July 12, 2010
Ordinary building materials transform from goods to real property.
General Rule – Secured creditor wins only if: 1. Perfected before the real estate interest is recorded,
General Rule – Secured creditor wins only if: 1. Perfected before the real estate interest is recorded, and 2. Perfected using a fixture filing [a financing statement that describes land and is filed in land records where land is located]
Special rule for purchase-money security interest – PMSI creditor can defeat a prior recorded real property interest if:
1. PMSI creditor perfected with fixture filing,
Special rule for purchase-money security interest – PMSI creditor can defeat a prior recorded real property interest if: 1. PMSI creditor perfected with fixture filing, 2. PMSI creditor perfected with 20 days of installation, and
Special rule for purchase-money security interest – PMSI creditor can defeat a prior recorded real property interest if: 1. PMSI creditor perfected with fixture filing, 2. PMSI creditor perfected with 20 days of installation, and 3. Real property interest is not a construction mortgage.
Perfected interest in crops defeats a real property interest.
Secured Creditor vs. Debtor
What is default? Not making timely payments.
What is default? Not making timely payments. Other conduct as described in the security agreement.
No judicial process needed. Self-help remedy [very rare in U.S. law]
Creditor does NOT need to give debtor notice before repossessing.
Limitation = No breach of the peace
Creditor’s choices after a proper repossession: 1. Sell the collateral, or 2. Strict foreclosure.
1. Notice of Sale
a. When requirement waived
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived ▪ 1. Perishable collateral
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived ▪ 1. Perishable collateral ▪ 2. Collateral rapidly decreasing in value
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived ▪ 1. Perishable collateral ▪ 2. Collateral rapidly decreasing in value ▪ 3. Collateral normally sold in recognized market
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice ▪ 1. Description of debtor and secured creditor
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice ▪ 1. Description of debtor and secured creditor ▪ 2. Description of collateral
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice ▪ 1. Description of debtor and secured creditor ▪ 2. Description of collateral ▪ 3. Method of sale
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice ▪ 1. Description of debtor and secured creditor ▪ 2. Description of collateral ▪ 3. Method of sale ▪ 4. Inform debtor about right to accounting
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice ▪ 1. Description of debtor and secured creditor ▪ 2. Description of collateral ▪ 3. Method of sale ▪ 4. Inform debtor about right to accounting ▪ 5. Time and place of auction or earliest date of private sale
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice ▪ 1. Description of debtor and secured creditor ▪ 2. Description of collateral ▪ 3. Method of sale ▪ 4. Inform debtor about right to accounting ▪ 5. Time and place of auction or earliest date of private sale ▪ 6. If consumer goods, explain debtor’s liability for any deficiency
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice c. When notice given
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice c. When notice given d. Who gets notice
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice c. When notice given d. Who gets notice ▪ 1. Debtor (unless waived after default)
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice c. When notice given d. Who gets notice ▪ 1. Debtor (unless waived after default) ▪ 2. Sureties
1. Notice of Sale a. When requirement waived b. Contents of notice c. When notice given d. Who gets notice ▪ 1. Debtor (unless waived after default) ▪ 2. Sureties ▪ 3. Unless collateral consumer goods, other creditors who filed, noted on certificate of title, or gave notice to creditor selling the collateral
2. Debtor’s Right to Redeem Collateral
a. Creditor not yet sell (or have contract to sell)
2. Debtor’s Right to Redeem Collateral a. Creditor not yet sell (or have contract to sell) b. Strict foreclosure has not occurred
2. Debtor’s Right to Redeem Collateral a. Creditor not yet sell (or have contract to sell) b. Strict foreclosure has not occurred c. Debtor has not waived right after default
2. Debtor’s Right to Redeem Collateral a. Creditor not yet sell (or have contract to sell) b. Strict foreclosure has not occurred c. Debtor has not waived right after default d. Debtor pays entire debt still owed
2. Debtor’s Right to Redeem Collateral a. Creditor not yet sell (or have contract to sell) b. Strict foreclosure has not occurred c. Debtor has not waived right after default d. Debtor pays entire debt still owed e. Debtor pays all creditor’s reasonable expenses
3. Standard of care for sale -- reasonable
4. May creditor purchase collateral? Yes, if public sale (auction). No, if private sale (unless no real debate on sale price).
5. Application of sale proceeds:
a. Creditor’s reasonable expenses
5. Application of sale proceeds: a. Creditor’s reasonable expenses b. Balance of debt
5. Application of sale proceeds: a. Creditor’s reasonable expenses b. Balance of debt c. Subordinate secured creditors in the same collateral
5. Application of sale proceeds: a. Creditor’s reasonable expenses b. Balance of debt c. Subordinate secured creditors in the same collateral d. Surplus (if any) to debtor
6. If deficiency, creditor sues debtor but is unsecured for the deficiency.
7. Creditor’s liability if not follow rules
a. Debtor’s actual damages
7. Creditor’s liability if not follow rules a. Debtor’s actual damages b. If consumer goods, at least finance charge (interest) plus 10% of principal
7. Creditor’s liability if not follow rules a. Debtor’s actual damages b. If consumer goods, at least finance charge (interest) plus 10% of principal c. Possible restriction on creditor’s ability to recovery deficiency
1. Debtor consents
Requirements: 1. Debtor consents 2. Notice to debtor and other creditors
Requirements: 1. Debtor consents 2. Notice to debtor and other creditors 3. No timely objection
Requirements: 1. Debtor consents 2. Notice to debtor and other creditors 3. No timely objection 4. Special rule for consumer goods if debtor has paid 60% of price – creditor must resell within 90 days of repossession