CCH Practice Management & Beyond CCH Central Lee Bennett Nikki Ledic Liz Waterson
Agenda Introduction and product owner update CCH Practice Management – what’s coming CCH Central – future projects... Central database management 2
Who’s here Lee Bennett —Pre-sales product specialist Nikki Ledic —Senior Business Analyst Liz Waterson —Head of Professional Services 3
Who’s not here Savita Patel is the new product owner for —CCH Practice Management —CCH Document Management Ian Wilson is the product owner for —CCH Central —CCH Workflow —CCH Portal 4
CCH Practice Management – what’s coming Third quarter ing client invoices and statements Integration with CCH Document Management Licensing 5
ing bills For Bills we need to provide this option in 3 areas —Billing wizard —Bills Ready to Print —Billing tab It will convert to PDF and attach itself to the Will form part of merge module If you don’t have merge then we are thinking about still providing the option to convert the bill to PDF? 6
ing debtor statements For statements —Existing functionality allows you to produce and a single statement from the sales ledger screen —To do them in bulk we are proposing to add an icon to the group on the task bar available from the client search screen so you can produce a list based on an Advanced Search or Smart Reports Selection of debtor statement 10
Integration with CCH Document Management Will be developed in phases —Phase 1 Saving Bills direct to the Document Centre —Phase 2 Saving other documents – Tax & VAT receipts to the Document Centre —Phase 3 Using the Document Store to hold billing templates 12
Licensing The VPM licence ceased to work when the new licensing module was released in CCH Central This will now be re-implemented Still based on Live Timesheet users 13
Beyond CCH Central Opportunity management CCH Fee Protection 14
CCH Opportunity Management Allows you to track opportunities —New services to existing clients —Prospects Value of opportunity, stage of opportunity and probability will all be captured Win/Loss analysis reports and homepage controls will be available 15
CCH Fee Protection Managing your scheme Marketing your scheme 18
CCH Fee Protection – Managing your scheme The management of a fee protection scheme, whether full practice cover or client decide scheme, is a burden on your practice management and fee earning resource. For both types of scheme, the client declaration process, at renewal and throughout the year, is time consuming for you. You have to spend unnecessary time looking through files to identify which clients are on the scheme, which have paid and which are not covered. When an investigation arises, this adds to the complexity as you again have to check with your records and CCH have to qualify if the client is covered and if they are on your scheme. 19
CCH Fee Protection – Marketing your scheme Marketing the scheme is time consuming – it takes up too much fee earning and practice management time for the financial reward it delivers. It costs you money and you would rather not do it, but feel you need to own the relationship with your client. You also want to set the tone of the material and make sure it isn’t too ‘hard sell’. You do not have the marketing infrastructure in place to make the sales effort efficient 20
CCH Fee Protection We are working closely with our colleagues in Fee Protection to ensure these areas we have identified are covered. Phase 1 —Provide a scheme management module Allows the practice to manage which clients are on scheme Automatically calculates Premiums due and IPT Provides Reports to be submitted back to CCH Phase 2 —Integrate with Practice Management Allows bills to be generated for individual clients Allows bulk billing at renewal date 22
CCH Online Accounting Twinfield is now fully integrated with CCH Accounts Production Single sign-on Integrated access to Twinfield homepage Client record in Twinfield linked to client in AP Synchronisation of data —Chart of accounts —Detailed transactional data from Twinfield to AP —Adjustments from AP to Twinfield Drill down from AP to TB and transactional data in Twinfield Planned delivery Q
24 CCH Company Secretarial CCH is entering a partnership with BHIS to distribute Company Secretarial from 1 August pre-orders can be taken now Features: — Compiles and prints Companies House forms including annual returns; also other statutory records such as Stock Transfer Forms, Share Certificates and minutes of AGM and directors’ meetings — eFiles forms at Companies House saving on filing costs for paper forms — Downloads data from Companies House so that a new client can be set up from just the company’s registration number — Software support to be provided by CCH — Priced on number of companies created, e.g. around £900 pa for 100 companies