Madame Tussaud
Communication Provide a uniform form of verbal and nonverbal communication Communicate to all levels of employment Provide up-to-date information on official website Enhance a happy atmosphere throughout the attraction
Integrity & Honesty Mystery Shopper Implement shoppers, every month, to evaluate customer interactions Improve production of self motivation and devotion to the company’s best interest Enhance a happy atmosphere throughout the attraction
Teamwork Key Performance Indicators Machines (KPI) Rephrase questionnaires to help improve teamwork performances Create innovation of ideas from different perspectives Enhance a happy atmosphere throughout the attraction
Survival of the Fittest Changing world + Change of Status Quo = Survival of the Fittest Adapt to the fast moving society such as “Going Green” projects Add value and improve company’s image Enhance a happy atmosphere throughout the attraction
“It is vitally important that we create the right atmosphere and our teams are committed to deliver happy, fun, and exciting experiences for all our customers; this is our number one priority.” Nick Varney CEO of Merlin Entertainments