Chapter 5 Vocabulary Songs
Dissenter (Hokey Pokey) When you don’t follow the rules- When you don’t do what they say- When you just do your own thing- Every single day You are a big dissenter in a Puritan colony- They’re going to kick you out
Charter (Kit Cat Bar Jingle) Give me a charter- I need a charter- A charter gives permission to- Settle new land Give me a charter- I need a charter- A charter gives permission to- Settle new land
Stock (Oscar Mayer Weiner) Oh, I wish I bought some stock in that big company- That just means I bought a little piece- And if I bought some stock in that big company Some of the mon-ey it makes goes to me
Northwest Passage (Sponge Bob Square Pants) A shortcut to Asia is all that we seek North-west Pass-age A path that is quick for the trade-goods, you see North-west Pass-age Explorers searched for it - for years at a time North-west Pass-age They looked and they looked but they never did find North-west Pass-age North-west Pass-age (do do dee do do do tweet)
Pilgrim (You are My Sunshine) I am a Pilgrim A travelling Pilgrim I’ll make my jour-ney For my religion I’ll go to visit shrines I’ll go to holy lands I’m a travel-er with God on my mind
Puritan (3 Blind Mice) Puritan, Puritan They wanted to keep their religion pure The Bible they said was the only way The King of England, he argued with them Puritan, Puritan
Cash Crop (Happy Birthday) I am grow-ing cash crops I will sell my crops for mo-ney I am grow-ing cash crops I am grow-ing to-bacco I am grow-ing in-digo I am grow-ing cotton and corn too I am grow-ing cash crops “I got my crops on my money and my money on my crops”
Debtor (Oh,My Darlin’ Clementine) I’m a debtor, I’m a debtor I’ll be a debtor till I die I’m a debtor –cause I owe money Goin’ to Georgia -- start a new life I’m a debtor, I’m a debtor I’ll be a debtor till I die I’m a debtor –cause I owe money Goin’ to Georgia -- start a new life
Proprietor (On Top of Spaghetti) I am a pro-pri-etor My land is my own When settlers come here They set up their home I col-lect the rent from them I make all the laws I am a proprietor I am the land boss
Indentured Servant (Hard Knock Life-Annie) I’m an indentured (knock twice) servant Seven years until I’m free Then I’ll only work for me I am not your slave…… I will work just to pay you for my passage I will work just to learn a trade or skill I will work -hard -just to earn my freedom Go ahead and tally up my biiiiiiiiillllllllll I’m an indentured (knock twice) servant Seven years until I’m free Then I’ll only work for me I am not your slave
Separatist (Baa-Baa Black Sheep) Bye-Bye Separatist, must you go away Yes Sir, Yes Sir I will go today I will leave the Church of England I will make new plans I don’t like the King or how he gives the church commands Bye-Bye Separatist, must you go away Yes Sir, Yes Sir I will go today
Mayflower Compact (Old McDonald) The Mayflower Compact was their law (That is what they say) Aboard the Mayflower -Pilgrims signed (And promised to obey) Written rules –here Just laws – there Here a rule- There a law- Everywhere the rules and laws The Mayflower Compact was their law (That is what they say) Aboard the Mayflower -Pilgrims signed (And promised to obey)