Handheld Devices in the Classroom Kelli Hunter Alisha Keller Sarah Bartman
What is a Handheld? Handhelds -- also called handheld computers or personal digital assistants (PDAs) -- are small enough to hold in one hand and lightweight enough to carry in a pocket, purse, or briefcase. Several well-known companies, including Palm, Handspring, Sony, Casio, and Hewlett-Packard, manufacture the devices, originally designed to help businesspeople keep track of their contacts and appointments. Educators are beginning to see that the handy little gadgets can benefit students too, and handhelds are turning up in backpacks as well as briefcases. Handhelds -- also called handheld computers or personal digital assistants (PDAs) -- are small enough to hold in one hand and lightweight enough to carry in a pocket, purse, or briefcase. Several well-known companies, including Palm, Handspring, Sony, Casio, and Hewlett-Packard, manufacture the devices, originally designed to help businesspeople keep track of their contacts and appointments. Educators are beginning to see that the handy little gadgets can benefit students too, and handhelds are turning up in backpacks as well as briefcases.PalmHandspringSonyCasioHewlett-PackardPalmHandspringSonyCasioHewlett-Packard PDAs provide the one-to-one ratio -- one student to one electronic device -- that is necessary for true technological innovation in education, Walery says. School computer labs, even laptop computers, offer students only limited access. "By using handhelds, we can get technology to the point of learning, such as on the bus or on the athletic field.“ PDAs provide the one-to-one ratio -- one student to one electronic device -- that is necessary for true technological innovation in education, Walery says. School computer labs, even laptop computers, offer students only limited access. "By using handhelds, we can get technology to the point of learning, such as on the bus or on the athletic field.“
Why are Handhelds Useful? Instructional Tool -concepts, inquiry based learning Instructional Tool -concepts, inquiry based learning Organizational Tool- no lost papers Organizational Tool- no lost papers Motivation-motivates learning Motivation-motivates learning Convenience- can be used at home/at school, etc. Convenience- can be used at home/at school, etc. Communication-easy for parents/teachers to correspond and look at work Communication-easy for parents/teachers to correspond and look at work Technology Standards- “No Child Left Behind” Technology Standards- “No Child Left Behind” Simplicity- easy to use: allows teachers to spend time on content rather than software skills Simplicity- easy to use: allows teachers to spend time on content rather than software skillswww.willard.k12.mo.us/co/handheld/research.htm
Research Study Results SRI International's Center for Technology in Learning, a nonprofit research group, completed one of the first studies of handhelds in K-12 classrooms. The researchers surveyed more than 100 teachers who had received handhelds through Palm's Education Pioneers Program. The teachers taught at all grade levels and in all subject areas, including science, special education, physical education, language, math, and social studies. The results of the study, released in September 2002, were: SRI International's Center for Technology in Learning, a nonprofit research group, completed one of the first studies of handhelds in K-12 classrooms. The researchers surveyed more than 100 teachers who had received handhelds through Palm's Education Pioneers Program. The teachers taught at all grade levels and in all subject areas, including science, special education, physical education, language, math, and social studies. The results of the study, released in September 2002, were:first studiesfirst studies 93 percent of teachers believed the devices can have a positive impact on students' learning. 93 percent of teachers believed the devices can have a positive impact on students' learning. 72 percent said handhelds were easier to integrate into classroom activities than desktop computers. 72 percent said handhelds were easier to integrate into classroom activities than desktop computers. 75 percent of teachers who let students take Palms home reported an increase in homework completion. 75 percent of teachers who let students take Palms home reported an increase in homework completion. 89 percent of teachers said handhelds are an effective instructional tool. 89 percent of teachers said handhelds are an effective instructional tool.
What are the KINKS of Handhelds? Theft and Responsibility -where are they kept? Should students be able to take them home? Theft and Responsibility -where are they kept? Should students be able to take them home? Maintenance-Dropping/Breaking the device Maintenance-Dropping/Breaking the device Digital Divide -may not be equitable for all school districts Digital Divide -may not be equitable for all school districts Support-lack of tech support in the school and at home Support-lack of tech support in the school and at homewww.techlearning.com/db_area/archives/TL/2002/02/handheld4.html
Where can I find a Handheld to purchase? _9-0.html _9-0.html _9-0.html _9-0.html
How much does a Handheld cost and is there funding? Available $150 (Used)- to $1500 and up Funding can sometimes be difficult Districts can get funds by showing how technology addresses NCLB mandates More specific the proposal, more likely going to get the money Prove that you need the devices to meet the state standards, improving instruction, and improving on integrating technology wwww wwww wwww.... pppp aaaa llll mmmm.... cccc oooo mmmm //// uuuu ssss //// pppp dddd ffff ssss //// hhhh aaaa nnnn dddd hhhh eeee llll dddd ____ eeee dddd //// hhhh aaaa nnnn dddd hhhh eeee llll dddd ____ eeee dddd ____ ffff uuuu nnnn dddd iiii nnnn gggg.... pppp dddd ffff
Handhelds We believe that there are some drawbacks with using handhelds in the classroom, the benefits far out weigh the kinks. We believe that there are some drawbacks with using handhelds in the classroom, the benefits far out weigh the kinks. The Handheld devices lead students in the right direction and make every classroom technology savvy. The Handheld devices lead students in the right direction and make every classroom technology savvy.