection’ “CRM PLUS”®-keeps you abreast of your customers’ up-to-the-minute response to your brands and services via ongoing online/IVR B2B surveys and dialogues “OptiConcept” ®-optimizes product concepts and existing brands using conjoint based applications “OptiPrice” ®-price elasticity/optimization measurement utilizing Discrete Choice to determine the best price-slotting for your brand “CommuniTest”®-commercial and print ad evaluation system so sensible you’ll ask “Why didn’t I think of that?” 3
“WACSSCI Mystery Shopper”®-THE most efficient way to assess the effects of in-store sales, promotional, service and marketing tactics on the consumer experience “OnlineAmerica”®-WACSSCI’s online interviewing system delivers accurate data more quickly-cost efficiently than other systems “OnlineInternational” ®-now you can conduct online research throughout Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and Australia “InboundAmerica”®-WACSSCI’s inbound 1-800# data collection system more cost efficient than CATI; excellent supplement to online data collection “InboundEurope” ®-WACSSCI’s inbound 1-800# data collection system lets you conduct cost effective phone studies in UK, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Benelux and Eastern Europe; excellent supplement to online data collection “MapTest”®-Turns perceptual mapping into an evaluative tool to inform whether advertising/marketing programs are performing at intended level. Excellent adjunct to tracking/communications testing WAC Survey Research Products and Services 4
Consumer and B-2-B studies International studies, including total capability to conduct full-scale, custom studies in all countries including China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Viet Nam, Hong Kong and The Philippines All data collection methodologies: Online, Phone, IVR (1-800 #), In-person, Mail Custom proprietary panel development for consumer and B-2-B research Customized d-base development (e.g., customer d-base segmentation and 'tagging') Full suite of multivariate analytic tools and applications Ethnographic studies Mystery Shopping Tracking (satisfaction, loyalty, brand, and advertising) Strategic positioning, brand equity, segmentation and competitive intelligence Advertising research effectiveness Web usability and interactive advertising tests Concept testing/optimization via conjoint, discrete choice and predictive modeling techniques Product testing and extended usage Pricing (elasticity, optimization, trade-off) “Buzz” and viral marketing measurement Product placement (tv, film, radio, music) effectiveness tests Name, package and logo testing Emotion and Personality Measurement Expert data collection and analysis among Influentials: Early Adopters, Innovators, Extreme Brand Loyal WAC Survey and Strategic Consulting WAC Survey is among the most versatile U.S. custom, full-service market research vendors, able to conduct any type of custom field- through-tab, or full service (analysis/detailed report) study:
WAC Survey and Strategic Consulting In addition to our versatility and comprehensive offering of full service market research products and services, what distinguishes WAC Survey from other custom vendors is our strategic 'road-mapping' and prescriptive capabilities: Our reports are detailed documents containing highly informed marketing and sales prescriptions and recommendations that are bottom-line oriented WAC Survey provides personalized service with project servicing and contact handled by executive level professionals rather than inexperienced, junior level analysts---as is the case with many other research vendors Our post-study relationships with our clients are consultative. We are there for you at all times after the study has been completed Principals have over 60 years combined professional market research experience. WAC Survey is now in its 20 th year. Let WAC Survey design, implement, conduct and manage your next quantitative research project: study and survey design, data collection, tabulations, analyses and final reporting. 2